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The aim of this paper is to highlight the elegiac aspects of Apuleius' Metamorphoses. My discussion will argue that Apuleius presents his protagonist Lucius and the slave-girl Photis as an elegiac couple. A comparison with the story of... more
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      Ancient NovelApuleiusRoman Elegy
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      Ancient NovelPhilosophy of LiteratureLiterary TheoryApuleius
In this paper, I demonstrate how understanding animality throughout Apuleius' corpus illuminates his narrative technique in the Metamorphoses. I argue that Lucius' donning of an animal cloak and pretending to be a statue at Met. XI. 24... more
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      EthicsAnimal StudiesAncient NovelAncient Philosophy
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureAncient NovelDaphnis and Chloe
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      Ancient NovelSecond Temple JudaismPhilo of AlexandriaHellenistic Judaism
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      Ancient NovelGreek Papyrology
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    • Ancient Novel
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      Ancient NovelApocryphaTobitDeuterocanonical Literature
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
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      Fiction WritingSpanish Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanish Studies
This paper argues that the formation of an imperial polity is an important theme of the Historia Apollonii regis Tyri. The narrative develops in ways that mimic and celebrate the political conditions of the Late Empire, ending up with an... more
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      Ancient NovelLate Roman Empire
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      Ancient NovelAlexander the Great
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelAncient NarrativeLetteratura Latina
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelApuleiusLatin novel
Este trabajo parte de considerar anacrónicas las categorías de "novela antigua" y "novela romana", y de la inquietud por definir el género literario contemporáneo que guió la escritura de la obra. El autor propone leer Las metamorfosis... more
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      Ancient NovelApuleiusLatin novelLiterary Genres
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAncient Novel
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      Ancient NovelAncient Greek RhetoricAncient Greek Novel
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      PatristicsAncient NovelEarly ChristianityAncient Greek Novel
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”. Prolepsis' fifth international conference. “Prolepsis: Predicting, Anticipating, Foretelling from Antiquity to the Renaissance”.
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      Ancient NovelNarratologyApuleiusPetronius
Kolometrische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Die Gliederung in Kola macht die rhythmischen Strukturen und nicht seltenen Endreime sichtbar, die in der Übersetzung weitgehend nachgeahmt werden. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Mit ausführlichem Kommentar... more
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      HomerPlatoAncient NovelHistory Of Platonic Tradition
Die Gattung der sogenannten ,Buntschriftstellerei', der Aelians Werke De natura animalium und Varia historia zugeordnet werden, wurde bislang kaum zur Deutung des antiken Romans herangezogen. Anhand einer Analyse der Gartenexkurse bei... more
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      Ancient NovelAelianGarden HistoryAchilles Tatius
The thesis reviews the techniques employed by Latin authors up to the second century A.D. to report the spoken words and articulated thoughts of their characters. The study is principally devoted to continuous narratives of a fictitious... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelNarratologyLatin Epic
The article examines the life and career of Petronius’ character Trimalchio within the dynamics of centre-periphery interaction in the Roman world of the early Imperial period. Three possible viewing angles are identified, in which the... more
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryAncient Novel
Literary genres designed for instruction (didaskalia) often incorporate wonder- writing (paradoxography) to produce pleasure and enthrallment (psychagogia), thus compromising the truth and their educational value. In True Stories, Lucian... more
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      Ancient NovelAncient fictionParadoxographyAncient Greek Novel
Achilles Tatius' Leukippe and Kleitophon quotes Homer less frequently than other Greek novels, but it often refers to the epic tradition in a subtle and sophisticated way. A few intertexts suggest that gender issues (such as role... more
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      Ancient NovelGreek novelAchilles TatiusAncient Greek Novel
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAncient NovelApuleius
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelCultural IdentityIntertextuality
La publication récente du volume Apuleius and Africa 1 montre que le problème de la relation entre Apulée et sa terre d'origine est revenu au premier plan, recevant une impulsion nouvelle grâce à des enquêtes menées sous plusieurs... more
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      Ancient NovelApuleiusApuleius MetamorphosesCultural and Linguistic Identity
Монография посвящена исторической поэтике жанра метаромана, установлению его единой смысловой основы и границ варьирования его структуры в разные эпохи его бытования. История метаромана как жанра выстраивается начиная с его генезиса в... more
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      Genre studiesAncient NovelSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetafiction
This essay attempts to add its voice to the handful of scholars who have seen specific clues in Books 1-10 of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses which directly or indirectly point to the “surprise” Isiac ending.  The following pages suggest that we... more
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      HistoryAncient NovelApuleiusAncient Narrative
В сказочной истории любви Купидона и Психеи, самой знаменитой из вставных новелл романа Апулея «Метаморфозы», присутствуют отсылки к римскому семейному праву и упоминаются различные элементы традиционного римского бракосочетания.... more
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      ClassicsRoman LawAncient NovelApuleius
The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the Moon’s all-male society portrayed in one of the first episodes of Lucian's Verae Historiae is humorously 'more real' than the originals that inspire it and the society where the author... more
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      Second SophisticWomen's StudiesAncient NovelAncient Greek Literature
du récit de Psyché Livre IV, 28 Un roi et une reine avaient trois filles dont la cadette, nommée Psyché, était si belle que des foules entières de fidèles délaissaient les temples de Vénus et lui rendaient un culte. Mais Psyché ne reçoit... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelFolktalesApuleius
The aim of this book is to make the story of “Cupid and Psyche” from Apu-leius’ The Golden Ass accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Latin. The running vocabulary and grammatical commentary are meant to provide everything... more
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      Ancient NovelLatin Language and LiteratureApuleius
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      Ancient NovelXenophon of Ephesus
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAncient Novel
Romanii au recunoscut totdeauna prioritatea grecilor în literatură şi s-au considerat discipolii scriitorilor he-leni. Adesea ei au exagerat acest rol de precursori şi de modele al scriitorilor greci, neglijînd aportul original al... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelAncient Greek NovelAncient Greek and Roman Novel
Throughout Egyptian history, high-ranking Egyptian priests were the scholars responsible for the creation of the very material that constituted the core of Egyptian intellectual culture. During the first millennium BCE, and particularly... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptologyClassics
The Egyptian priest Kalasiris of Heliodoros’ Aithiopika is one of the most complex characters in the ancient Greek novels. While many studies have been devoted to him from the fields of classics and ancient philosophy, no in-depth... more
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      EgyptologyClassicsAncient NovelDemotic
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      Ancient NovelChariton
My master’s thesis, whose supervisor was Professor Silvia Mattiacci (University of Siena), is entitled Il patrimonio paremiaco nella “Cena di Trimalchione”: proverbi e modi di dire in funzione della mimesi linguistica in Petronio. Its... more
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      ProverbsAncient NovelPetronius
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      HagiographyAncient NovelLate Antique Hagiography
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      Ancient NovelApuleiusAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Narrative
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAncient Novel
îndeobşte autorii de investigaţii asupra romanului se încurcă în definiţia genului şi sfîrşesc prin a preciza că de fapt este imposibil a-1 delimita precis. Pînă la urmă se recurge la definiţiile din marile dicţionare, Littre sau... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelPetronius
El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación doctoral fue estudiar las construcciones de género en Metamorphoses de Apuleyo, es decir, los modos en los que la novela formula las relaciones entre lo masculino y lo femenino. Para ello, se... more
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      Gender StudiesAncient NovelMetamorphosesApuleius
Petronius and his models: on the poetics of the Satyrica
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      Ancient NovelPetroniusAncient fictionAncient Greek Novel
Le Metamorfosi di Apuleio sono ormai un classico, che si è guadagnato un posto stabile nei programmi di insegnamento sia liceali che universitari. Come ogni classico, questo romanzo può essere fatto interagire in modo estremamente... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelApuleiusAncient Narrative
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written... more
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      Ancient NovelApuleiusIsis Cult
Studio sui modi dell'influenza ovidiana sulle Metamorfosi di Apuleio. Al di là delle non numerosissime allusioni e riprese testuali, una lezione importante che Apuleio sembra aver imparato da Ovidio è l’uso di sottili metalessi per... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryAncient NovelEkphrasis