American serial television
Recent papers in American serial television
Television aestheticians and cognitivists share an important endeavour. Both groups are driven to explore the compelling emotional, cognitive and aesthetic appeals of contemporary television serials. In other words, whether we take up a... more
O objetivo principal deste artigo é discutir os elementos distópicos e utópicos presentes nas séries televisivas escritas ou produzidas por David Simon, como The Wire e Show me a Hero, com especial atenção à análise de The Plot Against... more
Leif Kramp untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gedächtnisrelevanz des Massenmediums Fernsehen sowie den archivischen und musealen Umgang mit der Fernsehgeschichte. Anknüpfend an die interdisziplinären Zweige der Gedächtnisforschung... more
The aim of the present study is to discuss the issues of morality, especially with reference to telling the truth and lies, in the American television series "House M.D." (2004-2012). According to the theory of clarificationism, as... more
This chapter executes a reading of the character of Walter White / Heisenberg ('Breaking Bad') through John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty'. This chapter pays attention to issues related to Mill's harm principle, freedom, individuality,... more
espanolTradicionalmente, la figura femenina ha sido sobreexpuesta en los medios, por lo que su objetivificacion se ha convertido en una practica comun en la ficcion cinematografica y televisiva, que es aun mas visible en la publicidad,... more
ENGLISH SUMMARY The book "Worlds To Be Continued. Analysing Possibilities of Serial Narrativity" (in Czech "Světy na pokračování. Rozbor možností seriálového vyprávění") is built upon the assumption that fictional stories presented as... more
Una ricostruzione dei principali temi che attraversano "Complex TV" di Jason Mittell, messi in relazione allo stato dell'arte dei television studies e alle prospettive di ricerca future.
Good Girls is an original, comedy-crime drama created by Jenna Bans. It premiered on February 26th, 2018 on NBC as a mid-season entry. From publicly-available sources, I determined (1) the creator’s track record of success and (2) the... more
Foreign fictional TV production aimed at teenagers, i.e. teen TV, is currently strongly influenced by the desire of television stations to capture the attention of the lucrative audience of Millennials. One of the characteristics of this... more
E-book completo disponível em: Esta é a primeira parte de um estudo em dois volumes apresentado por Maíra Bianchini, no qual a autora reflete sobre os desenvolvimentos históricos que... more
Since its 2012 debut Girls has received an extraordinary amount of attention and criticism from both academic circles and popular culture critics. It has been critiqued for its depiction of female nudity and its portrayal of female sexual... more
especially fascinating contention that the first season of American Horror Story (2011present) represents the film and television industry 'as a conventional [patriarchal] gothic villain' (p. 150). Hence, even when Men with Stakes... more
Rod Serling's landmark show "The Twlight Zone" explored controversial issues in an abstract manner, using the "science fiction" genre and modes of cinematic convention to address political injustice. The show managed to both be morally... more
Fairy tale has been used as a medium to deliver moral values and support ideologies such as patriarchy throughout time. This can be seen from how the characters must fulfill cer tain characteristics based on the stereotypical idea of... more
Análisis de Fargo: la serie La fragilidad del dominio a través de los personajes femeninos Resumen: En el presente trabajo se analizará la segunda temporada de la serie Fargo en base a algunos de los personajes femeninos más destacables.... more
This is a story of the Tv series that goes from the Fifties to today. The first volume arrives more or less to 2000.
Difficult Women analyses select case studies from international TV dramas to examine the unresolved feminist issues they raise or address: equal labor force participation, the demand for sexual pleasure and freedom, opposition to sexual... more
This is a pre-publication draft of my piece on NBC's Hannibal. The full version -- with page numbers and an additional epilogue that addresses the cancellation of the show after its third season -- can be found in Däwes, Ganser, &... more
The television series Dexter is characterized by unfolding a discourse which, though belonging to a specific genre the psychokiller, is noticeably different in the ways in which the world and the conduct of the serial killers are... more
This book offers the first comprehensive study of recent, popular Italian television. Building on work in American television studies, audience and reception theory, and masculinity studies, Sympathetic Perpetrators and their Audiences on... more
Alfred Hitchcock’s genre-defining 1960 classic Psycho, three Psycho sequels (1983, 1986, and 1990), the television pilot Bates Motel (1987), Gus Van Sant’s much-maligned Psycho remake (1998), and the new television series Bates Motel... more
The focus of this research is politeness theory and politeness strategies, in particular the notion of sarcasm in communication and how it is used in American sitcoms. The research also relates to the notion of ‘face’ and how facework is... more
The proliferation of networks using narrowcasting for their original drama serials in the United States proved that protagonist types different from conventional heroes can appeal to their target audiences. While this success of anti-hero... more
A educação deve ser pensada de forma ampla. O aprendizado dá-se não somente no âmbito dos muros da escola, mas também com a tecnologia, com a família, com os amigos e com o convívio em sociedade e, ainda, com, para e através dos meios de... more
The main thesis of this paper is that TV fiction, given its serialized nature, is better equipped to develop a “structure of sympathy” (Smith, 1995, 5) that allows us to identify with morally defective characters who commit crimes, who... more
Julia Leyda focuses on the sitcom Arrested Development and the ground-breaking drama Breaking Bad. Both shows portray the moral and ethical laxity—in the business world and in US-American society and the family—that would later be invoked... more
In this study we develop an empirical model to explain failure rates of new television series. Specifically, we test the ability of three factors to predict the success of new dramatic series appearing on 31 cable networks over the last... more
This introduction to the special issue on "American TV Series Revivals" provides the definitions, broader historical context, and theoretical framework of televisual repetition and innovation for understanding contemporary TV series... more
Azione pura quasi scarnificata, ritmi che non lasciano riprendere fiato, narrazione frazionata in episodi conseguenti tra loro o chiusi ciascuno in sé, abilità nel rendere sempre imperdibile il successivo appuntamento: sono queste le... more
This special issue seeks to make an original contribution to seriality studies. It explores narrative, cultural, and historical dimensions of serial narratives in an effort to come to terms with their changing forms and functions within... more
This is a copy of my PhD thesis, completed in 2011 at the University of Exeter. It represents a new history of Home Box Office, and particularly considers the importance of analysing the early history of the company for understanding its... more
This article reflects on the recent prominence of direct address--characters speaking directly to the camera--within new television. With particular reference to Phoebe Waller-Bridge's _Fleabag_ (BBC Three, 2016-19), the phenomenon of... more
This chapter analyzes swear/taboo words in US TV series, combining analysis of use (in TV dialogue) with analysis of creation (interviews with screenwriters) and consumption (questionnaires with learners of English as a Foreign Language).... more