Ancient Egyptian Pottery

226 papers
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Ancient Egyptian pottery refers to the ceramic artifacts produced in ancient Egypt, characterized by their diverse forms, decorative techniques, and functional uses. This field of study examines the materials, manufacturing processes, and cultural significance of pottery within the context of ancient Egyptian society, including its role in daily life, rituals, and trade.
Entre los materiales cerámicos hallados en Tell el-Ghaba, en el antiguo Delta oriental egipcio, se encontraron fragmentos de vasijas reconocidas como “pigeon pots”. Se trata de un tipo de vasija de cuerpo ovoide, manufacturada en arcilla... more
Women held a prominent position in ancient Egyptian society. She enjoyed an acceptable level of equality with men, which enabled her to participate fully in all aspects of life, and thus she held many important positions in the worldly... more
Another winter and spring have passed without any DOP presence at our dig-house in Dakhleh. We are, however, certain that the house still stands, as our friends from the Dakhleh Oasis Trust, Antonia Willis and John O'Carroll, visited... more
This work is presented as a continuation of previous writings in which the concept of ‘small finds’ has been problematized and a review of the materials catalogued as small finds for Tell El-Ghaba archaeological site has been systematised... more
The Spanish Mission to Dra Abu el-Naga (Proyecto Djehuty) has been working in the Eighteenth Dynasty Theban Tombs of Djehuty (TT 11) and Hery (TT 12) and their environs since 2002. The excavators uncovered a deposit west of the courtyard... more
This paper publishes a selection of ceramics from Theban Tomb 148, the tomb of Amenemope. The tomb dates to the 20th Dynasty, specifically the reigns of Rameses III-V. The work focuses on a broad range of material from different areas of... more
Cette conférence explorera l'évolution des représentations et des cultes de la déesse égyptienne Hathor à travers l'étude de la céramique. En adoptant une perspective diachronique, nous examinons les pièces céramiques datant du Moyen... more
В статье приведены результаты исследования формовочных масс древнеегипетских светложгущихся сосудов VI-IV вв. до н. э. (эпоха Позднего периода). Сосуды найдены в ходе археологических раскопок Центра египтологических исследований РАН на... more
The paper discuses some aspects of ancient Egyptian ceramic technologies in the 7th c. BCE – 2nd c. CE. The hieroglyphic signs in shape of the potters are analysed in order to determine the construction of the potter’s wheel, what kind of... more
Sarah M. rickEttS The Sheikh Muftah cultural unit: insights into social relations with Old Kingdom Egyptians, Dakhleh Oasis and desert surrounds. .. .. Heiko riEmEr Taking the long road: starting investigations on the Darb el-Tawil. .... more
****Please feel free to contact me if you would like a copy. Despite varying interpretations regarding the social significance of the phenomenon, the presence of large quantities of locally manufactured Egyptian-style pottery at Late... more
The Dendera-inscription describing ceremonies during the Choiak-festival mentions several times a certain QrH.t Sps. The article explores the Wortfeld of QrH.t and of Sps as well. QrH.t describes raw materials coming out of the earth,... more
During the late 6th Dynasty, serving sculptures underwent several significant developments in production and distribution, including a change in where they were located in the tomb. Previously housed in the serdab in the superstructure,... more
In this article we present a unique fragment of an anthropomorphic vessel that was found in the Givʿati Parking Lot excavations, located on the northwestern edge of Jerusalem’s Eastern Hill (also called “The City of David”; Figs. 1A, 1B)... more
Médamoud stands as one of the most significant Egyptian marl fabric ceramic production centers known to date. Hundreds of figurines depicting human and animal forms have been unearthed during archaeological excavations conducted in the... more
Upper Egypt has played a significant historical and political role in the growth of the occupation of the Eastern Desert and its seaports. This is particularly evident in the ceramic repertoires found at various sites in the region.... more
This study is divided into preface, five sections and a conclusion: Preface: The preface will be composed of a study of the city of Kom-Ombo, and the temple and a focused section on the open court in terms of its location, its general... more
Abstract Large sets of objects written in the hieratic script were found in several places in Egypt and can be attributed to different periods. Therefore, it is safe to say that the New Kingdom period was the heyday of the objects written... more
This is the second of two volumes that explores the world of faience figurines in Egypt and the adjacent areas of the Levant and Nubia during the Middle Bronze Age (2100-1550 BC). Its companion volume is titled Miniature Forms as... more
Les temples égyptiens de Doukki Gel, à Kerma (Soudan), ont été bâtis sous le règne de Thoutmosis Ier, au centre d’un ensemble religieux et cérémoniel du Kerma Classique. Les fouilles du site ont livré de grandes quantités de céramiques,... more
Année de la campagne : 2020 (7 octobre-5 novembre) Autorité nationale présente : Le ministère du Tourisme et des Antiquités (MoTA) était représenté par Mustafa Muhammed (inspecteur, inspectorat de Kôm Ombo) et restaurateur Emad Abdelaziz... more
Los hornos L0402 y L0404 (Fig. 5) eran adyacentes; cada uno consistía en un contenedor de cerámica en cuyo interior había alfarería tanto fina como de uso cotidiano, restos de peces, carbones, ceniza y arcilla. L0404 apoyaba sobre un... more
Abstract of the presentation on Latopolite cryptography for the International Conference "Conceptualizing Sacred Languages and Their Visual Inimitability", organised by the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) and... more
Année de la campagne : 2019 (10 mars-5 mai) Numéro et intitulé de l'opération de terrain : 17132-Fouille du site portuaire du ouadi el-Jarf Composition de l'équipe de terrain : L'équipe était composée de Pierre Tallet (égyptologue, chef... more
The article publishes and analyzes six pottery vessels found by the Nubian Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1962 at the site of Khor Daoud (Southern Egypt) and subsequently transferred under the agreement with the... more
Los hornos L0402 y L0404 (Fig. 5) eran adyacentes; cada uno consistía en un contenedor de cerámica en cuyo interior había alfarería tanto fina como de uso cotidiano, restos de peces, carbones, ceniza y arcilla. L0404 apoyaba sobre un... more
Résumé : La terre occupe une place prédominante dans la civilisation égyptienne antique. Cultivée par les paysans, elle est aussi employée comme matériau de construction, pour la confection des céramiques, pour sceller des contenants ou... more
by Uroš Matić and 
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This paper presents a glimpse into the earliest settlement of the ancient town of Kom Ombo discovered by the Egyptian-Austrian mission. In area s/9 North, the rubbish from a settlement dating to the second half of the 2nd Dynasty was... more
Los hornos L0402 y L0404 (Fig. 5) eran adyacentes; cada uno consistía en un contenedor de cerámica en cuyo interior había alfarería tanto fina como de uso cotidiano, restos de peces, carbones, ceniza y arcilla. L0404 apoyaba sobre un... more
Spanish mission has been working at Dra Abu el-Naga North since 2002. To the southwest of the open courtyard of the tomb-chapel of Djehuty (TT 11), a Middle Kingdom rock-cut tomb was unearthed. The study of the pottery found attests the... more
Since 2017, archaeological excavations on the behalf of the French mission of Medamoud (IFAO/MEAE/Sorbonne) have been underway at the site of Medamud with the aim of understanding the urban development of this Upper Egyptian city and its... more
(inspecteurs des antiquités), Mohammed Abd el-Basset Ahmed (inspecteur de la restauration) et Dr Ashraf Mohamed Abd el-Samiah Abdel-wahed (inspecteur des travaux de carottages sédimentaires) représentaient le ministère du Tourisme et des... more
Depuis 2011, la mission française de Médamoud a repris la recherche sur le terrain en suivant trois objectifs complémentaires : tout d’abord, étudier les secteurs inexplorés du kôm entourant le temple, afin de comprendre son environnement... more
Année de la campagne : 2019 (10 mars-5 mai) Numéro et intitulé de l'opération de terrain : 17132-Fouille du site portuaire du ouadi el-Jarf Composition de l'équipe de terrain : L'équipe était composée de Pierre Tallet (égyptologue, chef... more
Potsherds recovered from the Saqqara-Memphis floodplain in Egypt, dated according to their typology and radiocarbon dating of the included sediments, are analysed geochemically and mineralogically to identify source materials and... more
The excavation by the Japanese archaeological mission from Waseda University at a rocky outcrop in Northwest Saqqara yielded a number of terracotta and clay statues in two rock-cut chambers on the southeastern slope of the... more
Pottery manufacture considered one of the most important industries whose production throughout the ages has contributed to the definition of specialists (Ceramologists, Archaeologists and Anthropologists…ets) in the modern era to the... more
The Ogdoad (xmnw) were the original eight great deities, who were primarily worshipped at Hermopolis, but their aspects of the creation were combined in other areas with existing myths. They were thought to have helped Thoth with... more
This paer is devoted to the problem of mastabas of the kings of the I dynasty in Sacara (Egypt).
This study examines Egyptian ceramic production in the Eastern Delta, particularly several vessels manufactured in marl fabrics attributed to Marl F found at Tell el Ghaba, a Third Intermediate Period–early Saite settlement on the eastern... more
All scholars with an interest in all aspects of Egyptology are cordially invited to participate in the Tenth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2023: Perspectives of Research (X ECE). The conference will be held at the Institute... more
In this paper we will report on the importance of 3D documentation as a tool for study and communication in Cultural Heritage, with particular reference to the experience grown up at Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale (in... more
The site of Medamud is of particular importance to Egyptology as one of the first sites where, from relatively early times, it was possible to document a chronological succession of sanctuaries in the same cultic space. This influence has... more