Anal Canal

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The anal canal is the terminal part of the gastrointestinal tract, extending from the rectum to the anus. It is approximately 2-4 cm long and plays a crucial role in the excretion of feces, containing specialized structures and muscles that facilitate bowel control and maintain continence.
Background One-stage pull-through operation has become increasingly popular for treatment of Hirschsprung's disease. The one-stage transanal pull-through was introduced in the late 1990s and has rapidly replaced traditional procedures in... more
Background: The aim of this study was to compare functional results and quality of life (QoL) of two salvage techniques: coloanal anastomosis (CAA) or perineal reconstruction after abdominoperineal resection for very low rectal cancer.... more
Smce 1934, 30 patients with ulcerative colitis or polyposis co11 have undergone mucous proctectomy and ilioanal reservorr surgery at the University of Britrsh Columbia affiliated hospitals. Preoperative evaluation included review of the... more
Early-stage (T1-T2 N0 M0) true perianal tumors are very uncommon, and the scientific literature is scant. Based on common features with anal canal carcinomas (aCCs), perianal skin cancers and aCCs are included in the same tumor... more
Objectıve: To compare the morphometric data relating to the muscular structures of the anal canal, in patients with chronic anal fissure and in control group, examined at a 3.0 Tesla MR system. Subjects and methods: Forty-seven... more
Objectıve: To compare the morphometric data relating to the muscular structures of the anal canal, in patients with chronic anal fissure and in control group, examined at a 3.0 Tesla MR system. Subjects and methods: Forty-seven... more
To examine the patterns and predictors of third-degree and fourth-degree laceration in women undergoing vaginal delivery. We identified a population-based cohort of women in the United States who underwent a vaginal delivery between 1998... more
Renal cell cancer (RCC) has the ability to metastasize to various organs, including the anal canal which is reported to be the rarest location. An 88-year-old male patient who had previously been treated for right RCC subsequently... more
Stany W. Lobo, Mangala Kumari, Thejodhar Pulakunta, Sudarshan S, Rajasekaran Koteeswaran, Tiffany Kurian Department of professional and medical education, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Department of Anatomy, Division... more
Background: The objective of this study was to determine the pattern of congenital cardiac disease among children attending UNTH, Enugu, Nigeria. The nature of these abnormalities and the outcome were also considered. The exact etiology... more
We aimed to describe anal ultrasound for monitoring anorectal malformations. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study of patients diagnosed and/or intervened with anorectal malformations rated by anal ultrasonography, between... more
Objectives: To compare the labour curves of primigravid women with fourth degree perineal laceration with those of control subjects, and to identify characteristics of the labour curve that are associated with anal sphincter disruption.... more
he utility of sonography in the evaluation of the anatomy of the female internal organs is well established, but little has been reported on the characterization of vaginal masses. Vaginal masses can present in different manners and may... more
Aim Structural anal sphincter damage may be secondary to obstetric anal sphincter injury, perineal trauma or anorectal surgery. We reviewed the spectrum of anal sphincter injuries and their outcomes in a tertiary care colorectal unit.... more
To modify our technique of perianal anesthesia and use it in patients with painful conditions of the rectum and/or anus. A total of 31 consecutive patients with anal-rectal problems underwent prostate needle biopsy. Of these, 17 were... more
To modify our technique of perianal anesthesia and use it in patients with painful conditions of the rectum and/or anus. A total of 31 consecutive patients with anal-rectal problems underwent prostate needle biopsy. Of these, 17 were... more
To make the gynaecologists familiar with the procedure of continuous repair of rectal mucosa and repair the anal sphincter by other than figure of 8 suture and to compare the effectiveness of these procedures with the traditional... more
Fistula in-ano is an abnormal chronic infected tunnel ( tract ) between the rectum or the anal canal and perianal skin usually ,with granulation tissue which connecting a primary orifice ( internal ) to a secondary one ( external) .This... more
Magnetic resonance images of the anal canal show small, circular, low-intensity areas arranged in a row and a high-intensity area surrounding them internally and externally in the longitudinal muscle layer that cannot be explained by... more
The male pelvic floor is a complex structure formed by several muscles. The levator ani muscle and the perineal muscles are important components of the pelvic floor. The perineal muscles comprise the external anal sphincter,... more
The region anterior to the anal canal in women is composed of intertwined smooth and skeletal muscles. The present study aimed to clarify skeletal muscle morphology in the anterior region of the anal canal. The pelvic floor muscles of 28... more
Little is known about the epidemiology of anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women. We studied 251 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and 68 HIV-negative women for the presence of anal HPV by use of polymerase chain... more
The purpose of this study was to characterize the spinal distribution of afferent and efferent pathways that innervate the levator ani (LA) muscle in the female squirrel monkey. Study design: Cholera toxin B (CTB) was injected... more
PURPOSE: Mthough anal endosonography provides clear images of anal sphincters, the probe in the anal canal may distort epithelial structures and sphincter muscles may be compressed, producing inaccurate muscle thickness measurements. The... more
Perianal abscess is a benign but common clinical condition that may cause substantial discomfort to suffering patients and carries a significant burden on healthcare services. The prevalence and risk factors of perianal abscess in... more
Objective Complex anal fistulas (CFs) are difficult to treat. Endoanal advancement flap (EAF) is one of the standard treatment options for such clinical conditions. Immediate sphincter repair after fistulectomy (ISR) is not commonly... more
BackgroundThe acronym VATER/VACTERL association describes the combination of at least three of the following cardinal features: vertebral defects, anorectal malformations, cardiac defects, tracheoesophageal fistula with or without... more
The acronym VATER/VACTERL association is used to describe the non-random co-occurrence of vertebral defects (V), anorectal malformations (A), cardiac defects (C), tracheo-esophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia (TE), renal... more
Resumen Objetivo: Presentamos nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento quirúrgico de esta patología con la técnica de la rectosigmoidectomía perineal. Material y método: Se trata de una serie retrospectiva, consecutiva de 17 pacientes.... more
Object-Nerve transfers are an effective means of restoring control to paralyzed somatic muscle groups and, recently, even denervated detrusor muscle. The authors performed a cadaveric pilot project to examine the feasibility of restoring... more
The risk of cancer transformation in the residual rectal mucosa in the muscular or columnar cuff is another important factor that may influence the eventual decision. This article critically reviews our experience and the literature.
Congenital malformations can be manifested as combinations of phenotypes that co-occur more often than expected by chance. In many such cases, it has proved difficult to identify a genetic cause. We sought the genetic cause of cardiac,... more
To assess the etiology, treatment, and utility of anal ultrasound in men with fecal incontinence and to review the outcomes of conservative (nonoperative) treatment. The etiology of fecal incontinence in women is almost exclusively from... more
A subset of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) have a benign course and an overall favorable prognosis. Early identification of these low-risk patients may allow for a less aggressive therapeutic approach and possible reduction of... more
Although it is known that individuals living with HIV have a higher HPV prevalence, the impact of individual HPV types on HIV acquisition is less clear. In this prospective cohort study we investigated the relationship between HPV types... more
Amaç: Rektal yabancı cisimler acil serviste nadir görülen bir durumlardır. Bu olguların yönetiminde doğru öykünün alınması ve doğru tedavi algoritmasının uygulanması önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı rektal yabancı cisim ile acil servise... more
Background: Gonorrhoea notifications are rapidly rising in men who have sex with men (MSM). We developed a model to assess mouthwash as a novel intervention for gonorrhoea control. We developed a model of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG)... more
Bevezetés: Az anális carcinoma incidenciája az utóbbi évtizedekben folyamatosan emelkedett, különösen a humán immundefi cientia vírussal fertőzött homoszexuális populációban. Az anális laphámrák potenciális prekurzora az anális... more
Current issues in the management of clinically negative inguinal lymph nodes in squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal. Quality of the available evidence. The first line of management of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anal canal... more
Background: Idiopathic faecal incontinence is a common debilitating problem; the results of surgical treatment are variable with only a small proportion of patients achieving full continence. Objectives: The aim of this study was to... more
This study assessed the utility and limitations of anal cytology as a screening method for women infected with human papilloma virus (HPV) in the lower genital tract. Furthermore, this study aimed to establish risk factors for... more
This study aimed to assess the prevalence of and associated risk factors for anal high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.... more
Anal continence is a complex process that depends on the interplay of several integrating factors. The most important of these factors are the integrity and the function of the anal sphincters. Not all defects in the anal sphincters... more
Anal incontinence causes psychological, social and adaptive troubles prejudicial to the quality of life both in children and adults. Therefore, the detailed knowledge of its causes and the improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic methods... more