Ancient Glass Analysis
Recent papers in Ancient Glass Analysis
In diesem Beitrag geben wir einen Überblick über die jüngsten naturwissenschaftlichen und experimentellen Arbeiten zur spätbronzezeitlichen Glasherstellung, basierend auf Befunden und Untersuchungen aus der Grabung des Pelizaeus-Museums... more
Two cakes of coloured glass and a selection of coloured glass tesserae were recovered from a site at West Clacton Reservoir, Dead Lane, Great Bentley, Essex. This coloured glass probably dates to between the mid-1st and mid-2nd centuries... more
Fifth-to seventh-century window glass fragments from the Petra Church in Jordan were analysed by EPMA and spectrophotometry to characterize their optical properties and chemical composition. The objective of this study was to determine... more
F. Dell’Acqua, I. C. Freestone, Early Medieval Glass from Brescia, Cividale and Salerno, Italy: Composition and Affinities, in D. Ferrari (ed.), Il vetro nell’alto Medioevo. Atti dell’VIII Giornata di Studi del Comitato Nazionale Italiano... more
Four samples of glass from a cupola or dome previously installed at the top of a stair case at Northington Grange were examined. The glass is thick but curved; and smooth on one side but rough on the other side. The form of the glass... more
The book’s three sections reflect modern approach to archaeology and glass studies. The first presents the results of archaeological excavations, archive studies and the processing of find assemblages connected with northwest Bohemia. The... more
This report examines glass and glassworking waste recovered from the site of an 18th-century glasshouse. All of the samples are composed of high-lime low-alkali glass. The typological dating of the glass bottles show that bottle-glass... more
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Sir Flinders Petrie’s excavations at Tell el‐Amarna in Egypt uncovered a large number of glass finds and vitreous debris from areas identified as palace trash heaps and industrial buildings, revealing that as early as the 14th century BC,... more
O presente relatório de estágio curricular, do 5º ano da Licenciatura Bietápica em Conservação e Restauro, da Escola Superior de Tecnologia, do Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, incide no estudo, identificação e inventário de um conjunto de... more
The intention of this project is to produce a thorough reference typology of glass bangles from late-post medieval Middle Eastern sites (ca.13th-18th centuries CE) using the British Museum collection and external supporting collections. A... more
Glass corrosion is a remarkably complex process, which can be affected by a wide range of diverse parameters, both external and internal, such as environmental conditions, glass composition, surface morphology, differences in manufacture,... more
Among the most notable contributions of Islamic craftsmen to the art of glassmaking are thirteenth-and fourteenth-century gilded and enameled glasses from Egypt and Syria. In order to better understand their manufacture, quantitative... more
Giovanni Santi (Colbordolo ca. 1439–Urbino 1494) was one of the most important painters active in Urbino (Marche region, Italy) during the last decades of the fifteenth century, where he was employed at the court of the celebrated... more
A total of 1496 investigated colourless glass analyses have been collected with the aim of achieving a clear geographical, typological, chronological and compositional overview on this particular type of glass. Based on manganese and... more
In 1970, a glass bowl with the ring-shaped reliefs has been unearthed from the Tang treasure of Hejiacun in the south suburb of Xi’an. Many scholars believe that this bowl was originally a Sasanian glassware from Iran. This research... more
The aim of this study is practically to establish a chemical strategy for cleaning soiled deposits and encrustations on archaeological glasses. Investigations were performed on a series of Roman glass samples (Fragments and complete... more
This books focusses on Iron Age glassmaking through a socio-economic perspective. To do so, a multidisciplinary method has been established, combining archaeological data with archaeometry and technological approaches developed with... more
Ein erster Überblick zu archäologischen Hinweisen auf eine Wiederverwertung von Glas in Deutschland belegt ein Recycling bereits in den ersten Jahrhunderten n. Chr., das sich allerdings zunächst nicht signifikant in der... more
The Lycurgus Cup ( is an outstanding example of a late Roman cut glass cage cup. It is decorated in openwork with a frieze showing scenes of the myth of King Lycurgus. The cup, which is 165 mm high, was produced from a blown glass blank... more
One of the earliest glassmaking techniques is the so-called core-forming technique. The earliest glass vessels made with this technique appeared in Mesopotamia and Egypt during the second half of the 2nd Millennium BC (16th–15th c. BCE).... more
Questioning what types of beads would have been in use during the Iron Age in Britain and drawing deeply from the work of the late bead researcher Margaret Guido I’ve amassed a collocation of information which one can draw from not just... more
I 1-.l5 Mayrs 20,l5 tarihlerinde gerqekleqtirilen 37, Uluslararast Kazr, AraStrrma ve Arkeometri sempozyumu, ErzurumAtatu rk U n ive rs ites i' n i n katkr I arryla ge rgekleqti ri I m iSti r.
Unless otherwise indicated all images are reproduced with the permission of the rights holders acknowledged in captions and are expressly excluded from the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence covering the rest of this publication. Permission for... more
hardcover edition: IsBN 978-1-78297-397-3 digital edition: IsBN 978-1-78297-398-0 © Oxbow Books 2014 Oxford & Philadelphia iii Published in the united Kingdom in 2014 by OXBOW BOOKs 10 hythe Bridge street, Oxford OX1... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The lowland open settlement of Němčice and the oppidum of Staré Hradisko belong to the most important production and trade centres of the Late Iron Age – La Tène period in central Europe. Both are located in the Middle Danube region, in... more
This volume comprises the published acts of the international colloquium entitled “Late Antique glass in Anatolia (4th to 8th cent. A.D.)” that took place between the 25th and the 28th of October 2009 in Izmir, Turkey . This workshop was... more
The mining archaeological excavations in Veshnaveh were among the first systematic of their kind in Iran. This is surprising, since the site itself had been known and described since the 1970s, but could not be investigated thoroughly... more