Ancient Greek Novel
Recent papers in Ancient Greek Novel
The ancient novel has long been recognised as a key example of fiction in the ancient world, but the implications of this identification have not yet been fully explored. Although in the modern world fiction is widely accepted as neutral... more
It is a paradox that Greek novels, defined ever since Antiquity as 'romances', should convey no erotic emotion. In the present paper we try to show, by means of a formal analysis, that this erotic sense does actually exist, but in a very... more
Op weg naar het Tegencontinent belandt de ik-figuur op de maan, in een walvis en op het Eiland der Gelukzaligen. De grootste absurditeiten worden beschreven met de nauwkeurigheid van een reisgids en de zelfverzekerdheid van iemand die... more
Two functions are described for dreams in Ancient Greek Novels: to cause adventures which are very important for the plot and to anticipate future events. At the same time the author analyses the terminology of the visions and the types... more
This paper aims to point out the Greek novel main motifs, which, through the novella II.7 of Decameron, appear in the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa. We also intend to assess their relevance in the work and analyze their... more
In this paper the rhetorical exercise of “narrative” (διήγημα) in the novel Callirhoe is analysed from the point of view of the “constituents” (στοιχεῖα) and “virtues” (ἀρεταί) described in the Progymnasmata. The usefulness of the... more
Cette étude décrit la construction temporelle d'un des romans de l'Antiquité grecque, les Éphésiaques ou Habrocomès et Anthia. On trouvera dans l'introduction (1.) des renseignements sur les autres romans aussi. La partie (2.) analyse... more
Résumé : On sait qu’Homère constitue la principale référence intertextuelle de Chariton (Reardon, 2003:333: “The most frequent of all Chariton’s literary references are to Homer".). Malgré le nombre croissant d’études sur cette relation,... more
topoi romanzeschi, reminiscenze epiche e saffiche memorie È un dato critico ormai acquisito che l'ambientazione bucolica e l'eliminazione del viaggio costituiscano le peculiarità più evidenti che contraddistinguono i Pastoralia... more
Die Gattung der sogenannten ,Buntschriftstellerei', der Aelians Werke De natura animalium und Varia historia zugeordnet werden, wurde bislang kaum zur Deutung des antiken Romans herangezogen. Anhand einer Analyse der Gartenexkurse bei... more
The Greek world was full of the divine, and the imagined world of the ancient novels was no different. 1 Divinity and its worship pervade the novels' narratives, helping to unite, drive apart, and then reunite their protagonists. In this... more
Literary genres designed for instruction (didaskalia) often incorporate wonder- writing (paradoxography) to produce pleasure and enthrallment (psychagogia), thus compromising the truth and their educational value. In True Stories, Lucian... more
Achilles Tatius' Leukippe and Kleitophon quotes Homer less frequently than other Greek novels, but it often refers to the epic tradition in a subtle and sophisticated way. A few intertexts suggest that gender issues (such as role... more
Ancient readers were highly attuned to etymologically and allusively significant character names, which helped shape their experience and understanding of narratives in a variety of ways. Authors frequently exploited that fact in their... more
power point (anche in versione pdf) sul romanzo greco
Dez textos comentados para intruduzir o romance antigo a estudantes de letras e leitores interessados. Parte do Guia bibliográfico da FFLCH, disponível online em
Following a scholarly conference given in honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, this collection of essays offers focused studies on the wide range of ways that women and gender contribute to the religious landscape of the ancient world. Experts... more
The main aim of this paper is to present the way, how Theodorus Prodromus uses the description of the feast in the 4th book of his romance "De Rhodathes et Dosiclis amoribus libri IX". It is not a secret that in the Ancient and... more
Towards the end of the life of Aesop, probably written in the first century CE, a surprising, bawdy tale appears. I give here the version preserved in Vita W chapter 131, also collected as fabula 386. 1 γυνή τις εἶχε θυγατέρα παρθένον... more
In my BA dissertation I chose to analyse one of the most interesting characters of Heliodorus's "Aethiopica", Knemon. Beginning from the fundamental studies of Winkler, Morgan and Paulsen I have tried to give an account as detailed as... more
Romanii au recunoscut totdeauna prioritatea grecilor în literatură şi s-au considerat discipolii scriitorilor he-leni. Adesea ei au exagerat acest rol de precursori şi de modele al scriitorilor greci, neglijînd aportul original al... more
Throughout Egyptian history, high-ranking Egyptian priests were the scholars responsible for the creation of the very material that constituted the core of Egyptian intellectual culture. During the first millennium BCE, and particularly... more
The Egyptian priest Kalasiris of Heliodoros’ Aithiopika is one of the most complex characters in the ancient Greek novels. While many studies have been devoted to him from the fields of classics and ancient philosophy, no in-depth... more
Sull’ultimo e più complesso dei romanzi greci, le Etiopiche di Eliodoro, mancava ancora uno studio che facesse il punto, al- meno in parte, sulla ricca messe di contri- buti che ormai si sono accumulati sull’ar- gomento. Partendo da una... more
At the University of Haifa, 2023-24
100,000 NIS (second year possible)
Ancient Greek mandatory; Classic Armenian highly desirable!
Deadline: June 1, 2022
100,000 NIS (second year possible)
Ancient Greek mandatory; Classic Armenian highly desirable!
Deadline: June 1, 2022
At the University of Haifa, 2023-24
Annutal stipend NIS 100,000 (second year possible)
Ancient Greek mandatory. Classical Armenian highly desirable!
Deadline: June 1, 2022
Annutal stipend NIS 100,000 (second year possible)
Ancient Greek mandatory. Classical Armenian highly desirable!
Deadline: June 1, 2022
Die fünf vollständig erhaltenen griechischen Romane werden besonders hinsichtlich der Narrativistik, Struktur und Entstehung des Genres untersucht, während sie anders als die lateinischen Vertreter als historische Quelle beiläufig oder... more
In this contribution I look at ancient necromancy, both regarding its practices and its literary representations. I pay special attention to the vocabulary of necromancy, which enables us to see its different stages in the course of... more
Petronius and his models: on the poetics of the Satyrica
This paper discusses the blurring of the differences between necro-mancy and resurrection from apparent death in Apuleius' works, focusing on the necromantic tales of Socrates and Thelyphron in Metamorphoses 1 and 2, and two episodes... more
The present paper is an overview and discussion of Byzantine literary criticism concerning the ancient Greek novel from the ninth to the fifteenth century CE. More specifically, I focus here on the opinions and judgments of some of the... more
Heliodor ist der Begründer des modernen Romans: Seine Aithiopika, die die Liebesgeschichte von Chariklea und Theagenes erzählen und die im 16. Jahrhundert wiederentdeckt werden, sind Vorbild für Generationen europäischer Autoren, die... more
The first section of this paper discusses the Greek notions of parthenos (virgin), and parthenia (virginity). More precisely, I will revisit the arguments made in Le Corps virginal (1986: Paris: Vrin), a book translated into English, as... more