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Certainly spells exist against hail, against a wide range of diseases, and to treat burnssome even of proven effectiveness … and arrows pulled from a body, provided they have not touched the ground, are powerful aphrodisiacs if placed... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryRoman ReligionWomen
In this article I review the many prior interpretations of Herodotus' description (9.85) of the tombs of the Lakedaimonians at Plataia and consider the implications for our knowledge of Spartan burial customs. This is a polished draft of... more
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      Herodotus, Thucydides, and HistoriographyAncient SpartaGreek burial customsAncient Greek and Roman Burial Customs
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      Ancient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsAncient Phokis
Thasos et la mer Noire aux époques classique et hellénistique: 'grandeur et décadence' d'un circuit économique. Thibaut Castelli From the tower of Kronos to the island of Achilles: placing Leuce in the Greek conception of heroic... more
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      Greek burial praticesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyApollonia Pontica
In ancient Greece, heroic figures were known for performing magnificent feats of skill and bravery and while they were not gods, the fact that they lived and died as mortals only made their achievements all the greater. After death they... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Ancient Greek Hero CultAncient Greek and Roman Burial Customs
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      Greek burial praticesBurial CustomsRoman NecropolisNecropolis
SER IA III 11 tu muli '.\u apar \inc acel uiaşi cen tr u de prod Ul' \ i c ca exl' mplarde de la :\larsilia şi I lislria (Lambrino), a căror provcnicn\< i comu nă "ioniani" t" csll' asigurat: 1 ele... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek historyGreek burial praticesBurial Customs
for kindly endorsing from the beginning our idea for this conference, their practical support in various matters, and for including the publication of its proceedings in the ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ series. Our thanks are also due to the American... more
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      Roman burial practicesGreek burial praticesRoman LampsRoman Funerary Architecture
The paper (unpublished Masterthesis) addresses the role of rare native funerary stones found in the Italian Salento area in the interpretation of a Middle-Ground culture comprised of a mix of indigenous and Greek people in a pre-colonial... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyGreek ColonisationDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
Kioniskoi are Athenian Tomb monuments of the Hellenistic period (323-31 BC). Like many other Greek sculptures, they once were brightly painted. The Kioniskos of Apollodoros from the Keramiekos preserved these colours when it was found.
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      Greek burial praticesAncient AthensAncient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsGreek grave monuments
NOTE 1 Unless stated otherw ise, all dates in this article are B.C.
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      Gender StudiesAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodGender ArchaeologyKerameikos
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      Burial Practices (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsAncient Greek Funerary Practices, Burial Customs X Death and Burial (Archaeology) X Burial Practices (Archaeology) X Burial (Ritual) X Archaeology of Burials X Archaeology of Death and Burial X Burial Customs (Ancient World)
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      Classical ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
The book is devoted to the publication and the study and gold jewelry from the excavations, chance finds and purchases from Phanagoria. The work is based on materials acquired by the Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyRoman burial practicesAncient jewellery
In this article I attempt to present main tendencies in the archaeological record of Kerameikos 700-400 B.C . In Part I, I seek to clarify thegeneral principles of family self-representation. Changing conceptions of age groups and the... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodGender ArchaeologyKerameikos
For the interpretation of mythological subjects In the Roman funerary art the author systematically applies the analysis of the Key of Dreams by Artemidorus of Daldis, Greek author of the Antonine period. The funerary art was studied... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
ROMA 2016 e s t r a t t o Direttore degli Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae mika kajava Department of World Cultures FI -00014 University of Helsinki Comitato scientifico tuomas Heikkilä -mika kajava -mika lavento Redazione simo ÖRmä, Roma... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGender StudiesHellenistic HistoryDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
Classical and Hellenistic cemeteries can give us more than descriptions and styles of pottery, art and burial architecture; they can speak of people, societies, social conventions as well as of social distinctions. This book aims to... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Infant burial (Archaeology)
Ägyptische Kulte und ihre Heiligtümer im Osten des Römischen Reiches (2005) BYZAS 2 Clemens Lichter (ed.) How Did Farming Reach Europe? Anatolian-European relations from the second half of the 7 th through the first half of the 6 th... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
This paper focuses on the typological characteristics of an inscribed SOS amphora fragment kept at The National Archaeological Museum of Athens, with emphasis shifted to the potential social implications that the burial use of such a... more
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      Ancient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsPhaleron Athens
NOTE 1 Unless stated otherw ise, all dates in this article are B.C.
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      Gender ArchaeologyKerameikosAncient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsArchaeology of children and childhood
"Α cemetery of the Hellenistic and roman period was revealed during the construction of the railway line on the section between the railway stations of Eidomeni and Polykastro, and specifically on a slope, in the W-NW of the village of... more
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    • Ancient Greek and Roman Burial Customs
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGreek HistoryRoman History
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce
The term "Bacchic Orphic gold leaves" refers to a group of about forty thin gold leafshaped tablets discovered in graves in different places across the Greco-Roman world and dated to different periods, from the 5 th c. BCE to the 2-3 c.... more
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      Mysteries (Greek Religion)Greek and Roman magicGreek burial customsOrphic lamellae
The paper discusses a group of gold lamellae, originating from graves in Roman Palestine, which bear the ancient Greek formula θάρσει NN· οὐδεὶς ἀθάνατος (Take courage, NN! No one is immortal) or its variations. It also contains a... more
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      Roman Palestine (Archaeology)Roman PalestineGreek burial customsOrphic lamellae
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      Ancient Civilization (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsAncient Kilkis area
One of the most well-known death rites in the ancient Greek world is the deposit of Charon's obol in burials, an act that intends to ensure the fair paid to Charon for conducting the souls across the Styx to the Underworld. Nevertheless,... more
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Coins finds as archaeological artefactsAncient ThraceThrace
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      Classical ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek burial pratices
Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ... more
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      Ancient MacedoniaAncient Greek and Roman Burial CustomsAncient Jewellery and Ornamentation
Today, Hadrianoupolis is about 3 kilometers east of Eskipazar, Karabük. The studies revealed that there was a settlement in the antique city of Hadrianoupolis from BC 1st century to AD 10th century. Considering the ruins today, it can be... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Abstract Safranbolu today is located in the east of Karabük province. In ancient period, the city was in the borders of Paphlagonia region, Halys (Kızılırmak) and Pontos region in the east; Parthenios (Bartınsu) or Billaios (Filyos River)... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      Greek burial praticesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyApollonia PonticaAncient Greek and Roman Burial Customs
The article discusses one of the variants of the image of the tendril goddess (Rankenfrau) with the mask of a satyr recorded in depictions on plates found in Chersonesos Taurica, in the funerary complex within the Kul-Oba burial-mound and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryGreek religion (Classics)
Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern limits of the ancient city of Parion. The tombs that were built... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Roman PotteryRoman burial practicesTroad
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      Classical ArchaeologySocial IdentityHellenistic HistoryFunerary Archaeology
The city of Megara is located on a particularly strategic site with the advantages of being in close proximity to the Saronic Gulf and having fertile farming land. During the 7th and 6th centuries BCE the town was situated on the two low... more
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      Hellenistic PotteryMegaraHellenistic Pottery - black glazeBurial Customs
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      Latin EpigraphyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel
Das vom Forschungskolleg Morphomata der Universität zu Köln und dem Römisch-Germanischen gemeinsam konzipierte Kolloquium stellt antike Herrschergräber in Westeuropa und Ostasien in den Brennpunkt. Im übergeordneten Sinn werden die Gräber... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Transcultural StudiesGreek and Roman TombsTumuli
Burial customs in Attica and Euboea, 1200–700 BC, distinction of the gender and the age of the dead through the grave goods
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      Gender StudiesDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Children
Ancient cemeteries in modern Greek cities such as Athens are rarely restored, a situation also true for individual burials. After excavation, they are usually dismantled into their component parts, thereby losing their character and... more
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      Ancient Urban PlanningRestoration of MonumentsAncient Greek and Roman Burial Customs
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      Attic red-figure vasesBlack Glazed PotteryApollonia PonticaAncient Greek and Roman Necropoleis
Parion is one of the important port cities of the ancient Troas region. This ancient city is located within the borders of the modern-day village of Kemer in Biga District in Çanakkale province. This study’s subject is grave M229 and its... more
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      History of MedicineDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Ancient MedicineBurial Practices (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArchaic Poetry
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      ArchaeologyRitualCultureDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
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      GeologyGreek burial praticesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyApollonia Pontica
Written for Ancient Origins, Spring 2020, and extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great; the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of Macedon
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      HomerAlexander the GreatPhilip II of MacedoniaOrphism
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      DeathLiteratureWar StudiesMourning
Parion is one of the important port cities of the ancient Troas region. This ancient city islocated within the borders of the modern-day village of Kemer in Biga District in Canakkale province. This study’s subject is grave M229 and its... more
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      ArtHistory of MedicineAncient MedicineRoman burial practices
Please contact the authors for a complete .pdf
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      GeologyGreek burial praticesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyApollonia Pontica