We report three cases of mechanically ventilated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients who were intubated due to an exacerbation of their disease and who presented with repeated spontaneous breathing trial failures. Patients were... more
were registered. Statistical analysis was performed using two tailed t-test for independent samples. P< 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Mean age of patients w as 57±11 and 54 ± 12 years (P=0.43), body mass index was 26.8 ± 6.1... more
We present a retrospective review of twelve cases of Irukandji syndrome associated with pulmonary oedema. This is a life-threatening envenoming due to a presumed jellyfish sting throughout Northern Australia, although only one case... more
Herein we detail the cases of three patients transferred on veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) from a tertiary referral hospital to an ECMO centre. We highlight the benefits of such a transfer and offer this as a... more
A 41-year-old man with a previous kidney transplant was referred for arterial hypertension and acute renal failure. Initial neurological examination was normal. Laboratory data showed a high serum cyclosporine A concentration. A few hours... more
We conducted a retrospective observational study in a regional hospital on patients aged 80 years or over undergoing emergency procedures. We included 202 emergency procedures performed on 178 patients over 185 separate admissions. The... more
addition, read from cover to cover, it provides an unexpectedly interesting review of a generally dry subject. Obviously the book is about quantitative statistics, but I think some acknowledgement (however brief) of qualitative research... more
The aim of this randomised controlled study was to compare continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion using an insulin pump with the traditional continuous intravenous infusion method for tight glycaemic control. Sixty patients admitted to... more
In 2014, basic critical care echocardiography (BCCE) competence became a mandatory requirement for trainees registered with the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM). To determine the proportion of CICM intensive care units (ICUs)... more
This study sought to determine the impact of a cadaver-based airway lab on critical care medicine fellows’ direct laryngoscopy skills and hypothesised that fellows can improve their self-reported percentage of glottic opening (POGO)... more
The aim of our study was to investigate P wave dispersion (Pwd), QT, corrected QT (QTc), QT dispersion (QTd) and corrected QT dispersion (QTcd) intervals in subjects with malnutrition diagnosed in the pre-anaesthetic assessment, compared... more
Amongst the first 2000 incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring Study, there were 144 incidents in which the "wrong drug" was nearly or actually administered to a patient. Thirty-three percent of the incidents involved... more
Human error is a pervasive and normal part of everyday life and is of interest to the anaesthetist because errors may lead to accidents. Definitions of, and the relationships between, errors, incidents and accidents are provided as the... more
This case report describes the successful management of a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, who developed torsades de pointes leading to nine cardiac arrests secondary to intravenous fluconazole administration on a background of... more
A 40-item questionnaire (the QoR-40) had been previously developed to measure five dimensions of quality of recovery after anaesthesia and surgery. Each of the 40 items is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a maximum score of 200. In this... more
Most medical practitioners are not specifically trained to diagnose or manage in-flight medical incidents, yet there may occur a moral obligation to do so when least expected. We felt that knowledge of the frequency of emergency versus... more
Airway management is one of the core skills of the anaesthetist and various techniques of airway management have developed over many years. Initially, the only view of the glottis that could be obtained was an indirect view (indirect... more
Carefully stored and treasured at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra is the Medical Officer's Journal from HMAS Sydney, 1913 to 1922. This large, heavy, leather-bound book contains handwritten medical records documented by the ship's... more
We studied the efficacy of a range of doses of dexamethasone for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting following strabismus repair in children in a hospital-based, prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled... more
We assessed the clinical impact of thrombelastography (TEG®) results (TEG® 5000, Haemonetics Corporation, Braintree, MA, USA) by measuring their ability to cause changes in a theoretical treatment plan and contribute to the understanding... more
An integrative review of the literature specific to leadership within the intensive care unit was planned to guide future research. Four databases were searched. Study selection was based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria... more
La mortalité des hémorragies massives post-traumatiques est élevée en pratique civile comme en médecine de guerre. Au delà du saignement proprement dit, il faut prendre en charge une cascade de dysfonctions d'organes, constitutives du... more
We tested the hypothesis that the patients' feeling of cold sensation down the back during epidural drug administration through the epidural catheter was a reliable predictor of correct epidural catheter placement. In a prospective study... more
The study aim was to investigate the effect of three different morphine doses added to levobupivacaine 0.125% for caudal analgesia after circumcision surgery in children, particularly in relation to the frequency of postoperative vomiting... more
Anaphylactic shock is a rare, but potentially lethal complication, combining life-threatening circulatory failure and massive fluid shifts. Treatment guidelines rely on adrenaline and volume expansion by intravenous fluids, but there is... more
This is the latest addition to the stable of Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Anaesthesia. This pocketsized volume is 401 pages long with 24 chapters written by authors predominantly from the UK and US with contributions also from India,... more
The prevalence of hypothermia in patients following helicopter transport varies widely. Low outside air temperature has been identified as a risk factor. Modern helicopters are insulated and have heating; therefore outside temperature may... more
Symptomatic pleural collection of cerebrospinal fluid is a rare but accepted complication in hydrocephalic paediatric patients treated with ventriculopleural shunts. Few cases have been described in adults, usually as complication of... more
Prophylaxis for surgical site infection (SSI) is often at variance with guidelines, despite the prevalence of SSI and its associated cost, morbidity, and mortality. The CareTrack Australia study, undertaken by a number of the authors,... more
The presence of lupus anticoagulant and the related condition antiphospholipid syndrome present a challenge in cardiac surgery where measured anticoagulation may not reflect the in vivo patient status of hypercoagulation. We report the... more
With increasing numbers of procedures such as cardiac catheterization and imaging taking place outside of the main OR, anesthesia providers as well as non-anesthesia members of the patient care team will find this book critical to their... more
A 72-year-old man presented with a short history He had a past history of deep venous thrombosis and and thrombolysis 1 , alteplase was withheld due to a was therefore added in the belief it would help stabilise the patient. The... more
Summary Incident reporting systems are often used without a structured review process, limiting their utility to learn from defects and compromising their impact on improving the healthcare system. The objective of this study is to... more
The placental transfer of alcuronium was studied in twelve patients undergoing elective or emergency caesarean section. Umbilical cord vein and maternal plasma was analysed for alcuronium at dose-delivery time intervals ranging from 5 to... more
Thirty women presenting for major gynaecological oncology surgery under a standardized, combined epidural/general anaesthetic technique received either placebo or tenoxicam 20 mg intravenously, in a randomized double-blinded manner prior... more
Background We compared intraocular pressure changes following laryngoscopy and intubation with conventional Macintosh blade and McCoy laryngoscope. Methods Sixty adult patients were randomly assigned to study group or control group. Study... more
Introduction: The Term “Burnout” is characterized by a feeling of intensive and chronic fatigue which does not disappear even after rest. Closely related to workload, the Burnout Syndrome has greatly degraded the dispensation of health... more
Inotrope-dependent patients may become haemodynamically unstable during treatment in the hyperbaric chamber. One possible cause is altered performance of infusion devices. We tested six Atom 235 syringe infusion pumps under hyperbaric... more
Adenosine analogues have been used by subarachnoid injection for the treatment of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. There are no data on the use of adenosine in peripheral nerve blocks. The aim of the present study was to determine the... more
The objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction to weaning failure, along with the levels of the currently used cardiac biomarkers. Forty-two mechanically ventilated patients,... more
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
Our aim was to evaluate end-of-life practices in a tertiary intensive care unit in Saudi Arabia. A prospective observational study was conducted in the medical-surgical intensive care unit of a teaching hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.... more
Pseudomonas septicaemia presenting with subcutaneous nodules, though rare, is well described in immunocompromized populations. It is, however, very uncommon in immunocompetent patients. We describe a case of a 42-year-old woman who... more
This trial assessed the effects of two doses of clonidine compared with placebo on the quality and speed of recovery in children premedicated with oral midazolam and anaesthetised with sevoflurane for cataract surgery. One hundred and... more
The impact of developing guidelines for laboratory testing in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) was examined. Targeted blood tests were recorded on fifty cardiac surgery and fifty general intensive care patients retrospectively. Following the... more