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Previous experimental studies have highlighted that citrulline (CIT) could be a promising pharmaconutrient. However, its pharmacokinetic characteristics and tolerance to loading have not been studied to date. The objective was to... more
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      BritishCalciumAnimal ProductionGrowth Hormone
For an inconclusive study of unimolecular cleavage of cyclopropanes, see: A. 6. Chmurny and D. J. Cram, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 95,4237 (1973), and previous papers in this series. (27) The first examples of reliance on configurationally... more
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyCircular DichroismCyclic peptides
Volatile and nonvolatile compounds present in the water-soluble fraction (WSF) and water-soluble fraction with molecular weight lower than 1000 Da (WSF < 1000 Da) of six Spanish cheeses, Cabrales, Idiazá bal, Mahó n, Manchego, Roncal, and... more
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      EngineeringWaterMineralsCapillary electrophoresis
The synthesis of a limited series of non-racemic atropisomeric 1-(2-(4methyl-2-thioxothiazol-3(2H)-yl)phenyl)-3-(hetero)aryl-(thio)ureas is described. Using NMR titration experiments monitoring the shift of the two NH of the (thio)urea... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryOrganic ChemistryMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Circadian rhythm abnormalities have been described in various psychiatric disorders, but they have not received much attention in studies of schizophrenia and schizophreniform psychosis. The present study used the cosine model to... more
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High pressure homogenization (HPH) was tested for inducing autolysis in a commercial strain of Saccharomyces bayanus for winemaking. The effects on cell viability, the release of soluble proteins, glucidic colloids and amino acids in... more
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      ChemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisFood ChemistryMedicine
In this report, we have investigated the contribution of primary sequence to the carbohydrate requirement for intracellular transport of two closely related glycoproteins, the G proteins of the San Juan and Orsay strains of vesicular... more
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      BiologyVirologyMedicineBiological Sciences
Genetic mutations affecting mitochondrial fission and fusion proteins cause human neurological disorders, but are assumed to be well tolerated in yeast. The conserved mitochondrial fission protein Dnm1/Drp1 is required for normal... more
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      MitochondriaBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiaeMutation
The recently introduced fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) system of Pharmacia (Uppsala, Sweden) was employed to isolate rather large peptides derived from thermolysin by selective chemical fragmentation at methionine in positions... more
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      BacillusHigh Performance Liquid ChromatographyHigh Pressure Liquid ChromatographyAmino Acids
Molecular dynamics a b s t r a c t This study reports the comparative molecular modeling, docking and dynamic simulations of human a9a10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors complexed with acetylcholine, nicotine and a-conotoxin RgIA, using... more
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      Organic ChemistryMolecular modelingCrystal structureComputer Simulation
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Although most proteins can assemble into amyloid-like fibrils in vitro under extreme conditions, how proteins form amyloid fibrils in vivo remains unresolved. Identifying rare aggregation-prone species under physiologically relevant... more
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      Protein FoldingKineticsSelf AssemblyAmyloid
The importance of comets for the origin of life on Earth has been advocated for many decades. Amino acids are key ingredients in chemistry, leading to life as we know it. Many primitive meteorites contain amino acids, and it is generally... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryMass Spectrometry
Bacterial surface proteins are important molecules in the infectivity and survival of pathogens. Surface proteins on gram-positive bacteria have been shown to attach via a transpeptidase, termed sortase, that cleaves an LPXTG sequence... more
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      BacteriologyMembrane ProteinsBiological SciencesStaphylococcus aureus
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      KineticsSucroseSodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel ElectrophoresisAmino Acids
The aggregation of proteins or peptides in amyloid fibrils is associated with a number of clinical disorders, including Alzheimer's, Huntington's and prion diseases, medullary thyroid cancer, renal and cardiac amyloidosis. Despite... more
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Methunobacterium bryantii contains a single electrophoretically discernible superoxide dismutase, which constitutes 0.4% of the extractable protein. This enzyme has been purified to electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal homogeneity. It... more
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      KineticsEscherichia coliZincIron
The effects on performance, digestibility, N utilization and plasma amino acid concentrations of dietary chickpea (Cicer arietinum, var. Kabuli) seed meal, globulin proteins or buffer-insoluble residue (starch / non-starch polysaccharides... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAnimal ProductionDigestionUrea
Muscle wasting and changes in muscle protein metabolism in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. R.T. Jagoe, M.P.K.J. Engelen. #ERS Journals Ltd 2003. ABSTRACT: Loss of skeletal muscle mass is now recognised as an important feature of... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyProtein synthesisSpinal Muscular AtrophyBody Mass Index
The lipopeptide antibiotic surfactin is a potent extracellular biosurfactant produced by various Bacillus subtilis strains. Biosynthesis of surfactin was studied in a cell-free system prepared from B. subtilis ATCC 21332 and OKB 105,... more
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      BiochemistryMass SpectrometryBacteriaCyclic peptides
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow star thistle) has been proven to cause equine nigropallidal encephalomalacia in horses. Over the last fifty years, nigropallidal encephalomalacia has been of interest to human medicine due to the possible... more
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      NitrogenNeurotoxinsHigh Pressure Liquid ChromatographyAmino Acids
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      ChemistryScanning Electron MicroscopyNanoparticlesPolymers
An experiment with male turkeys was conducted to test the hypothesis that turkey production performance responds positively to extra crystalline amino acid supplementation (lysine, methionine, and threonine) when subjected to a high... more
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      Animal BehaviorPoultry ScienceAgingDiet
Acute intravenous amino acid infusion or a highprotein diet increases renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate in healthy subjects. Conversely, a low-protein diet reduces renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate. The... more
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      HepatologyKidneyLiver CirrhosisGlucagon
Vegetable proteins are an integral part of infant weaning diets in Latin America. Protein quality in plant-based products, however, is constrained by amino acid composition and intrinsically present antinutritional factors. The goal of... more
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      EngineeringLatin AmericaDigestionInfant
Bacillomycin Lc, a newantifungal antibiotic of the iturin class, was isolated from a strain of Bacillus subtilis as a set of five congeners. The structure as determined by chemical and spectrometric analyses has been shown to differ from... more
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      MicrobiologyPhysical ChemistryProductionFungi
We have studied the distribution of the protein synthesis inhibitory activity in the tissues of Saponaria officinalis L. (Caryophyllaceae). Seven major saporins, ribosome-inactivating proteins, were purified to apparent homogeneity from... more
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      GeneticsBiological SciencesCell lineEscherichia coli
It is well recognized that variation in the geographical distribution of prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) exists: increasing the latitude its prevalence increases as well, but the underlying causes of such dissimilarity still... more
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      Amino AcidsMedical biochemistry and metabolomics
A novel toxic cyclopeptide from Amanita suballiacea (Murr.) mushrooms that possesses structural features similar to viroidin is described. This peptide, alloviroidin, is identical with viroidin in mass, affinity for actin, and all amino... more
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      BiochemistryMass SpectrometryMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyCyclic peptides
Lyophilization is a cost-effective method for biological specimen preservation but detailed tissue-specific reference protocols are still lacking. Moreover, data are limited on the long-term stability of proteins and nucleic acids in... more
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      Amino AcidsMedical biochemistry and metabolomics
A simple and sensitive method is described for the determination of picomolar amounts of C 1 -C 9 linear aliphatic aldehydes in waters containing heavy metal ions. In this method, aldehydes were first derivatized with... more
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      EngineeringComplex SystemCopperHeavy Metal
Separation of globin chains by electrophoresis provides a simple and rapid method for the determination of the Gy/Ay ratio in human fetal haemoglobin, and of biosynthetic rates of the globin chains. Whole haemolysates were analysed by... more
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      BritishMutationSodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel ElectrophoresisNewborn Infant
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      Biological SciencesCarbon IsotopesPancreasPeptides
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      AlgorithmsMolecular BiologyHydrogenStatistical Analysis
Background: Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 has been extensively studied because of its plant growth promoting properties and potential as a biocontrol agent. The genome of SBW25 has been sequenced, and among sequenced strains of... more
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      Biological SciencesPseudomonas FluorescensAmino AcidsAnti-Bacterial Agents
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      Computational BiologyBiological SciencesAlternative splicingFunctional diversity
We describe an aerosol-liquid cycle that launches the autocatalytic amplification of any initial imbalance of the order of 10 ÿ7 % (1 ppb) up to total chiral purity in a single step process. Crystal nucleation of NaClO 3 is initiated at... more
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      Surfaces and InterfacesWaterCatalysisCrystallization
Ready-for-use' instruments from surgical instrument trays were examined after routine cleaning and sterilization in a blinded study. These reprocessed instruments originated from five National Health Service hospital trust sterile service... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsScanning Electron MicroscopyHospital InfectionQuantitative analysis
Radiopharmaceuticals are able to give functional information about systems, organs or cells. This functional information can be about different cell mechanisms or molecular pathways. In terms of systems or organs this information can be... more
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      ApoptosisMolecular ImagingEnzymesAmino Acids
The aim of this investigation was to analyze two samples of pollen from jandaíra stingless bees (Melipona subnitida) in view of their mineral composition, free amino acids and sugars. Palynological analysis showed that the predominant... more
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      MineralsFood and NutritionAmino Acids
For reversed phase separation amino acids are usually derivatized. Several derivatization reactions are carried out at basic pH. In the present work, influence of three basic buffer solutions on liquid chromatography electrospray... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyHigh Pressure Liquid ChromatographyCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Proteins that are highly expressed and composed of amino acids that are costly to synthesize are likely to place a greater drain on an organism's energy resources than proteins that are composed of ingested amino acids or ones that are... more
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Derivatives of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib were synthesized by esterification with 25 carboxylic acids, including amino acids and fatty acids, thereby extending the drug to interact with more diverse sites and to improve... more
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      ChemistryOrganic ChemistryFatty acidsDrug Design
We present a complete DNA sequence and metabolic analysis of the dominant oral bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum. Although not considered a major dental pathogen on its own, this anaerobe facilitates the aggregation and establishment of... more
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      BacteriologyDNA replicationDNA repairCell Division
Background: Infants and children with chronic diarrhea (CD) often require specialized foods or parenteral nutrition (PN) to achieve adequate nutrient intakes to support growth and development. We assessed the efficacy of an amino... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesMedicineDiarrhea
Tissue free amino acid pools account for only a small fraction of the total amino acid content in the body. Blood or plasma free amino acid pools represent only a very small proportion of tissue free amino pools. Plasma free amino acid... more
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      ChemistryAnimal ScienceMedicineBiological Sciences
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      MicrobiologyEscherichia coliAmino AcidsBioreactors
The mechanisms that control polyamine (PA) metabolism in plant cell lines with different embryogenic potential are not well understood. This study involved the use of two Araucaria angustifolia cell lines, one of which was defined as... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant cell physiologyPolyaminesCell line
Stability constants of binary and ternary complexes of Cu(II) and Zn(II) transition metal ions withethambutol hydrochloride antitubercular drug (L) and serine(R1) valine(R2) methionine (R3)glutamic acid(R4)amino acids(R) have been... more
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    • Amino Acids
An improved and efficient method for the determination of underivatized amino acids based on the use of CE coupled to evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD), involving carbon nanotubes, was successfully developed. Carboxyled... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon NanotubesCapillary electrophoresis