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Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology is estimated to develop many years before detectable cognitive decline. Fluid and imaging biomarkers may identify people in early symptomatic and even preclinical stages, possibly when potential... more
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      Clinical TrialPositron Emission TomographyAmyloidBiological Sciences
Amyloid deposits are common in various tissues as a consequence of misfolded proteins. However, secretory protein and peptides are often stored in membrane coated granules as functional amyloids. In this article, we present a detailed... more
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      Mass SpectrometryAmyloidBiological SciencesPhysical sciences
Although most proteins can assemble into amyloid-like fibrils in vitro under extreme conditions, how proteins form amyloid fibrils in vivo remains unresolved. Identifying rare aggregation-prone species under physiologically relevant... more
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      Protein FoldingKineticsSelf AssemblyAmyloid
Many relevant questions in biology and medicine require both topography and chemical information with high spatial resolution. Several biological events that occur at the nanometer scale level need to be investigated in physiological... more
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      Materials EngineeringNanotechnologyAtomic Force MicroscopyAmyloid
Curli are functional amyloid fibres that constitute the major protein component of the extracellular matrix in pellicle biofilms formed by Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria (predominantly of the α and γ classes). They provide a fitness... more
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      BiofilmsMultidisciplinaryNatureMacromolecular X-Ray Crystallography
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      GeneticsZoologyAmyloidAnimal Genetics
The conversion of proteins from their native state to misfolded oligomers is associated with, and thought to be the cause of, a number of human diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and systemic amyloidoses. The... more
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      Organic ChemistryProtein FoldingBiologyMedicine
The cellular mechanisms which lead to the generation and pathological deposition of p amyloid in Alzheimer's disease are unknown. In this report we describe the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to an 11.5-kDa... more
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      RegulationMitochondriaEnergy MetabolismAmyloid
Microrheology is a technique that is increasingly used to investigate the local viscoelastic properties of complex fluids non-invasively, by tracking the motion of micron-sized probe spheres. In this work, passive Particle Tracking... more
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      RheologyAmyloidNetwork FormationMathematical Sciences
Several proteins, including transthyretin (TTR), can generate in tissues extracellular insoluble aggregates, in the form of fibrils, that are associated with pathological states known as amyloidoses. To date, more than 80 different TTR... more
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      Molecular BiologyMacromolecular X-Ray CrystallographyAmyloidMolecular
Purpose Despite good to excellent inter-reader agreement in the evaluation of amyloid load on PET scans in subjects with Alzheimer's disease, some equivocal findings have been reported in the literature.We aimed to describe the clinical... more
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      Cognitive AgingAmyloidPET imagingAlzheimer Dementia
Topics cover all biophysical disciplines, from molecular to cellular, to integrative biophysics giving an almost comprehensive view of the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, proper of the modern biophysics. SIBPA, which... more
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      BiophysicsBiophysical ChemistryIon ChannelsAmyloid
1. There has been an enormous amount of information relating to the molecular components involved in Alzheimer's disease. 2. Recently some attention has been focused on the extracellular matrix (ECM) components present in the brain... more
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      Extracellular MatrixAmyloidAlzheimer Disease
One of the theories involved in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the oxidative stress hypothesis. The amyloid bpeptide (Ab), a hallmark in the pathogenesis of AD and the main component of senile plaques, generates free radicals... more
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      Cognitive ScienceOxidative StressApoptosisNeuronal cell death
The current set of studies describe the in vivo metabolic actions of the novel amylin-mimetic peptide davalintide (AC2307) in rodents and compares these effects with those of the native peptide. The anti-obesity effects of davalintide... more
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      EducationResearch DesignObesityEnergy Metabolism
Protein misfolding causes serious biological malfunction, resulting in diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cataract. Molecules which inhibit protein misfolding are a promising avenue to explore as therapeutics... more
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      Protein FoldingAlpha SynucleinAmyloidCatalase
Bipolar Disorder (BD) has been conceptualized as both a cyclic and a progressive disorder. Mechanisms involved in neuroprogression in BD remain largely unknown although several non-mutually exclusive models have been proposed as... more
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In this chapter, we present an overview of the kinetics and thermodynamics of protein aggregation into amyloid fibrils. The perspective we adopt is largely experimental, but we also discuss recent developments in data analysis and we show... more
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      ThermodynamicsProtein FoldingKineticsAmyloid
Lanreotide, a synthetic, therapeutic octapeptide analog of somatostatin, self-assembles in water into perfectly hollow and monodisperse (24-nm wide) nanotubes. Lanreotide is a cyclic octapeptide that contains three aromatic residues. The... more
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      WaterMicroscopySelf AssemblyBiophysical Chemistry
This study introduces a new method for graphical and numerical evaluation of time lags typically associated with subcutaneous glucose sensing, based on Poincaré-type plot and a maximum statistical agreement criterion.
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      AmyloidMarkov chainsBlood GlucoseAged
Nous rapportons l’observation d’un homme de 68 ans qui avait consulté pour dyspnée et hémoptysie. La fibroscopie bronchique avait montré une formation bourgeonnante au niveau du versant postérieur de la carène. Des biopsies bronchiques... more
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      BiopsyAmyloidDifferential DiagnosisDyspnea
Eighty-three brains obtained at autopsy from nondemented and demented individuals were examined for extracellular amyloid deposits and intraneuronal neurofibrillary changes. The distribution pattern and packing density of amyloid deposits... more
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      AmyloidBrainQualitative evaluationClinical Sciences
The interaction of beta-amyloid peptides with lipid membranes is widely studied as trigger agents in Alzheimer's disease. Their mechanism of action at the molecular level is unknown and their interaction with the neural membrane is... more
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      AmyloidAFMLipid bilayersProtein/membrane Interaction
Current assumptions and conclusions in several active areas of amyloid research are examined to see how consistent the data from chosen in vitro and in vivo model systems are with clinical and anatomic observations. These areas include... more
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      GeneticsStructural BiologyKineticsAmyloid
. Environmental manipulations during early development can induce permanent alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA and behavioral responses to stressors. However, little is known about the impact of early life experiences on... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBehaviorAnorexia NervosaAnxiety
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      GeneticsNeuroimagingClinical TrialMild Cognitive Impairment
The self-association of proteins to form dimers and higher-order oligomers is a very common phenomenon. Recent structural and biophysical studies show that protein dimerization or oligomerization is a key factor in the regulation of... more
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      AmyloidBiological SciencesProteinsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
In this paper, we present the role of nanotechnology in the development and improvement of techniques for early diagnosis and effective treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since AD pathology is almost irreversible and present-day... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseGene TherapyNanoparticlesNanotechnology
Amyloidogenesis is a characteristic feature of the 40 or so known protein deposition diseases, and accumulating evidence strongly suggests that self-association of misfolded proteins into either fibrils, protofibrils, or soluble... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFluorescence SpectroscopyProtein FoldingFluorescence
Amyloid aggregation is a hallmark of several degenerative diseases affecting the brain or peripheral tissues, whose intermediates (oligomers, protofibrils) and final mature fibrils display different toxicity. Consequently, compounds... more
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      GeneticsProtein FoldingAmyloidCell Death
Amyloid is associated with debilitating human ailments including Alzheimer's and prion diseases. Biochemical, biophysical, and imaging analyses revealed that fibers produced by Escherichia coli called curli were amyloid. The CsgA curlin... more
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a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Appetite Food intake Energy homeostasis Diabetes Weight-loss drugs Bariatric surgery
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      Bariatric SurgeryObesityClinical TrialAmyloid
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) protect protein substrates against conformational damage to promote the function of the proteins, prevent aggregation and prevent formation of toxic inclusion bodies. Protein aggregates and fibrils have been... more
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      Protein FoldingBiotechnologyNeurodegenerative DiseasesAmyloid
The toxicity of amyloids is a subject under intense scrutiny. Many studies link this toxicity to the existence of various intermediate structures prior to the fiber formation and/or their specific interaction with membranes. Membranes can... more
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      AmyloidAdipose tissueClinical SciencesAged
The all-α helix multi-domain protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) aggregates at elevated temperatures. Here we show that these thermal aggregates have amyloid properties. They bind the fibril-specific dyes Thioflavin T and Congo Red, show... more
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      AmyloidBiological SciencesHigher Order ThinkingX Rays
Aggregation of tau protein in the brain is associated with a class of neurodegenerative diseases known as tauopathies. FK506 binding protein 51 kDa (FKBP51, encoded by FKBP5) forms a mature chaperone complex with Hsp90 that prevents tau... more
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      BiologyMedicineGene expressionAmyloid
Vitreous coatings can be used as a means for the corrosion protection of metals and alloys due to their excellent dielectric properties. Their use is of particular interest in the case of highly aggressive media (different pH levels,... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil Engineering
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2010). The dissociated form of kappa-casein is the precursor to its amyloid fibril formation. Biochemical Journal, 429 (2), 251-260.
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyAmyloidBiological SciencesMicelles
How to cite this article: Hussein HA, Abd El-Razik KA, Gomaa AM, Elbayoumy MK, Abdelrahman KA, Hosein HI (2018) Milk amyloid A as a biomarker for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cattle, Veterinary World, 11(1): 34-41. Abstract... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyBacteriologyMastitisAmyloid
Mutations within the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) sequence that cause early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) have been shown to promote Aβ aggregation. How these FAD-related mutants increase the aggregative ability of Aβ is not... more
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      KineticsAmyloidClinical SciencesProtein Secondary Structure Prediction
Introduction: The incidence of cardiovascular (CV) diseases and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Czech Republic is de-clining. In spite of this in a proportion of patients AMI occurs in young age. The aim of our project was to assess... more
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Formation of amyloid-like fibrils is involved in numerous human protein deposition diseases, but is also an intrinsic property of polypeptide chains in general. Progress achieved recently now allows the aggregation propensity of proteins... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsProtein FoldingComputational Biology
Background-The modern era of Alzheimer's disease (AD) research began in the early 1980s with the establishment of AD research centers and expanded research programs at the National Institute on Aging.
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      EpidemiologyDementiaAmyloidRisk factors
Mounting evidence suggests a central role for transition biometals in the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases (ND). Indeed, while studying the molecular basis for this heterogeneous group of diseases, it has become increasingly... more
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      Neurodegenerative DiseasesAmyloidMetal IonsEDTA Chelation
Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) forms fibrillar amyloid deposits in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and its misfolding and aggregation are thought to contribute to β-cell death. Increasing... more
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      Molecular BiologyKineticsFluorescence MicroscopyPhospholipids
Amyloidoma is a term referring to a tumor-like deposition of extracellular insoluble fibrillar protein. Tumor-like amyloid formation in the brain had been described in isolated cases. However no advanced radiological studies to... more
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      SpectroscopyMagnetic Resonance ImagingDiffusion Tensor ImagingBiopsy
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and similar neurodegenerative disorders take their toll on patients, caregivers and society. A common denominator for these disorders is the accumulation of... more
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      BiochemistryMolecular BiochemistryNeurodegenerationAmyloid
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      ProteinProtein DynamicsAmyloidStructured data