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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
India has a rich and ancient tradition of building cities, monuments, towers, dams, bridges, reservoirs, step-wells and other civic infrastructure besides beautiful temples and palaces. Some of the present day highways are aligned on... more
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      ArchitectureSanskrit language and literatureHistory of civil engineeringAncient India
Indus inscriptions hold the key to unlocking the history of pre-Iron Age India and all Indo-European peoples but remain undeciphered for over a century. All prior attempts have been partial, unsatisfactory and unfalsifiable. We decipher... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Indo-European LanguagesSanskritAncient myth and religion
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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      Ancient HistoryRoman LawAncient Near EastHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
Joint paper describing the results of scientific research and conservation on an important group of first century Indian ivory and bone furniture ornaments excavated at Begram and stolen from the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionMaterial culture of religion
The Vedas tell us that the gods (deva in Sanskrit) reside within the mind. But since physical reality is also experienced as a construction of the mind, therefore, one may see the Vedic gods in the physical space and its relationships.... more
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      History of JapanVedic Cosmology and CosmographyVedic StudiesAncient India
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      Sanskrit language and literatureAtharvavedaMarriage (History)VEDA
Discuss the site distribution and settlement/ subsistence pattern of Palaeolithic Age in India
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      HistoryIndian ancient historyPaleolithicIndian History
Dasarata Jataka este una dintre variantele cele mai vechi ale mitului despre Rama. Buddhiștii au simplificat la maximum povestirea, mutând accentul în domeniul etic, spre vremelnicia tuturor lucrurilor. Ea apare în șirul „vieților... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient ReligionJatakasAncient India
This paper catalogues and analyzes a group of 84 late Mauryan period coins which appeared on the market. Based on their consistent typology, patination, and state of preservation, these coins were likely discovered together as a hoard.... more
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      Ancient HistoryNumismaticsIndian ancient historyAncient Indian coins
Abstract: The clash between the Rig Vedic Indo-Aryans, the Pre-Rig Vedic Indo-Aryan tribes, and the Harappan civilization can be described as a world-historical dialectical conflict, in which the sovereign dominant culture subjugates the... more
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      HinduismHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)BrahmanismSacrifice
Misrakesi a 'ganika' from Ujjaini lands in Patlipura to avenge the suicide of her sister for which she holds Acharya Chanakya responsible. However, instead she is co-opted as a spy in the service of the State. My review of Sumedha V... more
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      Intelligence and EspionageMauryan EmpireAncient India
Śvetāśvatara is a more recent classical Upaniad, belonging to the line of Ka Yajur-Veda. Nevertheless, the text has always been regarded as one of high authority, being commented upon even by important authors, such as... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyIndian ancient historyAdvaita Vedanta
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      Sanskrit language and literatureVEDAAncient Indiaearly Buddhism
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      HinduismComparative ReligionCultural StudiesPsychology
The paper seeks to explain a difficult passage in Strabo’s Geography (II. 1. 1–20 C67–77), which is devoted to Hipparchus’ objections against Eratosthenes’ conclu-sions about the latitudinal position of India. It is argued, among other... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of Geographic ThoughtAncient GeographyStrabo
'Textos de História da Índia Antiga' é a tentativa de produzir uma nova coletânea de textos sobre a história indiana, centrada em seus períodos mais antigos. Minha primeira iniciativa, mais extensa, redundou em 'Cem textos de história... more
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      Indian studiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndian ancient historyOrientalism
Detailed summary of the article entitled : “L’élimination des vieillards et des malades : regard grec sur les sociétés des  confins de l’oikoumenê”
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      EthnographyAncient EthnographyAncient Greek HistoryHerodotus
Do you have interest in Hinduism? Love the real old and Ancient Books Specially in Hindi pdf format. Then you are at absolutely right place. You can get here free Hindi Books to Download in PDF. We have a lot of book, some of which are... more
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      Hindi LiteratureHistory of ScienceAncient ReligionIndian ancient history
Sten Konow and some other scholars have talked about the presence of some Goths in India in the 2nd Century AD, in this article we see that they were actually Gutians/Goths who lived in the Caucasus, not north of Europe.
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      Germanic linguisticsIndian studiesIndo-European StudiesGothic Studies
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      ArchaeologyBuddhist StudiesPsychedelicsBuddhist Iconography
What does the landscape described in the Nāṭyaśāstra look like? How does it compare with the landscape described in, for instance, the Mahābhārata? Can a reading of Bharata’s Nāṭyaśāstra in 2019 still yield clues about its spatial origin?... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyHistory of IndiaIndian ancient history
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      ArchaeologyStrategy (Business)Central AsiaCultural Astronomy
Abstract : this study, which first aim was to demonstrate correspondences between Gaulish and Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, allowed me also to establish, on the basis of genetical, archaeological and religious... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
Syllabus for HIST 3300 - Ancient Civilisations (3-0).
A survey of the civilizations of the ancient world until the 4 th century AD. Coverage will have an emphasis on the non-western civilizations of Mesopotamia, India, China, and Iran.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastAncient PersiaTeaching History
In Indian history, spying on citizens is as old as Rigveda. The system had developed as an intricate and sophisticated administrative science. Aphorisms like “spies are kings’ eyes” reflect an Indian tradition going back many centuries.... more
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      History of IndiaIntelligence and EspionageIndiaIndian subcontinent
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      Greek LiteraturePlutarchAncient PersiaAncient Greek History
The Āpaddharmaparvan, 'the book on conduct in times of distress', is an important section of the great Sanskrit epic the Mahābhārata which, despite its significance for Mahābhārata studies and for the history of Indian social and... more
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      ReligionHinduismHistory of ReligionDidactics
The astronomical dating of the Rāmāyaṇa to 12209 BCE by Oak is based on his claim of the shifting of lunisolar months from the seasons due to precession. Oak has claimed that a shift of one month occurs relative to the seasons every 2,000... more
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      IndiaAstronomyIndian HistoryRamayana
Since ancient time, the relationship between the Guru(teacher) and the student (hisyo) has always been considered as an integral part of Indian sport. Indian games & sports reached a peak of excellence when Buddhism held sway here. In... more
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      SportsGamesAncient India
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology Vol. 5, No.4 (2018) 76-81

For further works on Ancient India see _Ancient India: An Introductory Bibliography_ in the Teaching Documents section below.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastIndus CivilizationIndus Valley Civilization
Discuss the site distribution and settlement/subsistence pattern of Mesolithic Age in India
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIndian ancient historyIndian History
Ancient India is known for its contribution in the development of arts, science, civilization and humanities. The research refers to some of the Ancient Indian sites and scriptures to understand the design thought process and the... more
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      Design thinkingAncient India
Multitudes of theories have been put forward by many scholars to explain the core design of Ujjayani Symbol, attributing to the city of Ujjain. Dr. Bhaskar Chattopadhyay in his book ‘Coin and Icons, A Study of Myths and Symbols in Indian... more
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      SymbolismAstronomyAncient IndiaAncient Indian History
В статье анализируются сведения источников, касающиеся ранней формы государства (общины–государства), прежде всего – в древнем Египте и Месопотамии. Выяснены причины раннего формирования общин–государств в долинах южных рек. Анализируется... more
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      Ancient HistoryIndian ancient historyAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern History
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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Ancient India is a vast subject with an equally large number of published works available. The following is not a comprehensive bibliography of the subject, but an introduction to some of the general introductions to Ancient India, as... more
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      Indian studiesBibliographyIndian ancient historyIndus Civilization
"The Book of Karna" relates the events of the two dramatic days after the defeat of the great warriors and generals Bhishma and Drona, in which Karna - great hero and the eldest Pandava - leads the Kaurava army into combat. This first... more
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      ReligionHinduismAsian StudiesIndian studies
From the beginning to 20th century A.D an even now, Indian Ocean has been crucial part of the history of Indian subcontinent and other countries surrounding it. The Indian ocean has a rich history of trade, migration and has also been... more
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      BuddhismHistoryIndian Ocean HistorySri Lanka
A famous legend in ancient Indian literature tells how a king named Śibi saved a dove which, chased by a hawk, sought refuge in the king's lap. When refuge was given to the suppliant dove, the hawk wanted its prey back from the king, who,... more
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      BuddhismHinduismGreek LiteratureHellenistic Philosophy
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Ancient HistorySouth Asian StudiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndian ancient history
This is an answer written for the Delhi University semester examinations. I hope that this may be useful to other students who will appear for the Second semester examinations in future.
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      Indian ancient historyMauryan EmpireAshokaAncient India
This chapter addresses the question of who was the legendary King Vikramāditya, a title used to describe many kings ruling over a large span of time in ancient India.
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of IndiaIndian ancient historyIndian iconography
A detailed Historical account of one of the most visited but now Lost temple of Ancient and Medieval India
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      ArchaeologyTravel WritingMedieval HistoryHistory of India
There are around 48 tribes mentioned in RV but the most important seem to be few in number, perhaps less than ten.The tribe of Turvasas is certainly one of the very few tribes which seemed to have enjoyed importance, if not success.... more
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      Indian ancient historyAncient Indian ArchitectureIndologyAncient India
Punch Mark Coins (PMCs) of Gandhara Janapada rank amongst the earliest, and most ancient, if not THE earliest, coins of India. They are of a peculiar 'bent-bar' shape. This article traces its origin, shape, weight standard and why it... more
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      Ancient Indian coinsAncient IndiaGandharaAncient Indian History