Analisis Real

31 papers
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Analisis Real, or Real Analysis, is a branch of mathematical analysis that deals with the properties and behaviors of real numbers, sequences, series, and functions. It focuses on concepts such as limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration, providing a rigorous foundation for calculus and exploring the structure of real-valued functions.
We introduce and rigorously prove the Analytic Foundations Theorem (AFT), the first major measure-theoretic generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC). The theorem precisely quantifies the discrepancy between integration... more
Menentukan suatu fungsi yang kontinu dan syarat kekontinuan suatu fungsi.
Pada tulisan ini di berikan beberapa soal latihan Mata Kuliah Analisis 1 beserta jawabannya.
Dokumen ini merupakan kumpulan tugas dari Kelompok 2 pada mata kuliah Analisis Real yang membahas konsep-konsep dasar dan lanjutan terkait bilangan real, himpunan, fungsi, dan barisan. Setiap anggota kelompok berkontribusi dalam... more
Buku ini kumpulan tugas dari terjemahan buku "INTRODUCTION TO REAL ANALYSIS" karya ROBERT G. BARTLE dari Chapter 4.1 sampai 8.2. Serta ada beberapa tugas yang di kerjakan dalam latihan soal di tiap exercise. Semoga bermanfaat, terima kasih
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat  gambaran kemampuan Pengantar Dasar Matematika (PDM), Kalkulus I dan Analisis Real I serta ada atau tidaknya hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel kemampuan PDM dengan Penguasaan Analisis Real I,... more
We prove recursive formulas for sums of squares and sums of triangular numbers in terms of sums of divisors functions and we give a variety of consequences of these formulas. Intermediate applications include statements about positivity... more
We prove recursive formulas for sums of squares and sums of triangular numbers in terms of sums of divisors functions and we give a variety of consequences of these formulas. Intermediate applications include statements about positivity... more
The study aimed at describing university students' ability in constructing mathematical teaching An open mathematical logic and construction of mathematical proof administered t at Mountains of the Moon university analyzed measured for... more
Soal-Jawab Analisis Real (S2 Matematika)
Dokumen ini dibuat untuk kepentingan pribadi dan golongan, sehingga segala kesalahan dan ‘ketersesatan’ yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan dokumen ini, penulis tidak bertanggung jawab. Ketersediaannya di internet bukan berarti ditujukan... more
Pada skripsi ini dibahas dan dibuktikan sifat-sifat dari d-subaljabar fuzzy dan d-ideal fuzzy pada d-aljabar, diantaranya hubungan antara level subalgebra dengan d-subaljabar fuzzy. Selain itu, dibahas juga hubungan antara hasil kali... more
Let f : R + → R + and (an) ∞ n=1 be a sequence of positive reals. We will say that (an) ∞ n=1 is relatively (R)-dense for f provided that for every x, y ∈ R + with f (x) < f (y) there exists n, m ∈ N such that f (x) < f (an) f (am) < f... more
In this short note we prove with elementary techniques that the sequence xn = n k=1 n n 2 +k 2 is increasing and its limit is π 4. Moreover, we give a sufficient condition for the monotonicity of some Riemann-type sums assigned to uniform... more
We consider subsums of the harmonic series, and determine conditions for their convergence. We apply these conditions to determine convergence for a family of series that generalizes Kempner's series.
Sistem matematika (A, ∧, ∨, (•) ∼) adalah Pra A*-Aljabar, bila anggotaanggotanya memenuhi sifat-sifat tertentu. Sistem (A, ∧, ∨, (•) ∼) ditulis A yang menyatakan Pra A*-Aljabar. Misalkan didefinisikan sebuah relasi terurut parsial " "... more
Analisis Real I & II Sebuah terjemahan dari sebagian buku Introductions to Real Analysis karangan Robert G. Bartle
During the nineteenth century, building on the work begun in 1821 by Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) in his Cours d'analyse, the calculus was given a rigorous foundation that is still accepted today. By the middle of the century,... more
It will be shown that a combination of the Axiom of Choice and Nested Intervals Property contradicts the diagonal argument or non-denumerability of real numbers. To show that, we start with a set of all algebraic numbers S and define a... more
I was flipping through a Calculus text yesterday and as I was glancing through the topics, the alternating series test caught my attention. I started to think about how the proof would go. So I set out to write out the proof and here it... more
It is well known that the harmonic series diverges because its sequence of partial sums is not bounded. The aim of this article is to show how slow this divergence is. For this purpose, we use a simple theorem that all undergraduate... more
I have developed a general rule or mathematical formula for infinite series for square-roots of positive numbers.
A. Bromaıı generaliscd Holditeh's Theorem to the closed reetifiable curves [2 ]. In this paper we obtaîned an interesting expression, which is similar to Holditeh's Formula, for the polar inertia momentums of the closed reetifiable curves... more
Beberapa kekurangan dari konsep jumlah Riemann diatasi dengan cara memperumum konsep tersebut. Dalam perumuman ini digunakan konsep mengenai ukuran dan himpunan terukur ; pada himpunan-himpunan tak kosong di Rn, dikenal ukuran khusus yang... more
Sequence spaces is one of interesting topic of analysis research. Some of that are convergent and bounded sequence. In this paper we define some releated BK spaces  (????,?????)?, (????,?????), dan (????,?????)0 some characteristics... more
The characteristics of a function are usually investigated by looking at the continuity of the function. But what happens if a function does not have continuous properties? To what extent can the characteristics of continuous function be... more
The space l^p with 1≤p∞ is the set of real numbers that satisfy _(n=1)^∞▒〖|x_n |^p∞〗.The function in the vector space X which has real value which fulfills the norm-2 properties is denoted by ,⋅‖ and the pair (X,‖⋅,⋅‖) is called the... more
Riemann-Stieltjes Integration Calculus provides us with tools to study nicely behaved phenomena using small discrete increments for information collection. The general idea is to (intelligently) connect information obtained from... more
In this paper, the authors study new inequalities and generalizations for symmetric means and give new proofs for some known results by applying majorization theory.
The Taylor series is an important tool in mathematical analysis and it has wide ranging applications.Nevertheless there are inconsistent features related to it. The article intends to demonstrate such features.
Pada tahun 1875 G. Darboux memodifikasi definisi Integral Riemann dengan terlebih dahulu mendefinisikan jumlah Darboux atas dan Darboux bawah, selajutnya mendefinisikan Integral Darboux atas dan Integral Darboux bawah. Keduanya memiliki... more
Abstrak: Tulisan ini menyajikan definisi dan teorema limit fungsi dan limit barisan pada topologi real yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara limit fungsi dan limit barisan pada topologi real. Misalkan diberikan suatu barisan... more
In this paper we prove the existence of an unique global minimum point of a convex function under some smoothness conditions. Our proof permits us to calculate numerically such a minimum point utilizing a constructive homotopy method.
In this paper, we will try to proof existence of supremum and infimum with Cantor Dedekind theorem. Before we discuss this material, necessary to introduce several basic concepts, especially Cut Dedekind and Supremum and Infimum concepts.... more
We determine sufficient conditions on positive weights W and V such that there exists continuous, strictly increasing functions 8 and 9 on [0,) such that 8(0)= 0=9(0) and 8 \ &Wf & | f (0)| + 9 &Vf & | f (0)| + 1 whenever f: R Ä R is a... more
INDONESIA: Analisis neo-klasik merupakan sintesis analisis klasik, teori himpunan fuzzy dan analisis himpunan nilai. Pada dasarnya, bentuk analisisnya sederhana, seperti fungsi-fungsi dan operasi-operasi yang telah dipelajari berdasarkan... more
El Cálculo (Cálculo Infinitesimal) es una de las más hermosas y útiles ramas de la ciencia matemática. Algunos excelentes textos de Precálculo, Cálculo Diferencial y de Cálculo Integral, en una o varias variables, son los siguientes:... more
Berisi Materi, definisi, Teorema dan latihan soal serta pembuktian dari Buku Analisis Riil Bartle
Berisi makalah terkait materi Nilai Mutak, Kelengkapan Bilangan R, Ketaksamaan Segitiga, Supremum Infimum, dan Hukum Archimedes. Makalah di tulis diadopsi dari terjemahan buku Analisis Riil Bartle yang kemudian di jabarkan dalam... more
The inspiration of the definition of &quot;compactness&quot; comes from the real number system. Closed and bounded sets in the real line were considered as an excellent model to show a generalized version of the compactness in a... more
Se verá las reglas de integrabilidad para el manejo eficiente de las integrales viendo los teoremas mas importantes así como la forma integral del resto del teorema de Taylor e integrales de funciones logarítmicas, exponenciales e... more
Ruang vektor yang dilengkapi dengan aksioma inner product disebut ruang inner product (pre-Hilbert). Ruang pre-Hilbert dikatakan lengkap jika setiap barisan Cauchy di dalamnya konvergen. Ruang pre-Hilbert yang lengkap adalah ruang... more