HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
A quite general model of source that comes from dynamical systems theory is introduced. Within this model, basic problems of algorithmic information theory contexts are analysed. The main tool for the analysis is a (generalized) transfer... more
The traditional zero-one principle for sorting networks states that "if a network with n input lines sorts all 2 n binary sequences into nondecreasing order, then it will sort any arbitrary sequence of n numbers into nondecreasing order".... more
A new algorithm for generating order preserving minimal perfect hash functions is presented. The algorithm is probabilistic, involving generation of random graphs. It uses expected linear time and requires a linear number of words to... more
Previously, it was shown in a paper by Kaldewaij and Schoenmakers that for topdown skew heaps the amortized number of comparisons required for meld and delmin is upper bounded by log φ n, where n is the total size of the inputs to these... more
The increasing use of phylogeny in biological studies is limited by the need to make available more efficient tools for computing distances between trees. The geodesic tree distance-introduced by Billera, Holmes, and Vogtmann-combines... more
We present short proofs on the mistake bounds of the 1-nearest neighbor algorithm on an online prediction problem of path labels. The algorithm is one of key ingredients in the algorithm by Herbster, Lever, and Pontil for general graphs.... more
We give a new constructive proof of the Chung-Feller theorem. Our proof provides a new and simple linear-time algorithm for generating random binary trees on n nodes; the algorithm uses integers no larger than 212.
Data sorting is one of the most intensively studied problems in computing science for both its theoretical importance and its use in many applications. Quicksort which depends on an appropriate pivot selection technique for its... more
karya ilmiah mata kuliah Strategi Algoritma tentang perbedaan Algoritma Brute Force dan Algoritma Greedy
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are emerging as an effective means for environment monitoring. This paper investigates a strategy for energy efficient monitoring in WSNs that partitions the sensors into covers, and then activates the... more
Breadth First Search (BFS) is a building block for graph algorithms and has recently been used for large scale analysis of information in a variety of applications including social networks, graph databases and web searching. Due to its... more
Among multiple gcd algorithms on polynomials as on integers, one of the most natural ones performs a sequence of -1 phases ( is the number of inputs), with each of them being the Euclid algorithm on two entries. We present here a complete... more
There exist fast variants of the gcd algorithm which are all based on principles due to Knuth and Schönhage. On inputs of size n, these algorithms use a Divide and Conquer approach, perform FFT multiplications with complexity µ(n) and... more
We provide sharp estimates for the probabilistic behaviour of the main parameters of the Euclid Algorithms, both on polynomials and on integer numbers. We study in particular the distribution of the bit-complexity which involves two main... more
Andersson and Nilsson have already shown that the average depth D n of random LC-tries is only Θ (log * n) when the keys are produced by a symmetric memoryless process, and that D n = O (log log n) when the process is asymmetric. In this... more
We consider policies that manage fixed-size dynamic linear lists, when the references follow the independent reference model. We define the counter scheme. a policy that keeps lhe records sorted by their access frequencies, and prove that... more
The field of parallel metaheuristics is continuously evolving as a result of new technologies and needs that researchers have been encountering. In the last decade, new models of algorithms, new hardware for parallel... more
Buffer management for a D-disk parallel I/O system is considered in the context of randomized placement of data on the disks. A simple prefetching and caching algorithm PHASE-LRU using bounded lookahead is described and analyzed. It is... more
Lafayette, IN, a position he has held since 1976. His research interests include algorithms for data storage and retrieval, programming languages, and software engineering. Dr. Comer is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery... more
A graph G = (V, E) is distance hereditary if every induced path of G is a shortest path. In this paper, we show that the eccentricity function e(v) = max{d(v, u) : u ∈ V } in any distance-hereditary graph G is almost unimodal, that is,... more
We consider the problem of online robot navigation in an unfamiliar two-dimensional environment, using comparatively limited sensing information. In particular, the robot has local sensors to detect the proximity of obstacles and permit... more
The generalized Tower of Hanoi problem with h ≥ 4 pegs is known to require a sub-exponentially fast growing number of moves in order to transfer a pile of n disks from one peg to another. In this paper we study the Path h variant, where... more
Hamming graphs are, by definition, the Cartesian product of complete graphs. In the bipartite case these graphs are hypercubes. We present an algorithm recognizing Hamming graphs in linear time and space. This improves a previous... more
We start with a set of n players. With some probability P (n, k), we kill n − k players; the other ones stay alive, and we repeat with them. What is the distribution of the number X n of phases (or rounds) before getting only one player?... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Teaching analysis of algorithms to students in Computer Science degrees, using the approach popularized by Knuth in his series of books ``The Art of Computer Programming" and later by Sedgewick and Flajolet in the book ``An... more
We report on ongoing experimental work on evaluating test sets for testing modal satisfiability solvers. Our longterm aim is to understand the difference between the use of structured and of unstructured randomly generated problems. Which... more
Random instances of feedforward Boolean circuits are studied both analytically and numerically. Evaluating these circuits is known to be a Pcomplete problem and thus, in the worst case, believed to be impossible to perform, even given a... more
A connected ordering (v1, v2,. .. , vn) of V (G) is an ordering of the vertices such that vi has at least one neighbour in {v1,. .. , vi−1} for every i ∈ {2,. .. , n}. A connected greedy coloring (CGC for short) is a coloring obtained by... more
Random instances of feedforward Boolean circuits are studied both analytically and numerically. Evaluating these circuits is known to be a Pcomplete problem and thus, in the worst case, believed to be impossible to perform, even given a... more
The generalized Tower of Hanoi problem with h ≥ 4 pegs is known to require a sub-exponentially fast growing number of moves in order to transfer a pile of n disks from one peg to another. In this paper we study the Path h variant, where... more
Generalized dimension exchange (GDE) has been proposed as a method of load balancing in interconnection networks. This paper examines the behavior of GDE over the family of binary Hamming graphs. A lower bound for the rate at which GDE... more
Pairwise comparison (PC) is a well‐established method to assist decision makers (DMs) in estimating their preferences. This paper considers the rationale, design, and evaluation of an open‐source priority estimation tool, PriEsT, which... more
We analyze a fringe tree parameter w in a variety of settings, utilizing a variety of methods from the analysis of algorithms and data structures.Given a tree t and one of its leaves a, the w(t, a) parameter denotes the number of internal... more
In this paper we consider the skip graph data structure, a load balancing alternative to skip lists, designed to perform better in a distributed environment. We extend previous results of Devroye on skip lists, and prove that the maximum... more
Random Noise and Random Walk algorithms are local search strategies that have been used for the problem of satisfiability testing (SAT). We present a Markov-chain based analysis of the performance of these algorithms. The performance... more
We present the convergence analysis of convex combination of the alternating projection and Douglas–Rachford operators for solving the phase retrieval problem. New convergence criteria for iterations generated by the algorithm are... more
We develop a framework for quantitative convergence analysis of Picard iterations of expansive set-valued fixed point mappings. There are two key components of the analysis. The first is a natural generalization of single-valued averaged... more
We consider a single-machine scheduling problem with equal-sized jobs. The objective is to minimize the maximum weighted earliness-tardiness and due-date costs. We present an algorithm to solve this problem. Our algorithm makes use of... more
We study the problem of bicoloring random hypergraphs, both numerically and analytically. We apply the zero-temperature cavity method to find analytical results for the phase transitions (dynamic and static) in the 1RSB approximation.... more
However difficult the fundamental problems of theoretical computer science may seem, there is very little to suggest that they are anything more than knotty combinatorial problems. So, when we look for reasons for our inability to resolve... more