Anatomy and Physiology
Recent papers in Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction: Ageing is associated with decrease in the efficacy of various physiological homeostatic mechanisms as well as increase in co-morbidities and functional disabilities. The classical symptoms of diabetes are not always apparent... more
Aims: To study the effect of body compositions such as BMI, waist hip ratio, body fat composition on lung function and also to correlate any changes with gender difference. Materials and Methods: A total of 164 medical students aged 18-23... more
Introduction: Radial head prosthesis is a valuable option in patients with radial head and neck fractures who require radial head replacement. Neck shaft angle (NSA) is an important morphometric measurement for stem design of radial head... more
Introduction: Needle phobia, clinically termed as belonephobia is a sub-type of blood-injury-injection phobia (BII phobia). Heightened sensitivity to experimentally induced pain, clinical pain and pain-related distress is greater in women... more
Background: Radiologic imaging is increasingly utilized as supplemental material in preclinical gross anatomy courses, but few studies have investigated its utility as a fully integrated instructional tool. Aims: Establish the benefit of... more
Introduction: Menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation. After menopause primordial follicles become atretic, hence ovaries fail to produce estrogen. The presence of estrogen receptors in the heart, vascular smooth muscles and... more
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
Introduction: The Vision 2015 of Medical Council of India states that the Indian medical graduate (IMG) should have the necessary competencies (Knowledge, Skills and Attitude) to assume his or her role as a health care provider to the... more
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is represented by somatic traits of genetic factors like dermatoglyphic patterns. There is a rising incidence of DM2, requiring simple means to identify predisposition to DM2. Materials and... more
We get up in the mornings to the bright glow of our phones acting as alarm clock and probably bid good night to the phone screen by checking WhatsApp messages or facebook updates Demands of the modern society put us in front of the... more
Introduction: Psychosocial stress of our modern life precipitates various cardiovascular and other disorders by distorting basic neuroendocrine mechanism and thus autonomic nervous system. The harmful effects of these stress on bodily... more
Scientists from Germany, England, India, Australia and UAE have published books on camel. These are, of course, good books but as usual their prices are prohibitive for our students, extension workers and even for teachers. Moreover,... more
Este año festejamos el bicentenario del nacimiento de Charles Darwin y con él, uno de los más importantes y valientes logros del pensamiento humano, la teoría de la evolución biológica. El origen y la historia de la vida son parte de toda... more
Introduction: Surgical specialty requires adequate exposure of training and enormous practice of surgical skills to become successful. Moreover, surgeons have to be familiar with day to day trending newer developments and surgical... more
Notes on Anatomy & Physiology for Yoga Education compiled and edited by Dr Ananda with assistance of Ramya Pillutla and G Dayanidy at CYTER
Introduction: Video-gaming has become one of the most preferred leisure activities among adolescents, with prevalence rate being as high as 75% in some of the industrialized countries. Video games provide a ‘virtual world’ where the gamer... more
Breve introducción (primer repaso fundamental) de algunos de los componentes principales que conforman el sistema nervioso, para entender su anatomía y fisiología como la unidad funcional que es. Para estudiantes de medicina, biología y... more
The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord are protected by bony structures, membranes, and fluid. The brain is held in the cranial cavity of the skull and it consists of the cerebrum,... more
The overall purpose of this preparatory course textbook is to help students familiarize with some terms and some basic concepts they will find later in the Human Anatomy and Physiology I course. The organization and functioning of the... more
Sekitar 40% dari tubuh manusia terdiri dari otot skeletal, dimana sisanya adalah 10% otot halus dan otot jantung. Beberapa prinsip dasar dari kontraksi berlaku untuk semua jenis otot. Otot skeletal terdiri dari banyak serat yang ukuran... more
Diagrama de las principales estructuras musculares y otras tisulares del sistema muscular, asociadas a las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Clasificación anatómica y algunas relaciones fisiológicas asociadas. Recurso manual para... more
Otak besar mempunyai fungsi dalam pengaturan semua aktivitas mental, yaitu yang berkaitan dengan kepandaian (intelegensi), ingatan (memori), kesadaran, dan pertimbangan. Otak besar merupakan sumber dari semua kegiatan/gerakan sadar atau... more
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - The 5th Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference (QUAESTI 2017)
Saluran pencernaan merupakan saluran yang menerima makanan dari luar dan mempersiapkannya untuk diserap oleh tubuh dengan jalan proses pencernaan (pengunyahan, penelanan, dan pencampuran) dengan enzim dan zat cairyang terbentang mulai... more
Antibody-based tools for neurodegenerative disease research Handbook
-Rhombensefalon (hindbrain) dan Mesensefalon (midbrain) Rhombensefalon dibagi jadi myelensefalon yang selanjutnya berkembang jadi medulla oblongata, dan metensefalon yang berkembang jadi pons dan serebellum. Sedangkan mesensefalon menjadi... more
Introduction: With modern life style, in the present environmental conditions the prevalence of prehypertension & hypertension is high and is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents. Deep... more
Introduction: Respiratory muscles improve their function in response to training. Yogic exercises have the ability to enhance respiratory efficiency. Respiratory training techniques have consistently demonstrated positive outcomes in... more