Ancient Greek Art and Archaeology

75 papers
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Ancient Greek Art and Archaeology is the study of the visual arts, architecture, and material culture of ancient Greece, encompassing the analysis of artifacts, structures, and artistic practices from the prehistoric to the Hellenistic periods, aimed at understanding the historical, social, and cultural contexts of Greek civilization.
This article discusses the Arcadian nymph Anthrakia, whom Pausanias saw sculpted upon a table in the sanctuary of the Great Goddesses in Megalopolis and on the altar of Athena Alea in Tegea. Anthrakia is known only from these two... more
Journée d'étude : Chorégraphies du Genre. Le 'cinéma corporel' de Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 23/01/2023)
The proposed paper will focus on Manuel Gabalas’ Homeric works and 200 Chapters. Homeric gods are interpreted as mental and psychological forces and activities (e.g., prudence, reason, internal dialogue), which influence Odysseus’... more
Second preliminary workshop The second preliminary Greek Pottery Workshop falls within the program of the international colloquium project dedicated to the study of 8 th and 7 th century BC Greek ceramics in Southern Italy and Sicily.... more
Dans les Troyennes d’Euripide, une formulation condense l’ambiguïté de Cassandre : « σ’ Ἀπόλλων ἐξεϐάκχευεν φρένας » (« Apollon faisait entrer ton esprit dans des transports bachiques » v. 408). L’inspiration par Apollon prend chez ce... more
This paper investigates cases of anomalous aerial phenomena, abductions, and mysterious technologies depicted in ancient Greek mythology from a twenty-first century perspective, and in view of their commonality with occurrences observed... more
Un maître de la Renaissance s’est inspiré de l’œuvre d’un grand artiste de l’Antiquité, reconnaissant un procédé utilisé par ce dernier en secret et le réutilisant presque deux millénaires plus tard avec une égale réserve. Cette opération... more
La redécouverte des sanctuaires grecs à travers l'étude du fonds Carl Haller von Hallerstein conservé à la Bnu de Strasbourg The rediscovery of Greek sanctuaries through the study of the Carl Haller von Hallerstein collection... more
The present contribution focuses on extraordinary features with human remains of the 4 th century BC which have been discovered to the west of the core city area of Olbia Pontica. There are numerous multiple burials within former... more
Ancient Greek art is primarily concerned with the anthropomorphic. Idealized bodies of the human and the divine are central to every image, and it is through corporal interactions that narratives are told and responses evoked. Yet the... more
The purpose of this work is to study fourteen ancient sundials from in-situ measurements and discuss the significance and importance of time measurements in antiquity. The time measuring marble devices have been found in Attica, Greece... more
Една от причините за по-ниските добиви от слънчоглед е липсата на устойчивост към стресовите фактори от биотичен и абиотичен характер. В групата на биотичните фактори се отнасят голям брой гъбни заболявания, които са от икономическо... more
Cette publication fait suite à la journée d'études du 6 décembre 2020, organisée par l'Université de Rouen Normandie (Groupe de recherches d'Histoire/Grhis). Le projet avait été conçu initialement avec Dominique Boutet, professeur de... more
Full Citation: Farinholt Ward, A., C. Marconi, and D. Scahill. 2023. "New Evidence for Seventh Century Perishable Building Materials from Selinunte", In C. Previato and J. Bonetto (eds.), Terra, legno e materiali deperibili... more
In his Samian logos Herodotus emphasizes the successful ambitions of the tyrant Polycrates in attaining control of the Aegean during his reign in the last half of the sixth century BCE. He achieved this extraordinary success with one... more
J'ai publié dans cet ouvrage collectif "Le cosmisme russe est-il un transhumanisme ?". Voici le plan de l'article : Introduction I Que veut le cosmisme ? II Le cosmisme et la crise scientifique du début du XXe siècle III Cosmisme contre... more
The purpose of this work is to study fourteen ancient sundials from in-situ measurements and discuss the significance and importance of time measurements in antiquity. The time measuring marble devices have been found in Attica, Greece... more
Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique Centre international d'étude de la religion grecque antique
Alexandre Dumas multiplie les mises en scene romanesques ou ses personnages s’evadent en reve de leurs devoirs. Mais « tout songe est mensonge », c’est-a-dire illusion. Toute une poetique s’exhume des fictions, ou tantot le reve est... more
A statue found in the Corinth Theater represents a woman wearing a chitoniskos, cross-strap, belt, and high boots. Although the sculpture was first identified as Artemis, its identification is problematic because no other sculpture of the... more
In the last half-dozen years, the early fifth-century BC ‘Classical Revolution’ in Greek sculpture and painting has become ‘hot’ again. Did it develop gradually, incrementally, and logically out of the Archaic, or emerge quite suddenly... more
This volume offers a collection of essays dealing with the material and immaterial (metaphorical) reuse of Greek art in Roman times from various perspectives. Originating from the fruitful exchange and collaboration among the research... more
This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic... more
This article briefly presents some of the author’s research on art in archaeology. Drawing on previously published works, the text reviews the general problems of art research in archaeology before focusing on investigations of... more
The paper deals with the sculpture found in Macedonia from the earliest finds until the Augustan period. It is the latest up to date essay on this topic.
This text consists of an interpretive essay about the meaning(s) of the “mirror” as an object in Mainland and Aegean Greece (in contrast to Western/Colonial Greece), based on iconography. I take into consideration two distinct repertoires... more
Publication of two terracotta figurines of youths holding fighting-cocks, held by the Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Natal [now University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal].
The marble fragment Inv. BE 132 of the Archaeological Museum of Thebes comes from Thebes itself. It is a fragment from the lower part of a grave stele together with its left side, preserving part of the left shin of a male figure wearing... more
The present contribution deals with a marble fragment catalogued in the Inventory of the Sculpture Collection of the National Archaeological Museum under Nr. 3181. It represents three relief divine figures: two males and a female (Figs... more
The article is devoted to the attribution of a golden finger ring with the image of a beardless nude youth with a diadem on his head and two wreaths – each in every hand, lowered down, on the bezel. The finger ring was found in 2018 in a... more
Ο Χριστιανισμός προκειμένου να διαδοθεί ο λόγος του σε ευρύτερα τμήματα του πληθυσμού της τότε Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας, χρησιμοποίησε και τις καλές, λεγόμενες, τέχνες. Αρχιτεκτονική, ποίηση, λογοτεχνία, μουσική, ζωγραφική, ακόμα και η... more
Monsters are one of the most mysterious and interesting feature of art. Every culture has its own legends and repertoire of mythical creatures, monsters and supernatural beasts. Those beings are incorporated into the visual representation... more
in the paper the finds of terracotta figurines from the excavations of the hellenistic settlement of Maslyny in north-western taurica (excavations by V. o. latysheva) are analyzed. the terracotta collection contains striking specimens of... more
It is widely attested that the perioikoi and helots were an important component of the Lakedaimonian army and fought alongside the Spartans especially during the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. The current study offers a new perspective... more
Notre compréhension de l’imagerie antique n’étant pas immédiate, l’identification de certaines scènes ou figures représentées est parfois problématique, en particulier en l’absence de codes iconographiques ou textuels univoques. Nous... more