Ancient Fishing
Recent papers in Ancient Fishing
Hunting and gathering from the sea and seashore have played an important role in the rural economy of north Northumberland since early prehistory, with the collection of shellfish, hunting of birds and seals, trapping of crab & lobster,... more
Well preserved food remains from a submerged settlement on the Argus Bank bear witness to the human consumption of fish, game, nuts and fruit. d15N data derived from the bones of the inhabitants show that aquatic food was the dominant... more
During the late 1970s and 1980s we excavated a 3,000 year old wet site and 900 year old Rockshelter at the mouth of the Hoko River, Washington State, USA. Even though much of the photographic recording was in color slides and black and... more
The Late Period (700 B.P. to Spanish contact) archaeological record of the central California coast provides opportunities to evaluate models of hunter-gatherer-fisher land use. Along the San Simeon Reef region in northern San Luis Obispo... more
Although models for the development of fishing settlement in northern Norway from the Iron Age to the early modern period have been debated for many years, archaeological documentation of the process remains inadequate. This article... more
Recovering garum sauce has been a multidisciplinary project. Many researchers from different disciplines have been involved in this work, such as biologists, archaeologists, chemists, zoologists and many others. Garum sauce was a very... more
After the breaching of the Agger Tange in 1825 the fishing communities of the Western Limfjord in Northern Jutland (Denmark) went through a time of economic crisis. In response to these difficult circumstances two innovations were... more
In: Ancient fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region. T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.). Aarhus University Press: Aarhus, 2005: 47-82.
This paper presents the audience of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 as the crowd with the disciples observing Jesus providing his promised "fishing lessons". This paper outlines some of the mnemonics and rhetorical devices used in... more
: Alors que la chasse est bien illustrée dans l'art rupestre saharien, pêche et navigation sont rares voire absentes des parois. Ces deux activités ont existé sur les côtes, sur le Nil et dans les zones humides continentales, plus... more
Hydrographic features dominate the Olmec heartland. Fishing, travel, transport, and trade via watercraft were essential parts of daily life. This chapter synthesizes archaeofaunal, iconographic, and biological data about human–animal... more
The second article is “Ancestral fishing techniques and rites on ‘Anaa Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia", authored by Frédéric Torrente. His article is an important contribution to the environmental knowledge and fishing... more
This article argues that the “hauling scene” (458–728) of Aristophanes’ Peace is modeled on a distinctive fishing technology, the beach seine, and not, as is commonly held, on the hauling of heavily freighted commercial vessels into port.... more
In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible describes a miraculous event. Peter and his fishing partners caught so many fish that both of their boats started to sink. 1 We wanted to know the economic impact to Peter and his partners from this catch of... more
"Harvesting the Sea provides the first systematic treatment of the exploitation of various marine resources, such as large-scale fishing, fish salting, salt and purple-dye production, and oyster and fish-farming, in the Roman world and... more
The human settlement of the Pelagie Islands is marked by discontinuity from the prehistory to the modern era. The location of the islands in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea gives them a strategic relevance as a landing point along... more
The mouth of the Brisbane River is today one of Australia's largest ports. This study reconstructs the Aboriginal use, Dreaming stories and Aboriginal history of the area. It particularly examines the use of the river mouth as an... more
Comparison of the Galilean fishing industry with that of the Graeco-Egyptian industry as it is reflected in numerous documentary papyri offers several important conclusions about the organization and profitability of fishing and the... more
Tartaron, Thomas F., 2018. "Geography Matters: Defining Maritime Small Worlds of the Aegean Bronze Age," in J. Leidwanger and C. Knappett, eds., Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,... more
Un gran nurrìero di trattati e poemi didattici furono dedicati nell'antichità alla pesca. Il più esaustivo a noi giunto è il poerrra in cinque atti di Oppiaro, Halieutica, scritto verso il 180 d.C. Oppiano, nato sulle coste della Cilicia,... more
This dissertation examines changes in Haida economic adaptations during the late pre-contact and early contact periods in Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia). This was primarily achieved through the analysis of faunal... more
This paper examines historical concentrations of certain animals between the fifth and the fourteenth centuries, subdivided into time periods. Differences and similarities found in the archaeozoological material contribute to debates... more
Il volume riassume le conoscenze sulla pesca e il consumo nell’antichità del tonno e delle specie affini, presentandole con la terminologia propria della disciplina archeologica, ma con lo sforzo di usare un linguaggio narrativo più... more
The term ‘aquatic adaptations’ refers to the subsistence strategies that ancient Mesoamericans implemented to survive and thrive in their environments. In this book, I discuss the natural settings, production sites, techniques, artifacts,... more
The closure of most Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal tuna-fishing sites, or almadrabas, during the last thirty years, and the transformation of some into tourist attractions, has triggered an interest in a fishing technique that has... more
Bruken av faste fiskeinnretninger i innsjøer og små og store vassdrag er lite utforsket fra arkeologisk side her til lands. I forbindelse med prosjektet Arkeologi på nye veier, som gjennomfører registreringer og utgravninger i forbindelse... more
ABSTRACT: Underwater archaeological exploration along the Israeli coast revealed fish remains, fishing gear and auxiliary implements. These were recovered from submerged prehistoric villages, anchorages, harbors, fishing grounds and... more
Enrique García Vargas, Eufrasia Roselló Izquierdo, Darío Bernal Casasola y Arturo Morales Muñiz (219): "Salazones y salsas de pescado en la Antigüedad. Un primer acercamiento a las evidencias de paleocontenidos y depósitos primarios en el... more
Kerala is the only region in India where fish resources are rich and no other state possesses fish workers as intelligent and work conscious as those in Kerala Kerala is one of the leading maritime states in India. The state of Kerala... more
Excavations at the Bronze Ages site of Akrotiri on Thera island, Greece, have uncovered the remains of at least three diffeerent processed fish products. These finds suggest that fish processing, which is, so far, better understood in... more
Typological and functional analysis of Roman and Late Roman rotary querns found in the fish processing facilities excavated in Algeciras.
Magdala | Parte i. La antigua ciudad de Magdala 6 | el pensador OCT 2013 7 Bimá: :המיב( Tarima; pl. Bimot -.)תומיב Estrado en el centro del Bet Knéset (sinagoga), sobre el que está colocada una mesa para la lectura de la Torá, la Haft... more
Ancient Greek and Roman written sources describe in detail the economic and symbolic value of purple color, but are virtually silent on the primary producers of the dye, the fishermen. This paper focuses on the fishing methods employed... more