Ancient Navigation
Recent papers in Ancient Navigation
This is an updated version of my ‘Bibliography on Ancient Egyptian Shipbuilding, Seafaring, Harbours, and Navigation.’ The previous version was published in July 2022, and some two hundred entries were added to this list. I apologize if... more
This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum... more
Intelligent vehicles are replacing conventional vehicles because these offer many advantages. For such vehicles to work successfully, self position of vehicle is of utmost priority. Localization of intelligent vehicles covers lot many... more
Als Motto für die Ausstellung und das Begleitbuch wurde gewählt „Navigare necesse est“. Dieses Motto hat uns Plutarch (um 45 – um 125 n.Chr.) überliefert. Es geht auf den römischen Feldherrn Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106–48 v.Chr.) zurück,... more
Справедливы слова Геродота о том, что Египет – это дар Нила. Без плодородных земель нильской долины и речного судоходства, соединившего страну воедино, цивилизация Древнего Египта никогда не достигла бы своего небывалого расцвета.... more
We do not discover the sea ourselves, nor do we view it exclusively through our own eyes. We see it as others have seen it -in the pictures they draw, the stories they tell. We cognize and recognize it simultaneously.' 1 2 A. WHITTLE, '
Man has been sailing since ancient times, first on the great rivers of Mesopotamia and on the Nile, and subsequently venturing into the open sea. Particularly in the Mediterranean, history and navigation have developed together, allowing... more
En este trabajo se describe la construcción del Astrolabio Planisférico por los métodos geométricos que se utilizados en dos manuscritos españoles, que son: 1.- El "Libro Primero del Astrolabio Llano" incluido en el corpus de los "Libros... more
Waterways have been key factors in the development of societies from prehistoric times to nowadays, particularly due to their role as vectors for cultural interactions, material exchange, and transmission of knowledge. The fluidity of... more
"During the late Middle Age Mathematics and Geometry began to be used for navigational purposes, even if only in an empirical and experimental way. La raxon de marteloio (with its toleta, i.e. a board) is one of the first applications to... more
Este trabajo, es la introducción al estudio de las construcciones geométricas utilizadas en el "Libro Primero del Astrolabio Llano", que forma parte del corpus general de los "Libros del Saber de Astrología", que hizo recopilar el Rey... more
Istoria statelor din Peninsula Scandinava. Nu sunt coautor.
O artigo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo uma análise do Imaginário Romano do Oriente no século I E.C.. Pretende-se fazê-la a partir de trechos retirados do texto anônimo intitulado “O Périplo do Mar Eritreu”, o qual narra portos,... more
An interdisciplinary study that draws together geography, historical navigation data, and eyewitness accounts into a comprehensive picture of one of the world’s great rivers. This ground-breaking view of the navigational landscape of... more
I recenti scavi della Missione archeologica a Mozia della Sapienza nella Zona C hanno individuato il primo stanziamento fenicio, con una serie di pozzi e l'Edificio C8, i cui resti fotografano i momenti iniziali di vita della colonia... more
История развития древнего водного транспорта насчитывает многие тысячелетия, но, к сожалению, археологические находки древних лодок очень редки. К тому же, не всегда удается сохранить находку для музейного хранения и экспонирования,... more
La vela quadra (il cui nome non è strettamente indicativo della forma, che poteva essere anche rettangolare) identifica in assoluto la principale attrezzatura velica dell'antichità, pur essendo documentate anche altre tipologie veliche,... more
The article concerns the nautical contents emerging from the text of the Acts of the Apostles 27-28, dedicated to the voyage of Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) from Caesarea of Palestine to Rome (60 A.D.). This text is one of the most... more
We referred to the Ancient Greek text 'Periplus of the Red Sea', which consists in a valuable information about all the coastal countries of the 'Red Sea' (Erythra Thalassa in Greek), a geographic term that in the Antiquity denoted the... more
Miguel Cabello de Balboa, hombre de armas reconvertido en hombre de fe, dejaba constancia en 1586 del origen mítico de los habitantes del valle de Lambayeque, en el norte de Perú. Sus escritos referían sobre Naimlap, gobernante... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra de Piteas de Marsella, primer explorador del NO de Europa, que vivió en el s. IV a.C. Astrónomo y geógrafo, compuso una obra "Sobre el Océano", conservada de modo muy fragmentario, en la que... more
A contribution to the SEA project edited book on ancient African Navigation. A summary of known ancient African navigation feats, a study of the possible ways by which Ugandan Tin reached Central Europe. A ground breaking discovery on... more
RESUMO: Análise de questões relacionadas com as estratégias de povoamento das comunidades que habitaram o(s) território(s) da Serra da Arrábida no decorrer do “Bronze Final”. A investigação focou-se nas áreas da Serra da Arrábida e da... more
The Archaeology of ships in the Red sea and Indian Ocean lags behind other areas in the world.
Panoramica storico-archeologica sulle idrovie, le imbarcazioni e la navigazione lungo fiumi e canali padani in età romana, dalla costa adriatica fino alle regioni più interne della Cisalpina. An archaeological and historical view on the... more
The dugout canoes discovered in the neolithic site of La Marmotta (in the waters of Lake Bracciano) are among the oldest in Europe. This article discusses the second dugout – named La Marmotta 2 – recovered in 1998. After analysis of the... more
Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines... more
More than 50 shipwrecks have been identified in Greece's Fournoi archipelago, making it the Mediterranean's largest known concentration of ships lost while under way. This paper examines how these vessels came to sink in a relatively... more
Основу двадцать первого выпуска «Херсонесского сборника» составляют статьи, которые касаются находок, открытий и древностей, связанных с Крымом и, в первую очередь, с территорией древнего Херсонеса и его округи в античную и византийскую... more
To Madeleine and Kie, for the time we shall never recover v Acknowledgements I am grateful to many people for help, both direct and indirect, in seeing this dissertation through to completion. First and foremost is Prof. Joseph Carter, my... more
1. Navigating on the Danube, from Ptolemy the son of Lagus to Neacșu of Câmpulung. The year 2021 marks the 500 anniversary of the moment when Neacșu of Câmpulung wrote his letter, which many specialists considers to be the earliest... more
New information about the river navigation on the Hebros/Maritsa river in Antiquity and about Philippopolis (Plovdiv) as a river port in the 2nd – 3rd centuries AD according to numismatic data Lubomir Vassilev (Abstract) This... more
This study focuses on the Periplus of Pseudo-Skylax, a controversial document from the late fourth century bc. Despite diverging views on its date and authorship, scholars agree this text could have derived most of its information from... more
The naval transport of stone in antiquity maintains some queries about its various aspects: professions involved; type, shape and capacity of ships; specific harbour infrastructures and equipment; navigation in the passages between sea... more
"""Ship 17 of Thonis-Hercaleion is the first vessel from the submerged city of Heracleion-Thonis in Egypt yet excavated. The peculiar constructional features of this ship, which dates to the Late Period (664–332 BC), allow us to argue for... more
Recent approaches to landscapes, islandscapes, and seascapes have highlighted the multivocal, interactive, multi-sensorial, and, most of all, deeply social nature of human engagement with them. Unfortunately, due to a perceived or real... more
From the discovery of the famous Ljubljana cargo ship of sewn construction onwards, excavated in 1890/1891 at the site of Brezov log near Lipe in the Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana Moor), other important remains of capable watercrafts came... more
Основу двадцатого выпуска «Херсонесского сборника» составляют статьи, которые касаются находок, открытий и древностей, связанных с Крымом и, в первую очередь, с территорией древнего города Херсонеса Таврического и его округи. Ряд статей... more
The ancient rudder: assessment and perspectives
The portolani (pilot’s books) are technical-nautical documents that essentially differ from those who in antiquity are well-known as periploi, that instead form part of geographic literature (periplographic). Accepting the dating of this... more