“Ritual Movement Through Greek Sacred Space: Towards an Archaeology of Performance,” in A. Chaniotis, ed., Ritual Dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean: Agency, Emotion, Gender, Reception, Stuttgart, 2011, 313-346.
Abstract: This article explores the battle scene on a small bronze plaque recovered during the excavation of the Great Altar of Pergamon, initially published in 1913 and subsequently lost. It argues that the most likely identification of... more
The Major Repoussé Frieze
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
Avec Michèle Brunet nous présenterons le travail de Philippe Bruneau, dans le cadre de la publication des cours d'art grec (Ph. Bruneau, Propos sur l'art grec, 2018) que j'ai co-édités avec Pierre-Yves Balut.
The paper deals with the sculpture found in Macedonia from the earliest finds until the Augustan period. It is the latest up to date essay on this topic.
Antonio Manuel Duarte and Manolis I. Stefanakis
Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 2015, 27(3), 515-533
Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 2015, 27(3), 515-533
In November 2014, the expedition of the University of High Anthropological School conducted archaeological investigations on the territory of Palanca village (Republic of Moldova) and its surroundings. The North-Eastern part of the... more
in the paper the finds of terracotta figurines from the excavations of the hellenistic settlement of Maslyny in north-western taurica (excavations by V. o. latysheva) are analyzed. the terracotta collection contains striking specimens of... more
In the article, the relation between three terracottas depicting the Mother of the gods on the throne is determined. Fragments of two of them were made in one of the West Pontic centres in a single mould which was apparently imported from... more
This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic... more
This article briefly presents some of the author’s research on art in archaeology. Drawing on previously published works, the text reviews the general problems of art research in archaeology before focusing on investigations of... more
This volume offers a collection of essays dealing with the material and immaterial (metaphorical) reuse of Greek art in Roman times from various perspectives. Originating from the fruitful exchange and collaboration among the research... more