Anais Nin

87 papers
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Anaïs Nin (1903-1977) was a French-Cuban-American diarist, essayist, and writer known for her influential works of fiction and her extensive diaries, which explore themes of sexuality, identity, and the human experience. Her literary contributions are significant in feminist literature and modernist writing.
Kurvet-Käosaar, Leena. ""Teemandid tolmuhunnikus" ehk kuidas vaadelda naiste päevikuid." ("'The Diamonds of the Dustheap': or How to Define Women's Diaries").
In her influential and critical book-length essay, A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf studies and comments on the cultural, economical, and educational limitations that prevent women from exhibiting their creative potential. She suggests... more
Biofiction is literature that names its protagonist after a real person, and while it is clearly fiction, many scholars have treated the literary form as if it were biography. The Moroccan writer, Hassan Najmi, has authored a splendid... more
A review of "The Story Game" by Shze-Hui Tjoa. Originally published in the New York Journal of Books.
Anaïs Nin es conocida por sus novelas y relatos eróticos, así como por sus diarios íntimos, algunos parcialmente publicados en vida y editados en su versión íntegra a partir de la década de 1980. Los primeros volúmenes en aparecer... more
Antonin Artaud’s « Théâtre de la cruauté » consists in the extreme display of the conflictive nature of the world. The Catalan poet Josep Palau i Fabre highlighted the poetic and negative dimensions of Artaud’s project and insisted on its... more
Imbagħad jgħidu li fid-dinja hawn in-nies f’sensihom, mhux tabilħqq jew, dan is-sur Ġakkin, għandu flus kemm jesa’ ġildu u dejjem irid u jrekken ma li għandu. Tafu li biex ikattar ġidu la u lanqas uliedu, Ġakob u Susanna ma jieklu... more
Amazonia, main biodiversity reservoir on Earth, is at the heart of scientific and social debates focusing on sustainable management of natural resources. Brazilian and French teams working on this project selected several study sites in... more
Este artículo analiza la importación y circulación de traducciones durante el tardofranquismo, enfocándose en la recepción de obras de Henry Miller y Anaïs Nin a través de los expedientes de importación y censura de libros del Archivo... more
Curatorial observations on phenomena of "irrational" expressions offered by intuitive and insightful personalities.
D voyre Fogel (Debora Vogel) (1900-1942) est née à Bursztyn, petite ville rurale de Galicie orientale, dans un milieu assimilé polonophone acquis aux idées sionistes (son père, qui lui donna une formation classique en hébreu, dirigeait... more
Virginia Woolf, Aino Kallas, Anaïs Nin and the cultural climate of Europe at the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century .
Contre toy fault que ma langue declicque En rhetorique car tu m'es trop inique 3 Déroutant le lecteur, les cavalcades de calembours des textes de Verheggen sont aussi des exposés en acte de l'art de la composition et du style poétiques,... more
Con la colaboración de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internaciona
the precise date and time she recorded in her diary). "We are going to London tomorrow." This first visit lasting but all of three days to what the poet T. S. Eliot had recently called an 'Unreal City,' is absent from the two major... more
Virginia Woolf, Aino Kallas, Anaïs Nin and the cultural climate of Europe at the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century .
Autobiographical practices, as realized and conceptualized in the 20 th century have, to a great extent, ignored the issues pertaining to the body. Shirley Neumann sees as one of the main reasons for this «the Platonic tradition that... more
Virginia Woolf, Aino Kallas, Anaïs Nin and the cultural climate of Europe at the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century .
Through the works of Henry James, Anais Nin and Vladimir Nabokov, this project shows how the modernist child develops from the unknowing to the sexualised subject. It begins with Henry James’s proto-modernist conceptualisation of children... more
The question of literary patronage has often surfaced with regard to French women writers, which is unsurprising given their historical near-exclusion from the canon. If, on the one hand, roughly two thousand women published texts in... more
Que penser d'un theâtre qui sensiblement donne a penser dans le refus de proposer une pensee – ou dont le geste manifeste plus surement le desir de nous en depouiller ? Un tel theâtre met necessairement en mouvement la pensee pour... more
This work presents an approach of a geographic information system applied to emergencies attending. The system was developed based on public domain software integrated with Internet gateway Maps Google developed to satellite images... more
That Virginia Woolf was an experimental writer is now a truism. Woolf pioneered experimental techniques: the use of poetic features in prose such as counterpoint and conversational rhythm, and a free indirect style moving between many... more
Les abîmes secrets intrinsèques à la photographie du collectif Void of course justifient l’intérêt porté à la couleur noire. Dans l’antiquité grecque la nuit donne naissance au jour, le noir est donc aussi la nativité. La figure du néant... more
Antonin Artaud et James Joyce posent a la litterature une meme question : comment produire un texte qui soit un corps vivant, comment inventer un espace d’ecriture ou se renouent les liens entre corps et psyche ? Leur œuvre les situe au... more
Partant du concept d’idéologie tel qu’il est défini par Althusser et repris dans les revues Tel Quel ou TXT, cet article montre la place prise par la publicité dans la poésie avant-gardiste. Pour les écrivains, la publicité fait partie... more
This work has the purpose of supplying the necessary elements to the assembly of a SIG for management and control of public works, it has starting point the works related to the dirty road, therefore in the rural area of the municipality,... more
El objetivo principal de este artículo es determinar las conexiones que Anaïs Nin hace entre la intelectualidad, la creatividad y la monstruosidad en la mujer en el volumen de su diario Henry and June (2001). A través de las figuras de... more
Este libro representa un completo estado de la cuestión sobre el diario, tanto en la cultura hispánica (José Asunción Silva, Miguel de Unamuno, Julio Cortázar, Mario Benedetti) como en la anglosajona (Jemima Kindersley, Gerald Brenan), y... more
The majority of the Brazilian cities lacks of cartographic information on its geographic area. In this direction, this article presents the use of SIG SPRING, that if constitutes in a gratuitous software developed by the National... more
A redução da cobertura vegetal natural e a conseqüente fragmentação dos ecossistemas naturais é um fenômeno global e praticamente presente em todas as etapas da expansão da fronteira agrícola, agropecuária e urbana, atingindo a quase... more
This study aims at predicting the spatial distribution of tropical deforestation. Landsat images dated 1974, 1986 and 1991 were classified in order to generate digital maps of deforestation which describe deforestation and forest... more
This study aims at predicting the spatial distribution of tropical deforestation. Landsat images dated 1974, 1986 and 1991 were classified in order to generate digital maps of deforestation which describe deforestation and forest... more
Sky Blue Press has been printing material dedicated to Anai's Nin (1903-1977) for nearly twenty-five years. In addition to the fifteen volumes of the now-defunct Nin-centered journal Cafe in Space, the publisher is gradually releasing the... more
Julia Kristeva’s concept of maternal passion plays a central role within her larger theory of subjectivity and is often criticized by feminists and misunderstood by new readers. In feminist reaction to this concept, she has been accused... more
1 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement – IRD Unité ESPACE (US140) Centre IRD de Cayenne – BP 165 – Route de Montabo – 97323 Cayenne cedex [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ... ² Institut de... more
Put before the labyrinth and proliferation of critical perspectives, studies and readings on Virginia Woolf, entangled in articulations of teleologies and epistemologies, the critic faces a question: from where should she/he start... more
Citation: Arnold, W. E. (2020). A Psychoanalytic Study of Lawrence Durrell's The Alexandria quartet: Exile and Return [Review of the book A psychoanalytic study of lawrence Durrell's the Alexandria quartet: Exile and return, by R.... more
Qual è il senso, se un senso esiste, della melanconia? Si tratta forse di un dolore interminabile, devastante, senza alcuna possibilità di significazione? In questo libro, che procede in bilico tra rigorosa riflessione teorica e piacere... more
Obra donde se compilan todos los sueños registrados por Kafka
Eroticism is the ability to reflect your individual/social values in what you feel when you are aroused. Eroticism is the state about which an observer can pose questions and find answers about excitement (arousal). Eroticism is... more