Ancient Egyptian language
Recent papers in Ancient Egyptian language
The terms Dt and nHH have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time. However, from the study of original source material – the texts and iconography compiled over some three millennia, and authored... more
A new critical edition of the ancient Egyptian 'Jackal Hymn of the West' from the so-called Book of the Night, with hieroglyphic transcription, transliteration, translation, extensive commentary on the cryptographic texts, and... more
An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine,... more
The Twentieth Dynasty tomb of Ramesses VI (KV9) includes two copies of the cosmological treatise known to modern scholarship as the Book of the Night. Both versions of the book in KV9 include a cryptographic annotation to the twelfth... more
I am including in this Addendum several points in my notes to the text which were omitted from the final publication because of the semi-popular nature of the book Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. In presenting these... more
Comparctive Literature Studies 45 [2008] 289-315).
The book includes a complete study on the Ancient Egyptian didactic literature. All representatives of the genre and its characteristics are considered. Special attention is paid to the main concepts used in didactic literature. The... more
Here is a translation that I worked in the past which I formally typed up in JSesh.
Romanova O. The Problem of Reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian Terms and Proper Names in Ukrainian //Skhidnyi Svit, 2001-2. P. 66-73 (In Ukrainian) Романова О.О. Проблема відтворення давньоєгипетських термінів та власних назв... more
On the canal stelae erected by Dareios I, two residence cities of the Achaemenids are mentioned, which could not be identified beyond doubt until now. In this article, two new identification proposals will be made and explained. In... more
Colleziona 2000 lemmi. È in assoluto il primo dizionario egizio – italiano in geroglifico ed è il risultato di sei anni di analisi e studi e di altri sei anni di docenze. È stato creato come supporto per lo studio della filologia egizia... more
Les pyramides satellites des complexes funéraires des reines de l'Ancien Empire. Bilan des recherches et nouvelles perspectives à partir du mobilier céramique 31
The lecture tackles the pictorial nature of the ancient Egyptian writing to highlight several visual features that were creatively deployed by the skilled community of ancient Egyptian writers to enhance the reading process. The lecture... more
Songbook for ancient Egypt music video ( Includes exercises, plus sing a song in hieroglyphic lyrics! Learn the lyrics in Tigrigna, Amarigna, English and hieroglyphs and sing along! To have Legesse Allyn... more
The article comprehends a discussion of a short invocation in Pap. New York 35.9.21, XXVII,8, in Pap. Brooklyn 47.218.138, x+XV,7, in Pap. Berlin P. 3037, rt. and on the eastern wall, H 2 of the temple in Hībis. It is shown that in this... more
In the story of Sinuhe, a royal decree reaches the protagonist, inviting his return to Egypt. The copy of this fictional decree references Sinuhe’s desire to greet the queen at lines B 185–186, which selection includes a supposed hapax... more
Поучението на Аменемхе безспорно е едно от най-значимите произведения на древноегипетската литература. Текстът е типичен представител на поученията 1 и според повечето изследователи спада (заедно с Поучението за Мерикаре 2 ) към т. нар.... more
BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT FRANÇAIS D'ARCHÉOLOGIE ORIENTALE en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne © Institut français d'archéologie orientale -Le Caire BIFAO 96 (1996), p. 313-337 MATHIEU... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In this paper, Walter Ong's ideas about orality and literacy are contrasted to ancient Egyptian material.
En este breve artículo aproximamos a unas obras ecultóricas colosales que contienen el nombre y los títulos del famoso faraón egipcio de la Dinastía XVIII, Amenhotep III (1390-1353 a.C.), que hoy están ubicadas a las orillas del río Nevá... more
For nearly a century there is an ongoing debate about, have the ancient Egyptians known any case of the Pythagorean Theorem and that the triangle 3-4-5 is right-angled? According to the opinions of most scholars, there is no written... more
Exercises, plus answers to hieroglyphic lyrics search in the Student Songbook from the music video (! To have Legesse Allyn speak at your next event, please visit... more
A prolific builder, and merciless conqueror, Taharqa was the last great Nubian pharaoh to unite the crowns of both Upper and Lower Egypt. After his accession to the throne in Memphis upon the death of his brother Shebitku, Taharqa... more