Analytical Thomism
Recent papers in Analytical Thomism
To begin to examine the relation of orthodox Catholic Christian faith to evolutionary theory and the question of human origins, consider words of the fourth pope, St. Clement:
The purpose of this essay is to explore, and clarify, some key features in Aquinas’ account of the virtue of temperance, with an eye to answering some common objections raised against a positive evaluation of temperance. In particular, I... more
Con l'espressione "neotomismo" si intende quel movimento di rinascita della scolastica medievale e moderna -da cui l'espressione quasi sinonima di "neoscolastica" -e di rivalutazione del pensiero di Tommaso d'Aquino, cominciato nella metà... more
N.B This is a significantly revised version of my earlier “Addiction within a Thomistic Philosophical Anthropology: A Conceptual Analysis.” When I wrote it I had only started thinking about addiction and my ideas have developed... more
In recent years an old Thomistic debate on the separated soul has been resurrected. All parties to the debate agree that, for Aquinas, the separated soul (anima separata) designates the rational soul of a human person that survives the... more
Premessa Ormai è un dato di fatto: in Italia esiste una ben definita ontologia formale di ispirazione tomista! Per quanto queste ricerche non siano ancora state recepite né dalla filosofia italiana (tomista o meno) né tanto meno da quella... more
The doctrine of God as “Subsistent Being itself” (Ipsum Esse Subsistens) was for many years considered the heart of Aquinas’ thought. In this paper (i) I set out Aquinas’s arguments in favour of the thesis of God as Subsistent Being... more
In this paper I will delineate the psychological operations and faculties required for linguistic apprehension within a Thomistic psychology. This will require first identifying the proper object of linguistic apprehension, which will... more
This chapter examines Aquinas' understanding of both the similarities and differences between human and non-human animals. In order to do so, I will examine what Aquinas has to say about (a) the telos (overall purpose or end) of humans... more
This study examines the function of the vis cogitativa in Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of antecedent and consequent passions. It builds upon recent scholarship concerning his understanding of the way virtuous passions can contribute to... more
This paper aims to show that the thought of Aristotle can shed much light on the irksomeproblems that lurk around the philosophical foundations of neuroscience. First, we will explorethe ramifications of Aristotle’s mereological... more
This article is the second part of a two-part essay. The first part was published as: "Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of New Mechanisms in Neuroscience" Scientia et Fides 5 (2) /2017, 9-38 Abstract for Part II:... more
Algunas consideraciones sobre J. Pieper y el tema del mal en la problemática filosófica contemporánea
A DEBATE has recently arisen over the questions of whether, on the omistic view, the human soul is a person a er death and prior to resurrection, and whether it is the same person as the soul-matter composite of which it was a part before... more
This paper aims to establish some of the taxonomical groundwork required for developing a robust philosophy of perception on the basis of the Thomistic doctrine of the cogitative power (vis cogitativa). The formal object of the cogitative... more
"Mark Spencer is a rising star among Catholic philosophers. This is a big book in every sense. In confident and accessible prose, Spencer argues that the mystery of human personhood can best be understood by drawing together perspectives... more
This article explores the strategies available for defending Aquinas’s view of existence in the context of contemporary analytic philosophy. The rival view of existence prevalent among contemporary analytic philosophers is subject to... more
This study examines a number of different answers to the question: where does Avicenna demonstrate the existence of God within the Metaphysics of the Healing? Many interpreters have contended that there is an argument for God’s existence... more
In this article, I show how “Analytic Thomism” has developed some reflections on the Thomistic transcendentals ens, unum and multiplicitas, in critical dialogue with some contemporary analytic philosophers. The article is divided into... more
Abstract for Part 1. "Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience" This article, the first of a two-part essay, presents an account of Aristotelian hylomorphic animalism that... more
"In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God." So begins the Gospel according to St. John. And according to venerable scholastic and neo-scholastic traditions of commentary, so also is planted the seed... more
Is it necessary for all Christians – including Christians who are metaphysicians with demonstrative knowledge of God’s existence – to hold by faith that God exists? I shall approach this apparently straightforward question by... more
Wilfrid Sellars’s engagement with Thomism in “Being and Being Known” is examined, specifically for his reformulation of the thesis that the mind in its mental acts is in some sense identical in form to the object known. Bor- rowing the... more
In this essay I expound Avicenna’s doctrine of the analogy of being and examine the function it plays in his Metaphysics of the Healing (aš–Šifā’, al–Ilāhiyyāt). In the first part of this essay I address the question: What is Avicenna’s... more
The aim of this article is to follow Thomas Aquinas in his attempt to prove that the gap between mind and reality is bridgeable. This whole epistemological puzzle is by no means a new one, but unlike his predecessors who were unable to... more
It is common for readers of Aquinas to regard his theory of abstraction as indispensable to a realist account of human intellectual cognition. What is far from common, however, is an understanding of how, according to Aquinas, sentient... more
En la presente comunicación nos proponemos desarrollar algunas consecuencias psicológicas de la doctrina tomista del experimentum moral en su relación con las inclinaciones afectivas. El lugar natural de este tema en el contexto del... more
This paper investigates Thomas Aquinas’s threefold division of pleasure into delectatio, gaudium, and fruitio, and its taxonomical basis in his threefold division of knowledge into tactility, the cogitative power, and the intellect.... more
This study has two goals: first, to show that Avicenna’s account of being and thing significantly influenced Aquinas’s doctrine of the primary notions; second, to establish the value of adopting a mereological construal of these primary... more
A survey article on the reception of the Summa theologiae in the post-medieval period, challenging the classical "decline and rebirth" narrative that has dominated histories of Thomism and neo-Thomism. First, I argue that Thomism never... more
Is it the case that God, human beings, and air all share the same capacity for cognition, differing only in the degree to which they engage in cognitive acts? Robert Pasnau has recently argued that according to St. Thomas Aquinas they do,... more
Although Anscombe’s moral philosophy is often described as an “absolutism”, commentators on Anscombe have confused what kind of absolutism she held. In this paper, I argue that to properly understand Anscombe’s position on ethical... more
Jacques Maritain and Yves Simon contributed a wealth of philosophical insights to the problems of cognition, noetics, and epistemology. Their developments of Thomism and the philosophia perennis were achieved through their erudite... more
One of the greatest challenges facing materialist theories of the human mind is the problem of intentionality. As many non-materialists of various stripes have pointed out, it is very difficult to say, if the human mind is a purely... more
This article is a reply by the author to John Deely's book review "How to Go Nowhere with Language: Remarks on John O'Callaghan, Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn" (ACPQ vol. 82, no. 2). Its main topics are: (i) Deely's view that,... more
THOMAS AQUINAS has no philosophy of mind, contrary to the central thesis of Anthony Kenny's recent Aquinas on Mind. My argument in this paper is that there is a shift in Aquinas's discussion of cognition from an Augustinian philosophy of... more
Se è già problematico definire con precisione e in maniera non ambigua il cosiddetto "tomismo analitico", e ancor più lo è individuare adeguatamente gli autori riconducibili a tale corrente, è a dir poco arduo declinare questi due compiti... more