Recent papers in Anarcho-syndicalism
Historia de la Columna Tierra y Libertad de la CNT y de su sucesora la 153 Brigada Mixta durante la Guerra Civil española. Historia de los Comités de Defensa en la Catalunya central. History of the anarchist column called Tierra y... more
This chapter addresses the life and works of Italian transnational anarchist and anti-fascist Camillo Berneri (1897-1937) drawing upon Berneri’s archives and original papers, never translated into English with only few exceptions. For the... more
In this article we will analyse, from a transnational history point of view, the presence of American anarchism in the Galician libertarian press until 1936. In the 19th and 20h centuries, the transatlantic migrations contributed to... more
Este dossiê foi realizado a partir de uma pesquisa de praticamente dois anos, que teve por objetivo analisar o ressurgimento do anarquismo, do anarcossindicalismo e do sindicalismo revolucionário, que ocorreu no mundo todo entre 1990 e... more
A szervezet emellett naprakész módon a közösségi médiában is jelen van: 3 A tagszervezeteket két kategóriára lehet osztani: az internacionálé szekcióira és a hozzá lazábban kapcsolódó, baráti státuszú szervezetekre. Előbbiek csoportját... more
Through the translation from Swedish to Italian of an excerpt of Ormen (“The Snake”) by Stig Dagerman, the paper aims at analysing the author’s point of view under two aspects: the existential one and the political one, which were two... more
The Polish anarchist movement suffers from a uniquely distorted and occluded history. Although it honourably defended by force of arms the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943, with two Anarchist Federation of Poland militants later... more
An overview of the involvement of artists with the anarchist movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, and how they used their art as a weapon in the struggle against capitalism and the state.
This dissertation investigates the internal struggles within the labour movement in Dalarna at the beginning of the twentieth century. I investigate Social Democracy, Anarcho-Syndicalism and Communism, the three major factions of the... more
A building worker since he was 12 and later a leader of his trade union federation, Raymond Péricat was a typical representative of the most radical wing of the revolutionary syndicalism in the Cgt before 1914. Then, he was one of a very... more
One of the most important debates in contemporary social and political movements concerns the importance and value of “prefigurative politics”. Its meaning, along with its origins, is often misconstrued, and it has come under intense... more
Taking issue against an established view which reduces the interactions between Bergson and Sorel to a shared ‘irrationalism’, the article reconstructs successive phases of engagement between the two, focussing on the question of the... more
Visando compreender o processo global de disseminação do anarquismo na questão específica no Brasil, tanto este como uma corrente do socialismo de tendência libertária quanto sua principal estratégia e um dos principais meios de luta... more
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2022. Kolkata International Book Fair. Naba Paryaya Jijnasa (38 years), 1.4. Reg No. R.N.73148/80
2022. Kolkata International Book Fair. Naba Paryaya Jijnasa (38 years), 1.4. Reg No. R.N.73148/80
Nancy, éditions Arbre Bleu, 2022 ------- Célèbre pour avoir écrit les Réflexions sur la violence qui furent diversement interprétées, Georges Sorel (1847-1922) a pourtant produit une œuvre qui ne prête pas à ambiguïté sur le fond. Se... more
Taking the view that all true spirituality is inherently Anarchist at it's core, this pdf book is a comprehensive examination of the many links between Anarchism, the Occult and Mysticism. It is presented within the broad framework of a... more
I am still on the first stretch of this nomadic exploration, but I think I can begin to answer the question that is guiding this exploration—'how can the Natural-Indigenous Worldview support our understandings of the potential for an... more
In transnational historical labour movement studies, the African anarchist / syndicalist movement is as under-studied as those of Central or South-East Asia and the Caribbean. This is despite the fact that the movement arose in Egypt in... more
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
Esta investigación se centra en el análisis y reconstrucción de los episodios violentos ligados al sindicalismo en Catalunya durante las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX, prestando particular atención a las relaciones entre los distintos... more
Il libro ambisce tracciare il profilo a più facce dell'intellettuale sovversivo del primo novecento imbattutosi nel sindacalismo rivoluzionario italiano. Svelato il condizionante sostrato sociologico, traspare l'inquieta e peculiare... more
The essay (ostensibly a book review) is a critique. It relates Noam Chomsky's Cartesian philosophy of language to his affirmation of an objective, universally binding morality and to his derivative affirmation of the objective moral... more
See my chapter, "The Working Class Pandemic in the United States," pp. 53-67
This thesis resolves the dualism of a scientistic-deterministic Marxism and a critical-emancipatory Marxism by reinstating Marx's dialectical materialist (social-natural) ontology. Marx is shown to reconcile the two great wings of the... more
«Una vita proletaria» fu scritta nel 1921 dall’emigrante anarchico Bartolomeo Vanzetti in un carcere degli Stati Uniti d’America prima di essere ucciso - innocente - sulla sedia elettrica nel penitenziario di Charlestown la notte tra il... more
Brief bio, updated 3/6/25.
Biography and analysis of the political thought of Salvador Seguí (1887-1923), one of the founders of the CNT, unionist and European theorist of anarcho-syndicalism. Biografia i anàlisi del pensament polític de Salvador Seguí... more
I contenuti della rivista sono liberamente utilizzabili a fini culturali e non di lucro a patto di indicare chiaramente la fonte, gli autori e le autrici e previo accordo con la redazione. I testi sono sottoposti a double-blind peer review.
If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." (King 1959) "Future planners... more
Ce travail préparatoire essaie de donner un aperçu global sur les rapports entre mouvement social et immigration, en établissant une comparaison entre les principaux pays d'immigration du tournant du XXe siècle (États-Unis, Australie,... more
Este trabajo analiza la relación entre el anarcosindicalismo y la violencia desatada contra los representantes de la Iglesia católica en la retaguardia republicana de la provincia de Guadalajara durante la Guerra Civil española... more
Die Arbeit beruht auf dem von der GZM im Oktober 2016 veranstalteten In Front Festival, das anlässlich der 100 Jahre DADA Feiern im Ludwig Forum Aachen stattfand. Es sollte in einer 3-tägigen Performance und einer Ausstellung ganz... more
Study about attitudes in Spanish Socialist people in relation to Primo de Rivera's rightist dIctatorship (1923-1930), about Primo de Rivera's social politics, his syndicalist conception -founded on the principle "Free Syndicalism in... more
This is a preview of my 2019/2020 book on Argentina's worker-recovered companies, also known as worker-recuperated/recovered companies/factories/businesses, or worker-recuperated enterprises as I prefer to call them, a more accurate... more
From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were strongly influenced by revolutionary syndicalism. The distinctively international and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic... more
Este texto tem como objetivo expor as posições do clássico anarquista russo Piotr Kropotkin (1842-1921) acerca das estratégias anarquistas e suas posições frente a tal debate. Ele contesta que Kropotkin tenha sido um... more
I review the book The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics (2012) by Deric Shannon, Anthony J. Nocella II and John Asimakopoulos. This book is a collection of essays written by various authors who fall within the... more
This is a translation of Rudolf Rocker's 'Prinzipienerklärung des Syndikalismus' (1919), an influential document in the history of anarchist syndicalism. It is part of a larger effort to make accessible neglected strands of anarchist... more
CO-AUTHORED WITH PETER LIMB, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY (USA) WHO ISN'T ON ACADEMIA.EDU: Our research compares and contrasts the transnational activism of maritime unions in Australia and the United States in what became the first and... more
Born from within the socialist party, Italian revolutionary syndicalism, with at its head various rootless intellectuals and activists, advanced an argument for working class autonomy against governmental liberalism and parliamentary... more
Indice Bollettino 44 cose nostre • Riflessioni sparse di un dopo-convegno di Varden Riddani • L’autobiografia di Rudolf Rocker finalmente tradotta in lingua italiana di David Bernardini • Novità dell’Archivio Pinelli Memoria... more