Anaerobic Digestion
Recent papers in Anaerobic Digestion
The problem of food waste (FW) has become a global issue nowadays and Malaysia is on the other hand, treating FW as part of MSW just because separation of FW management does not exist. The country is trying its best to solve the... more
The anaerobic digestion of glycerol derived from biodiesel manufacturing, in which COD was found to be 1010 g/kg, was studied in batch laboratory-scale reactors at mesophilic temperature using granular and non-granular sludge. Due to the... more
Anaerobic digestion a b s t r a c t A laboratory-scale study was conducted on the batch anaerobic digestion of sunflower oil cake (SuOC), solid waste derived from the extraction process of sunflower oil. A multireactor system was used to... more
In this work, batch activated sludge studies were investigated for the treatment of raw pet food wastewater characterized by oil and grease concentrations of 50,000-66,000 mg/L, COD and BOD concentrations of 100,000 and 80,000 mg/L,... more
Prior research indicates that ultrasounds can be used in batch reactors as pre-treatment before anaerobic digestion, but the specific energy required at laboratory-scale is too high. This work evaluates both the continuous ultrasound... more
This paper presents a simple, accurate and multi-sample method for the determination of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) thanks to a 96-well microplate technique. A procedure using an activating reagent of the carboxylic function... more
Energy crops can be used to feed anaerobic digesters and produce renewable energy. However, sustainability of this option requires that it contributes to a net production of renewable energy and a net reduction of fossil CO 2 emission. In... more
Bio-fuel Biogas Cannabis sativa a b s t r a c t There is a worldwide emphasis to increase the share of renewable transportation fuels.
Anaerobic digestion is the process that generates biogas. This process can be used successfully to treat municipal organic solid wastes and kitchen waste to produce valuable end products, such as Methane gas and fertilizer. This research... more
The use of OFMSW for biogas and compost production is considered as a sustainable strategy in saving valuable landfill space while producing valuable product for soil application. This study examines the effects of anaerobic and aerobic... more
Biogas age from the anaerobic processing has uncovered to be probably the best innovation as another fuel source to petroleum derivatives, which can decrease the unfavorable ecological contamination and yield supplement muck as bio... more
The extraction of energy from the biomass wastes by its anaerobic degradation with the help of various technologies adopted and will be leading to the use of renewable energy systems effectively and efficiently. In this contest one of the... more
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) a b s t r a c t A hydrogen producer was successfully isolated from anaerobic digested palm oil mill effluent (POME) sludge. The strain, designated as Clostridium butyricum EB6, efficiently produced hydrogen... more
The combined and individual effects of aluminium and sulphate at concentrations of 1,000 mg/l as Al(OH)3, and 150 mgSO4(2-)/L as K2SO4, respectively, on the anaerobic digestion of sludge from enhanced primary treatment (EPT) were... more
Mesophilic methane yield of ensiled switchgrass grown in Eastern Canada was assessed. Switchgrass was harvested at three stages of development, corresponding to mid-summer, late summer and early fall in 2007. The regrowth of plots... more
This paper focuses on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of four waste management strategies: landfill without biogas utilization; landfill with biogas combustion to generate electricity; sorting plant which splits the inorganic waste fraction... more
The production of solid organic waste (SOW) such as sewage sludge (SS) or municipal solid waste (MSW) has been continuously increasing in Europe since the beginning of the 1990'. Today, the European Union encourages the stabilization of... more
Anaerobic digestion of sludge has been part of the treatment plant in Malmö for many years and several projects on optimisation of the digestion process have been undertaken in full scale as well as in pilot scale. In order to facilitate... more
Biomethanation Cookstove Appropriate technology Renewable energy a b s t r a c t Low-cost tubular digesters originally developed in tropical regions have been adapted to the extreme weather conditions of the Andean Plateau (3000e4000... more
Since thermophilic anaerobic digestion represents an efficient alternative to mesophilic anaerobic digestion, multiple studies have been developed to compare their performance and viability. One of the problems related to thermophilic... more
In this work, feasibility of using chemical pretreatment to improve the anaerobic biological degradation of industrial effluents containing high concentrations of phenolic compounds was investigated. For this purpose, chemical... more
Anaerobic digestion is an appropriate technique for the treatment of sludge before final disposal and it is employed worldwide as the oldest and most important process for sludge stabilization. In general, mesophilic anaerobic digestion... more
An attempt is presented and discussed to adapt a well-known process successfully employed in the U.S.A. for the simultaneous treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSWOF) and sewage sludge to the particular situation... more
In this study, co-digestion of mixed sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and partially dephenolised two-phase olive pomace (DOP) as a co-substrate was addressed with the aim of improving the biodigestibility of both... more
The associated harmful environmental, health and social effects with the use of traditional biomass and fossil fuel has enhanced the growing interest in the search for alternate cleaner source of energy globally. Ghana, a developing... more
In an effort to improve the anaerobic digestion of water hyacinth-cattle dung with enriched methane content, the effects of mixtures of surfactant-surfactant, adsorbent-adsorbent and surfactant-adsorbent have been studied in various... more
The effects of fluidized media characteristics on membrane fouling and energy consumption in the anaerobic fluidized membrane bioreactor (AFMBR) were evaluated. Both adsorbing granular activated carbon (GAC) and non-adsorbing silica and... more
Dissolved hydrogen in an anaerobic digestion process was continuously measured by a voltammetric membrane electrode which consisted of a Pt-Pt black and Ag-AgCI covered FEP membrane with 0.1 M KCI and 0.1 M HCI. This sensor showed high... more
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion offers an attractive alternative for the treatment of medium-and high-strength wastewaters. However, literature reports reveal that thermophilic wastewater treatment systems are often more sensitive to... more
Batch anaerobic dry digestion promises further application in agriculture and for treatment of municipal solid waste, especially with smaller substrate throughputs. As in other anaerobic systems, bacteriological activity is inhibited by... more
Fresh pig/cattle slaughterhouse waste mixtures, with different lipid-protein ratios, were characterized and their anaerobic biodegradability assessed in batch tests. The resultant methane potentials were high (270-300 L CH 4 kg À1 COD )... more
The increasing presence of siloxanes in waste activated sludge (WAS) considerably hampers the energy use of the biogas obtained during the anaerobic digestion of the sludge when concentrations exceed critical limits. To prevent the... more
This work addresses the robust output feedback tracking problem for a biological wastewater treatment process in the presence of input constraints and limited knowledge on the process parameters. The considered process is an anaerobic... more
Parque Porcino de Ventanilla has an extension of 840 ha with 2200 farmers dedicated to pig production. There is a lack of services in the area (i.e., water supply, electricity, or waste collection). Anaerobic treatment of pig manure would... more
The performance of mesophilic anaerobic digesters of four large Italian wastewater treatment plants without primary sedimentation were studied. Only the waste activated sludge is stabilised by means of the mesophilic (35-37 8C) anaerobic... more
The anaerobic digestion of solid wastes is now a widely-used technology in Europe with more than 50 full-scale plants operating. However, anaerobic solid waste digestion is still used to only a limited extent in North America with only... more
A kinetic study was made of the anaerobic purification or biomethanation of wine distillery wastewaters ('vinasses '), using bioreactors containing various suspended clayey supports (sepiolite, bentonite and saponite), on to which the... more
We investigated the co-digestion of domestic sewage sludge (SS) with food waste (FW) under different mixing ratios. Five mixtures of different SS:FW ratios (100:0; 80:20; 50:50; 20:80 and 0:100) having the same TS content were subjected... more
Currently, the biogas sector in Western Europe is faced by rapid technical and non-technical developments and innovations, and biogas markets are growing at a considerable pace. In contrast, the biogas market in Southern and Eastern... more