Ancient Egyptian Administration
Recent papers in Ancient Egyptian Administration
The mechanisms by which Egypt was re-unified under Psamtik I (664-610 BC) are still, despite intense study, not fully understood. However, statues belonging to elite, non-royal, officials may hint to a program of royal favour towards... more
Souvent méprisée, délaissée ou simplement oubliée des manuels d’histoire de l’Antiquité, la XIIIe dynastie d’Égypte (XVIIIe siècle av.J.-C.) n’a jamais fait l’objet d’un essai de synthèse historique. Associée au déclin général de la... more
This research analize the proportions and architectural features of Osireion Hypogeum in order to determine the level of knowledge of the geometric rules achieved by Egyptian Priests and Harpedonaptae before the birth of Euclidean Geometry.
This paper publishes three shabti figures of the vizier Paser held in the Petrie Museum of the Egyptian Archaeology (UC39724-39726), together with another nineteen shabtis which are dispersed in four Museums (Egyptian Museum Berlin,... more
The author discusses the chronology of the tomb-robbery papyri, showing that the verso of both P. BM 10068 and P. BM 10053 should be ascribed to the wHm mswt. Whereas the traditional ascription of P. BM 10053 vso. requires an otherwise... more
Zu den wichtigsten staatstragenden Personen des pharaonischen Staates gehören neben dem Träger des Königsamtes die sog. Wesire – In der folgenden Untersuchung soll die Gruppe der Wesire während der 66-jährigen Regierungszeit... more
Pepy I’ necropolis delivered many fragments of decrees, which are the subject of this article. The corpus discovered by the MafS includes fragments of widely varying size and interest. If some of them contain only a few signs, others are... more
The Old Kingdom viziers bore the composite title tAyty TAty (n) zAb. Further hieroglyphic signs, such as the phallus-sign and the addition mAa, were appended in some cases to this title. The form of the vizier’s title with the... more
The early 18th Dynasty was a time of military and political reorganization and consolidation in which signifi cant administrative changes were enacted that were likely designed to support a "powerful and pervasive royal authority." 1... more
A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom.
he mass of papyri discovered in front of Galleries G1 and G2 has provided more than 400 fragments of widely varying size from logbooks, which have allowed us to identify a minimum of seven documents of this type, though more than ten... more
«Borders are nothing other than lines drawn to demarcate states’ sovereignty […] they have to be agreed upon by each of the states whose borders they are» (Giddens 1985). The national border of Egypt belongs more to the defences of the... more
C e volume présente les actes d'un colloque international organisé conjointement par l'université de la Sorbonne et l'université de Genève à Paris entre le 12 et le 15 février 2015. Cette réunion avait pour objectif d'établir un « état de... more
This essay gives an overview of the structure and the organisation of the court society of Ramesses II and deals on one hand with the tools of power to regulate them and on the other hand with the chances and risks of members of the court.
Publication of a stela commemorating the vizier To of Ramesses III excavated at Medinet Habu dated to after year 2 of Ramesses V or VI. It is concluded that the stela was commissioned by Nebnefer in honor of his forefathers Bakenwerel and... more
La percezione del territorio nell'Egitto del I millennio a.C.: divisioni amministrative, geografiche e religiose. Uno studio lessicografico." Candidata: Jessica PROCACCIO Matricola: 809655 Relatore: Prof. Paolo GALLO Anno Accademico... more
The Semna Dispatches hold unparalleled importance as one of the only papyri remaining for our understanding of Egypt’s control over its Lower Nubian forts in the late Middle Kingdom. Here, we provide an edition and commentary on P.... more
هذا البحث يتناول وظيفة هامة تتعلق بالملك الفرعون فى مصر القديمة خاصة أثناء الاحتفال بتتويج الملك أو إعادة تتويجه فى عيد سد
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
Publication of a fragment of dummy funerary vessel belonging to the Overseer of the Fields of Amun, Nebseny (E.586) from the Garstang Museum of Archaeology, University of Liverpool.
The present article analyses different epigraphic material from Elephantine for the reconstruction of the sequence of governors of the first nome of Upper Egypt during the reigns of Senwosret I and Amenemhat II. Detlef Franke, in a study... more
A catalogue record for this book is avaiable from the British Library Front cover: Model of a scribe from shaft 16L25/1C (2710/144) at Deir el-Bersheh, compare colour plate XIII All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
The paper introduce the well preserved kneeling statue of the Vizier Paser from the temple of Ptah in Memphis, kept in Durham, Oriental Museum of the University, Inv.-Nr. EG 4003.
L’examen de la stèle de Minhotep Houtoutou (Musée du Caire 17/5/25/7 [S.R. 12041]) et la confrontation avec un passage du papyrus Ermitage 1116-B verso, (38)-(39), permettent d’assurer que Minhotep Houtoutou fut bien un contemporain... more
§ 1 Introduction § 2 Political power of the army § 3 State bureaucracy and "navy" § 3.1 Military functions and ranks in the "navy" § 3.2 Naval administration § 4 State bureaucracy and army § 4.1 The Royal Guard § 4.2 Abuse of military... more
In all pre-industrial societies, storage allowed consumption to be postponed and spread over time in order to prevent food insecurity. Methods used for storage therefore provide information on the technical choices made by various human... more
The papyrus collection of the Museo Egizio in Turin houses several administrative documents, which date to the reign of Ramesses IX and are related to the workmen’s village of Deir el-Medina. Since the end of the 19th century these... more
secrétaire générale M me Nathalie Favry trésorier M. Gérard Bizien responsables des publications n Revue d'égyptologie M. Olivier Perdu (RdE) n Bulletin de la Société française M me Laetitia Gallet d'égyptologie (BSFE) compte bancaire... more
A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Data related to Volume 1
Dans L'Administration provinciale sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien, Émilie Martinet propose une analyse novatrice des structures administratives provinciales et de la hiérarchisation des élites locales sous l’Ancien Empire (2700-2160 avant... more