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The face of Islamic moderate in Indonesia changed since the decline of new era regime in 1998. Hardliner moslem communities grew in society. They didn't embarrassed to use violent ways, even terorism. Nowadays radicalism isthe most... more
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This research seeks to reveal the existence of traditional Muslim education institutions, the pesantren salaf. Pesantren salaf becomes a reference to the public. Thousands of the people follow the activities held by the pesantren salaf... more
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The research discusses the integration efforts after the riot in Situbondo, East Java. Situbondo community has initiated several conflic resolutions and integrations supported by Muslims and Christian leaders. The data on the role of... more
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Analisa is a peer-reviewed journal published by Office of Religious Research and Development Ministry of Religious Affairs Semarang Indonesia. It specializes in these three aspects; religious life, religious education, religious text and... more
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This is a qualitative study on women empowerment conducted by Lajnah<br />Wanita dan Putri Al-Irsyad Surabaya. The data are gathered using three<br />methods, namely library research, interviews and observation. Finding of... more
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Penelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk memahami perkembangan masyarakat korban konflik Sambas yang terjadi antara etnis Madura dan Melayu yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif bersifat kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data... more
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Philological study to religious manuscripts is quite interesting because it<br />is considered as a way to maintain a very highly-valued cultural heritage. And<br />this research is a kind of such effort. This study examines... more
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The  Research  on the Implementation of Religious Education was conducted<br />at the  SD Luar Biasa Part  B (SD-LB B) Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali  Province. The<br />results of this study indicate that the religious education... more
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Zakat merupakan salah satu dari lima rukun Islam yang tidak hanya berdimensi vertikal saja, tetapi sekaligus berdimensi horizontal atau ibadah sosial. Zakat merupakan ibadah mâliyyah ijtimâ`iyyah, yakni ibadah yang berkaitan dengan... more
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This study aims to find out the perception of people in Sinarrancang, Mundu, Cirebon, West Java, on nikah sirri ("secret" marriage). Using qualitative approach the study reveals that in their opinion nikah sirri means nikah "kyai", it is... more
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Since long time ago, pondok pesantren (islamic boarding school) has been considered as a moderate institution. It also gives priority to peaceful ways in dealing with conflict. Unfortunately, such known attitude is now being strongly... more
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Masjid  memiliki peran strategis dalam perkembangan kebudayaan Islam di  Jawa.  Secara historis, masjid-masjid yang didirikan oleh keraton tidak hanya berfungsi secara religi, tetapi juga ada kepentingan politik keraton untuk mewujudkan... more
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Agama Islam dianut oleh sebagian besar penduduk Kalimantan Tengah yang terdiri dari berbagai etnis seperti Dayak, Banjar, Jawa, Madura, dan lainnya. Penelitian ini mengkaji dinamika hubungan intern umat Islam dalam konteks relasi... more
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The Relevance Concept of Dawn and Twilight in the Book of Al-Qanun al-Mas'udi for Determine Isya' and Subuh Pray Time NUGROHO EKO ATMANTO ABSTRAK Fenomena fajar dan senja tidak saja menarik para ilmuwan berkaitan dengan perkiraan cuaca,... more
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Muslims are the largest part of Indonesian society, but in the history of elections, Islamic political parties have never won. The nationalist party tended to be a strong party, whereas religion-based party tend to be a weak party. This... more
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Penelitian kepustakaan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana konsepsi iman menurut al-Baiḍ āwi dalam karya tafsirnya Anwār at-Tanz̅ il wa Asra̅ r at-Ta'wi̅ l. Artikel ini merupakan penelitian kefilsafatan yang menggunakan model... more
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Sect Khusaeri Hikmatullah is one of sect that use Islam as their symbol. He claims his self as "walikutub" (leader of wali). There is different in this sect with Islam that publicy known. The difference is in Ramadhan determination. In... more
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Mistik Islam telah memberikan warna terhadap perkembangan sastra Kalimantan Barat, baik sastra pramodern maupun sastra modern. Sastra kitab merupakan bentuk mistik Islam pramodern, begitu juga sastra modern biasa menggunakan bentuk sastra... more
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Islamic mysticism had influence in West Borneo through the thought of Muhammad Khatibal-Sambasiy, an inisiator ofQadiriahNaqsabandiah Sufi Path (tarikat). One field that has strong tasawuf influence is literature as exemplified by the... more
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the development and the implementation<br />of  religious education curriculum developed by senior high schools  (SMA) under religious foundations. This is a case study of SMA Muhammadiyah... more
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Analisa is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Office of Religious Research and Development Ministry of Religious Affairs Semarang Indonesia. Analisa has been accredited by Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI/the Indonesian... more
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The dynamics of religious life in Surakarta is an interesting topic to be studied. Although this city is labeled as the home of radical Islamic groups in one side, this town has developed inter-religious harmony. This can be seen from the... more
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (School-Based Curriculum) in MTsN Yogyakarta II. Using descriptive qualitative method, the research successfully reveals that the... more
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This research was conducted at SMA Catholic Soverdi under umbrella of Catholic foundation in Badung district Bali Province. Focuses of this study are, implementation of religious education was seen from the aspects of curriculum... more
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This article aims to describe Islamic religious thought of Muslim student at Khairun University in Ternate and the dynamic of religious movement organizations on campus. Informants of this study were selected using purposive method... more
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Islamic faith should be taught to communities since early ages. This aims for filtering them from the deviate ideology. One of the ways is teaching classic books. This studies local book entitled Niyat Ingsun Ngaji written by KH.Badawi... more
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Surakarta is known as the center of Javanese culture with many traditions. On the other hand, this city also brings modern Islamic movements including the movement of the puritan group. The meeting of these two groups has created a unique... more
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Perkawinan menjadi tonggak bagi manusia untuk membangun kehidupan keluarga sebagai suami-istri. Untuk membangun keluarga yang diidealkan, maka UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 mengatur batasan usia minimal calon suami 19 tahun dan calon istri 16... more
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Umat Islam di wilayah yang muslim merupakan kelompok minoritas memiliki persoalan keagamaan yang berbeda dengan persoalan di wilayah mayoritas. Hal ini juga berimplikasi pada pelayanan keagamaan yang dilakukan oleh  pemerintah melalui... more
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Religious life of Confucianist can not be separated from the role of Churchman.<br />Churchman  of Confucius held some development of religious life consisting<br />of religiosity, ritual and social aspect. This is a... more
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Abstrak Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk membandingkan efektifitas dari heat exchanger pipa kosentris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu dengan melakukan analisis baik secara perhitungan maupun hasil simulasi.... more
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