Recent papers in Anaximander
The doxography for Anaximander’s account of the rings of the sky gives proportions for them that are discrepant. So a widely accepted hypothesis proposes that, since the circles of the celestial bodies are compared to wheels, we should... more
The word arché, by which Jesus is in Col 1:18 described, is most often interpreted and translated as “beginning”. There are however hints that arché also bears connotations to arché defined as philosophical principle. It is supported by:... more
Was Parmenides a distinguished ‘astronomer’ and ‘biologist’ other than the great ‘philosopher’ he has been unanimously considered from the times of Plato onwards? Many admirers of the ‘philosopher’ are not just refractory to consider this... more
Bien que les notions de φιλία et δίκη n’apparaissent pas conjointement dans les fragments présocratiques, elles relèvent de champs similaires, qu’il s’agisse de la nécessité cosmique ou d’une forme conditionnelle de nécessité. Mais,... more
An attempt to capture the most significant questions of a wide variety of major philosophers, and hence, the soul of philosophy.
Sokrates öncesi filozofların doğayı açıklama çabası varlık, oluş, değişim sorunları etrafında döner. Bu sorunlara önerilen çözümlerde Sokrates öncesi filozofların gözettiği temel izlek ise doğanın birlikteliğini, biraradalığını diğer bir... more
This article marks the first in a series in which the author will publish famous phrases attributed to ancient Greek philosophers. Afier a brief introduction in wich details of the proposed study are given, the anide examines phrases by... more
This study tells about Anaximander's theory of Apeiron and as well as his life and his philosophical background. Anaximander is said to be a younger contemporary of Thales, who also sought for the first material principle; he was a... more
Análisis e interpretación sobre algunos fragmentos de Heráclito y el fragmento de Anaximandro.
A review essay on the new Loeb edition of the Presocratics.
Given as a talk at Columbia University and to be published in Kronos.
Given as a talk at Columbia University and to be published in Kronos.
This a paper given in Edinburgh in May 2018 which discusses some thoughts on Andre Laks's recent piece on Presocratic ethics. The paper explores several strands but takes up Heraclitus and his B45 as a particular focus, and the reading of... more
Η ζωή του Ο Αναξίμανδρος γεννήθηκε στη Μίλητο το 610 π. Χ. περίπου και πέθανε λίγο μετά το 546 π. Χ. Σύμφωνα με τον Διογένη Λαέρτιο, ήταν μαθητής του Θαλή και άμεσος συνεχιστής του έργου του. Για την ζωή του ξέρουμε πολύ λίγα. Σύμφωνα με... more
İyonya doğayı anlama, görünenin ve değişenin ardında yatan değişmeyen temel ilkenin, unsurun ne olduğunun konusunda rasyonel bir tutumun, girişimin ortaya konduğu önemli bir merkezdi. Ancak bu girişimin katı anlamda mitostan logosa keskin... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
Proof. Abstract Nietzsche argued that the Greeks were in possessions of every theoretical, mathematical, logical, and technological antecedent for the development of what could be modern science. But if they had all these necessary... more
This book presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios, a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life, was the most important cultic deity influencing the thinker,... more
Praised for its reliance on observation rather than myth, the Milesian school signals the dawn of science in the West. Whereas Hesiod appeals to the long ago and far away to explain the here and now, Thales and his cohorts do the... more
This article adresses the heroon of Thales in the agora of Miletos, so far only literarily attested (§§ IV, VII). The sage was worshiped as secondary founder, having the status of a 'cultural hero', an age-old Indo-European concept.... more
This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its... more
NB/ cultura CULTURA PRESOCRATICA ha preparato la strada a un volune che ora sta per essere pubblicato, RIPENSARE I PRESOCRATICI. Di questo libro è disponibile una sinossi. Si trova qui:... more
This is a full text of the review of M. Sassi's monograph 'The beginnings of philosophy in Greece' (2018), a very brief exposition of which has been published previously in Classical Review. While passing a generally favorable verdict... more
Philosophy is usually believed to be a timeless virtuality. Nevertheless, it is widely assumed that philosophy began in Miletus with Thales (or just a little later, with Heraclitus and Parmenides). Nevertheless, it is equally well known... more
I examine Heidegger's reflections on the Anaximander fragment, concentrating on the question of justice. In his commentary, Heidegger draws on Nietzsche's thoughts about justice, the will to power, and nihilism to formulate an... more
Philosophers are generally somewhat wary of the hints of number mysticism in the reports about the beliefs and doctrines of the so-called Pythagoreans. It's not clear how much Pythagoras himself (as opposed to his later followers)... more
"Ripensare i presocratici" ("Rethinking the Presocratics") is a book of mine, published by MIMESIS, Milano in July 2023.. A considerable discontinuity from the current image of most Presocratics marks it. To begin with:: it is still... more
Martin Heidegger : Le commencement de la philosophie occidentale (partie II) | 1
Anaximander is credited, i.a., for having been the author of the very first graphic rendering of the whole known world, thus with the invention of a successful protype, that of large scale maps. For a very long time, this prototype has... more
This dissertation presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios—a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life—was the most important cultic deity influencing the... more
Τὸ ἄπειρον is Aristotelian and doxographical term, not an authentic term of Anaximander himself. In the key aristotelian passage on which the doxographical tradition depends, Aristotle does not ascribe this term specifically and... more
Traducción de la conferencia "Le fragment d'Anaximandre" dictada por el Dr. Néstor Cordero (École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses. Annuaire. Tome 97. 1988. pp. 293-296.) Realizada para la cátedra de Historia... more
in: Il mar nero 9, 2012-2018 (2019), 7-47 Thales of Miletos should be regarded, like his fellow 'Seven Sages' of Greece, first as a politician-statesman and only second as the founder of the Milesian school of philosophy. Around 600... more
Table of contents 1. Preliminary remarks. Eliminating the wrong category of ‘Presocratics’, correcting the improper use of the terms ‘monists’ and ‘pluralists’, and clarifying the distinction between ‘corpuscular’ and ‘atomistic’... more
My main claim is that the teachings of Anaximander are much better knowable than they actually appear, since a number of his teachings have the privilege of being almost transparent in their predicative content as well as in their logic.... more
Professor Jeff Mitscherling This thesis explores the role the concept of divinity played in the physical theories of Anaximander of Miletus (c.610 -c.546 BCE), arguing that his work anticipated and helped create the metaphysical theories... more
New interpretation of Anaximander's theory of matter and of the fragment B 1 DK. Τὸ ἄπειρον is Aristotelian term, not an authentic term of Anaximander who spoke about Φύσις ἄπειρος, ἀΐδιος καὶ ἀγήρως "Boundless nature, eternal and... more
In this paper, I explore the Presocratic antecedents of the Stoic theory of conflagration and argue that, even though three central theses of this theory have solid antecedents in Presocratic physics, the logical connection between them... more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>update 06.03.2022: Alexandru will get a special memorial article which is currently in preparation for "Il mar nero" XI, 2021/22 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update 12.01.2022:... more
Although the view that Anaximander was a Material Monist is not very popular nowadays, it is still widely held that it was embraced by Aristotle at least on some occasions, then adopted by Theophrastus, and later on inherited by... more
Od svih ranih grčkih filozofa Anaksimandar (oko 610–546 g. p. n. e.) zaslužuje posebnu pažnju, jer je on vjerovatno prvi dao sveobuhvatan i detaljan opis nastanka i funkcioniranja kozmosa, a to, za razliku od njegovog prethodnika Talesa o... more
Although we have only one extant fragment from the sixth-century BC Milesian philosopher, Anaximander of Miletus, a number of doxographies enable us to reconstruct his ideas concerning the origin and evolution of the present order of... more
This paper try to show the decisive importance of presocratic thought in the philosophy of Simondon. Notably, "apeiron" and "physics" are key notions to understand the theory of individuation (as far as contemporary physics) and how a new... more