Ancient Egyptian Festivals
Recent papers in Ancient Egyptian Festivals
about the festival during akhenaten reign
The scent kit includes six of my scent reconstructions, which are all based on my PhD research on the sense of smell in ancient Egypt. It also includes a detailed description of the significance of each scent for the ancient Egyptian... more
""""Abstract: Table of Contents in Harrassowitz publication: """" Google Books:... more
This thesis consists of an analysis of two ancient Egyptian mythological manual; the Tebtunis Mythological Manual and the Mythological Manual of the Delta. The analysis is focused on the different modes of structuring and interpreting... more
The annual Opet Festival, during which the bark of Amun-and ultimately those of Mut, Khons, and the king as well-journeyed from Karnak to Luxor, became a central religious celebration of ancient Thebes during the 18th Dynasty. The rituals... more
Alle Manuskripte unterliegen einer anonymisierten Begutachtung (peer review); über die Annahme oder Ablehnung des Manuskripts entscheiden die Herausgeber. Über die Internetseite sind die... more
P. Berlin 8278 and its fragments are interesting in many respects. They give us a clear example of a Demotic dramatic genre, as well as the most complete Demotic version of the conflict of Horus and Seth, and are, therefore, an important... more
This study focuses on analyzing documentary papyri from Greco-Roman Egypt, in which pigs and piglets' ritualistic sacrifice is recorded. The texts have been examined from an economic, social and political point of view. The aim of this... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
Les ethnies voisines de la vallée du Nil sont souvent représentées en tant qu’ennemis du pouvoir pharaonique. Outre l’iconographie et les textes canoniques, qui figurent ces étrangers anéantis ou dominés, d’autres documents les montrent... more
The Myth of Er is a key parallel for Book 11 of Apuleius' Metamorphoses with respect to linguistic, thematic, and structural parallels. Among these structural parallels is a festival scene in both the Myth of Er and Met. 11 that... more This paper aims at reassessing the role during the festival of Min (pr.t Mnw) of two female characters named Shemayt and Matyt, alternately depicted as priestesses or deities. Women... more
Le titre de conducteur de fête a été porté entre le Nouvel Empire et la Troisème Période intermédiaire par au moins une cinquantaine de personnages haut placés de l'administration et du clergé de l'Égypte ou membres influents de la Cour.... more
Publication of loose blocks found in 2005 during the work of the dewatering project south-west of Karnak temple. They were dedicated by Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos to Khonsu the child. The hypothesis is that they belonged to a small chapel... more
In Theban Tomb 65 dating to the reign of Ramesses IX and set within the context of representing the bark of Amun resting in a royal memorial temple during the “Beautiful Feast of the Valley” figures of twelve kings are shown. Representing... more
During the archaeological fieldwork undertaken in the Henket-Ankh, the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III situated between el-Assasif and el-Khokha, a large amount of sandstone blocks and fragments have been discovered. Although... more
Workshop “Les célébrations-Hbw en Égypte ancienne : aspects pratiques et rituels” Université de Genève - Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Genève - 23-24 avril 2015 Le terme ḥb est le plus souvent traduit "fête", bien que ses différentes... more
This book in two volumes is a slightly revised version of my PhD Thesis on the New Year Festival in the temple of Hathor in Dendara, published by Harrassowitz. See the website of the publishing house for details and an abstract:... more
A r c h a eop r e s s Acc e s s A rch a e o l o gy A Abstract of Sirius after an absence of about 70 days.
This paper is devoted to the festivals of an Ancient Egyptian war-god Montu. The festivals celebrated in the Theban temples at Armant, Tod, Medamud and Karnak are considered. The scenes in the Ramesside tomb of Khonsu-Ta (TT 31),... more
Scholars commonly accept the translation of the term ḥb as “festival” in English, as much as “fête” in French or “Fest” in German. While these three terms cover the same semantic field, their exact definitions or what they describe within... more
The author reconstructs the ritual and symbolic program of the Full Moon Festival at Dendera temple. The study of the image of 14 gods ascending to the roof of the temple, Chapter 113 of the Book of the Dead and the wall-reliefs of the... more
Se realiza un breve resumen de una ponencia en la que se presentó un balance historiográfico acerca de la historia de la investigación de las fiestas egipcias.
En Égypte ancienne, si le temple est la maison du dieu, le territoire qui l’entoure est bien son jardin. Loin d’être casaniers, la divinité et son clergé profitent des nombreuses fêtes du calendrier pour y sortir en procession et parfois... more
Lecture presented to the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, Toronto, Canada, 2013
The New Year Festival was one of the most important events in the religious calendar of any Egyptian sanctuary. Since the small chapel on the roof, where the central ritual on New Year's Day took place, is preserved only in the temple of... more
Das Neumond- und Behedet-Fest in Edfu – Eine Strukturanalyse von Text und Bild einer „unregelmäßigen“ Soubassement-Dekoration, in: A. Rickert/B. Ventker (Eds.), Altägyptische Enzyklopädien. Soubassementstudien I, SSR 7, Wiesbaden 2014,... more