American Romanticism/American Renaissance
Recent papers in American Romanticism/American Renaissance
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Captain Ahab is no exception. Forget for a second Ahab's villainous qualities and look instead to the classical tradition. Shakespeare's Macbeth was not a very nice guy. Neither was Milton's Satan.... more
ALICE IN CHAINS' statement on acquiescence, growing older, wiser and unsettled.
In the wellspring of classic nineteenth-century American literature, a spectacular theme unites our greatest authors. They, in various ways, challenge the naïve optimism of the “American Adam” and American liberalism. They are deeply... more
Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai wacana tentang Romantisisme pada waktu Inggris menjajah America dalam cerita Washington Irving yang berjudul "Rip Van Winkle". Karakter utama yang mempunyai konflik dengan istrinya yang dimana... more
В монографии проза Эдгара Аллана По рассматривается с точки зрения актуальной в современной гуманитарной науке проблемы тела в культуре. Автор поставил перед собой задачу перечитать По вопреки сложившимся о нем мифам и стереотипам, по... more
Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук. Спеціальність - 10.01.04 - література зарубіжних країн
In the dark world that is set by Nathaniel Hawthorne in “Young Goodman Brown,” there is a tiny spark of hope that makes the reader believe in a way out of all the freakiness that Youngman Brown goes through in the woods of a good... more
Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "The Ambitious Guest" has been regarded by various readers as a tale of natural sublimity and a defeat of humankind under crushing forces of Nature.
Throughout the story both the narrator and the character himself often describes himself as "shrewd". Why?
"What Susan taught me through her words in Rural Hours is that intimacy is wasted if just felt interpersonally. She helped me realize that nature and the physical landscape can teach humans valuable truths about living in a community—if... more
The American Romanticists of the mid-19th century may not have held a monopoly on being the first literary authors to opine about nature’s vast beauty, overwhelming immensity and humbling simplicity, but they were a generation of writers... more
The Romantic Era of the mid-19th century introduced America to its first distinct form of national literature that brought worldwide recognition to its prominent authors and their works. Yet for hundreds of years prior the continent... more
Le circostanze in cui furono trovate le Master Letters non sono chiare: si sa per certo che Mabel Todd ne era a conoscenza nei primi anni '90 dell'800, e ne incluse degli stralci nell'edizione delle lettere di Emily Dickinson che pubblicò... more
From the century of independence to the contemporary, Montaigne acted as an influential voice in the ongoing transatlantic conversation that shaped the American identity. This special issue offers a series of transhistorical and... more
"Ruth Hall" by Fanny Fern is different from other novels written by and addressed to women: its plot, protagonist, and style prove that Fern’s book is an unconventional female Bildungsroman. To prove this statement, this paper will... more
Beginning in the early 19th century following the revolutionary victory over the British Empire to once and for all establish a free nation for all Americans to live, govern and dream, literary imaginations flowed freely like the dreams... more
The richest period in American literary history, the American Renaissance (1830-1865) produced Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Emily Dickinson. These... more
David S. Reynolds updated curriculum vitae
Emily Dickinson, often viewed as a quintessentially private poet who was supposedly distanced from her times, actually borrowed heavily from her contemporary popular culture: from women's literature, from sermons and reform writings,... more
For Stevens, the Romantic period extends from the late eighteenth century through the late nineteenth century, and it includes both English and American writers. The chief Romantic influences on Stevens' poetry include Wordsworth,... more
For Emerson and those nature writers who followed his lead, it is the belief in nature's permanence and consistency which allows them to pursue the project of deriving 'spiritual facts' from 'natural facts,' making nature the normative... more
Through their imaginative writing styles, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman incessantly endeavored to resolve the lingering question, what is an American? As individuals from around the world journeyed to the promising shores of America’s... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more
Grounded theory is used to identify the main patterns across hundreds of statements by teachers to students about Hawthorne's short story "Young Goodman Brown." This essay appeared in the Spring 2011 (4:3) issue of Teaching American... more
Many American Renaissance transcendentalists imagine men as self-contained but permeable orbs, which are both organs of sight and individual planets in their own orbits. This conception is the result of an American pantheism that... more
This essay considers the notion of private selfhood as articulated in Emerson’s and Hawthorne’s writing about beauty. Though _Nature’s_ infamous “transparent Eye-ball” is frequently cited as evidence of his secular intellectual bent, the... more
The nineteenth-century invention of the category of the "spiritual"as opposed to being religious was deeply entangled within American Romanticism's larger project of reenchanting nature. While this relocation of spiritual authority out of... more
NTU Studies in Literature and Language 27 (2012), 47-70
Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "The Ambitious Guest" has been regarded by various readers as a tale of natural sublimity and a defeat of humankind under crushing forces of Nature. However, Hawthorne's captivating writing leaves space... more
Quintessentially transnational and transdisciplinary in its origins, Romanticism, Isaiah Berlin notes, is a recent movement to transform Western consciousness most radically, a transformation that, we would like to show, has continued to... more
Il volume ripercorre alcune tappe significative del dibattito intorno all'architettura che ha interessato Venezia nel corso del Novecento: dal ruolo svolto dai maestri in laguna (attraverso l'analisi di alcuni casi esemplari quali i... more
Our concept of the literary canon in English has undergone several major upheavals, expanding over time to accommodate genres, authors, and themes that have gained cachet in the field. This paper argues that the time has come for science... more
In Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, eds. Vivienne Westbrook and Shun-liang Chao. Routledge, 2018: 146-166.