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Chocolate-tablet boudins of quartzite are restricted to steep limbs of D1-folds along the SW coast of Portugal. The chocolate-tablet geometry results from older vertical and younger horizontal quartz veins. Both sets of veins developed... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyAnalogue ModelingCase Study
In this paper, we propose a simulation-before-test (SBT) fault diagnosis methodology based on the use of a fault dictionary approach. This technique allows the detection and localization of the most likely defects of open-circuit type... more
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      Analog CircuitsAnalogy (Cognitive Psychology)Analog Circuit DesignAnalogue Modeling
With the urban and industrial growth, many evolving countries suffer from excessive air pollution. The growing concern about air pollution has been raised by the government and people because it affects individual's health and sustainable... more
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      QualityComputer-Based LearningInquiry Based LearningWater quality
Scaled sandbox models were used to investigate the 4D evolution of pull-apart basins formed above underlapping releasing stepovers in both pure strike-slip and transtensional basement fault systems. Serial sectioning and 3D volume... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsAnalogue ModelingStrike-Slip Faulting
This scientific paper will cover the process of creating two 3D objects, accompanied by a brief history of 3D printing technology, designing the model in CAD software, saving in appropriate format supported by the 3D printer, features of... more
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      Materials ScienceComputers in Graphic DesignComputer Aided DesignAnalogue Modeling
Chocolate-tablet boudins of quartzite are restricted to steep limbs of D 1 -folds along the SW coast of Portugal. The chocolate-tablet geometry results from older vertical and younger horizontal quartz veins. Both sets of veins developed... more
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    • Analogue Modeling
The evolution of mountain belt piedmont is controlled by interactions between tectonics, erosion and sedimentation. To study coupling between these processes, we analyze morphometric data collected in the eastern Tian Shan piedmont (NW... more
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    • Analogue Modeling
Experimental modelling applied to the study of orogenic wedge dynamics has been a subject of fruitful research for more than 30 years, although the technique dates back as far as the early XIXth century. On one hand, several first order... more
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      TectonicsAnalogue Modeling
We review the numerous experimental studies dedicated to unravelling the physics and dynamics of various parts of a volcanic plumbing system. Section 1 lists the model materials commonly used for model magmas or model rocks. We describe... more
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      VolcanologyVolcanic GeologyCaldera VolcanoesAnalogue Modeling
Analog sandbox models have been set up to study the impact of syntectonic erosion on thrust wedges with one and two décollement levels. Different accretion mechanisms are activated depending on interactions between surface processes and... more
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      Analogue ModelingMountain BuildingFold and thrust belt
A model of magma propagation in the crust is presented using a series of analogue experiments, where dyed water is injected at a constant flux into layers of solidified gelatine. The gelatine layers are transparent and, when intruded,... more
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      Analogue ModelingParticle image velocimetry (PIV)Saucer-shaped sillsDike modelling
To understand the relationship between volcano deformations, magma overpressure and flank instability, the results of analog experiments of slope instability and ground deformations, recorded by the GBInSAR system on the western flank of... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeomorphologyRemote Sensing Scope & Topics Electrical Engineering: An International Journal (EEIJ) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refered open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Electrical... more
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      Electrical EngineeringBioinformaticsVlsi DesignAnalog Circuits
Analogical Reasoning and its uses
Theoretical Background
Analogical reasoning through Metaphorical Thinking
Important Scientific Research and Open Questions
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      Analogue ModelingAnalogy (Philosophy)Analogical HermeneuticsAnalogical Reasoning
A B S T R A C T Fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs) can be segmented both across and along strike because of various factors including tectonic and stratigraphic inheritance. In this study, we investigated along/across-strike structural... more
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      Analogue ModelingSalt TectonicsMountain BuildingForeland Basin
To understand the relationship between volcano deformations, magma overpressure and flank instability, the results of analog experiments of slope instability and ground deformations, recorded by the GBInSAR system on the western flank of... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeomorphologyRemote Sensing
""Large volcanoes tend to be structurally unstable and subject to various forms of deformation and mass wasting. Although morphological changes associated with flank deformation and flank instability are similar on many islands, the... more
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      VolcanologyTectonicsAnalogue ModelingVolcano spreading
—Visible Light Communication (VLC) as one of wireless technology must be able to offer a good capability as mobile communication system. The signal will be faded when the distance and angle of LED to photo-detector become higher at a... more
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      Analog CircuitsAnalogue ModelingOptical wireless CommunicationsVisible Light Communication
Interaction between surface and tectonic processes plays a key role in the structural evolution, kinematics, and exhumation of rocks in orogenic wedges. The deformation patterns observed in analog models show that strain partitioning has... more
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      TectonicsEarth-Surface ProcessesAnalogue ModelingMountain Building
This report examines the subject of sub threshold leakage on carry save adder. When the gate to source voltage reduces to the threshold voltage at that place is yet some amount of current flow in the circuit and that is undesired. As the... more
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      Threshold conceptsBusiness ModelingStructural Equation ModelingModeling
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      TectonicsAnalogue ModelingFold and thrust belt
Experimentation On Analogues Susan G. Sterrett Carnegie Mellon University In his 2008 paper "Dumb Holes: Analogues for Black Holes" Unruh writes that "one of the most exciting possibilities for dumb holes is the possibility... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of MathematicsModelingSystem Dynamics Modeling
Magma transport through dikes is a major component of the development of monogenetic volcanic fields. These volcanic fields are characterized by numerous volcanic centers, each typically resulting from a single eruption. Therefore, magma... more
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      Analogue ModelingBasaltic Volcanic FieldsPhysical VolcanologyDike modelling
In this paper, we report on the conceptual design processes of two teams of graduate students that emerged in an educational setting as the teams worked on two different but scope-wise similar problems by utilizing analogue tools and a... more
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      Collaborative DesignAnalogue ModelingTeamworkParametric Design
Interaction between surface processes and deep tectonic processes plays a key role in the structural evolution, kinematics and exhumation of rocks in orogenic wedges. The deformation patterns observed in analogue models applied to natural... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsTectonicsAnalogue Modeling
We developed a new granular material (MatIV) to study experimentally landscape evolution in active mountain belt piedmonts. Its composition and related physical properties have been determined using empirical criteria derived from the... more
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      TectonicsEarth-Surface ProcessesAnalogue Modeling
We developed a new granular material (MatIV) to study experimentally landscape evolution in active mountain belt piedmonts. Its composition and related physical properties have been determined using empirical criteria derived from the... more
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    • Analogue Modeling
We use analogue modelling to investigate the response of compressional deformation superimposed on an extensional basin with along-strike changes in width. Parameters described include extension and shortening distribution and directions,... more
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      Earth SciencesStructural GeologyAnalogue ModellingAnalogue Modeling
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      Marine GeologyTectonicsAnalogue Modeling
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      TectonicsAnalogue ModelingMountain Building
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    • Analogue Modeling
Monogenetic volcanic fields (MVFs) comprise numerous volcanic centers, distributed across large areas. Understanding the relative importance of various tectonic and magmatic controls on field evolution is pivotal to hazard analyses, and... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingSpatial AnalysisVolcanology
The structure and dynamic evolution of a mountain belt piedmont are controlled by strong interactions between tectonics, surface processes (erosion, sedimentation), and climate. Studying these couplings relies on detailed geometric and... more
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    • Analogue Modeling
Interaction between surface processes and deep tectonic processes plays a key role in the structural evolution, kinematics and exhumation of rocks in orogenic wedges. The deformation patterns observed in analogue models applied to natural... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsTectonicsAnalogue Modeling
Keywords: subduction mantle plume analog modelling mantle flow slab rollback We present three-dimensional deep-mantle laboratory models of a compositional plume within the vicinity of a buoyancy-driven subducting plate with a fixed... more
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      Analogue ModelingMantle DynamicsSubduction Zone ProcessesMantle plumes
Volumetric depletion of a subsurface body commonly results in the collapse of overburden and the formation of enclosed topographic depressions. Such depressions are termed sinkholes in karst terrains and pit craters or collapse calderas... more
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      GeologyVolcanologyStructural GeologyCaldera Volcanoes
The essay is a study of phenomenal specificity. By ‘phenomenal’ here we mean conscious awareness, which needs to be cashed out in detail throughout the study. Intuitively, one dimension of phenomenology is along with specificity. For... more
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      AttentionConsciousnessAnalogue ModelingNed Block
We used power-law viscous plasticine (n = ca. 7) as a rock analog to simulate boudinage of rocks undergoing dislocation creep and brittle fracture. A competent plasticine layer, oriented perpendicular to the main shortening direction, Z,... more
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    • Analogue Modeling
This paper aims to show a possible simplified digital implementation of a well known analog distortion guitar pedal. The main distortion method is a diode clipper together with a low-pass filter that follows a non linear differential... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingSoundDigital Signal ProcessingAnalogue Modeling
This systematic mapping study consisted of tracking the scientific literature that addresses the issue of analogies as a didactic strategy in science teaching. An analogy can be understood as comparing an existing knowledge with a new... more
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      Analogue ModelingScience Teaching MethodsAnalogies
Scaled analog and numerical brittle-viscous shortening models are employed to evaluate how fold-thrust structures evolve with changes in the cohesion of brittle materials, a rather poorly constrained physical parameter at this scale of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsStructural Geology
In many active margins, severe deformation is observed at the front of the overriding plate where seamounts or aseismic ridges subduct. Such deformation appears to be a main tectonic feature of these areas which influences the morphology... more
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      Marine GeologyTectonicsAnalogue Modeling
Hummocks are topographic features of large landslides and rockslide-debris avalanches common in volcanic settings. We use scaled analog models to study hummock formation and explore their importance in understanding landslide kinematics... more
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      Civil EngineeringAnalogue ModelingLandslidesLarge landslides
U radu je opisana izrada i modifikacija aparature za analogno modeliranje rasjeda. Aparatura je korištena kako bi se provela četiri pokusa: dva pokusa kompresijske tektonike koja su se razlikovala po granulometriji postavljenog... more
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      Analogue ModelingExtensional TectonicsPlate TectonicsGeological mapping
S U M M A R Y Recent evidence suggests that a portion of the Canary plume travelled northeastwards below the lithosphere of the Atlas Mountains in North Africa towards the Alboran domain and was captured ∼10 Ma ago by the Gibraltar... more
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      GeodynamicsAnalogue ModelingGeophysical Fluid Dynamics
In the Gulf of Cadiz key segment of the Africa–Iberia plate boundary (North-East Atlantic ocean), three main different modes of tectonic interference between a recently identified wrench system (SWIM) and the Gulf of Cadiz Accretionary... more
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      Earth SciencesMarine GeologyAnalogue ModelingGulf of Cadiz