Mizruchi, who always pushed me toward excellence. His criticisms were tough but fair, and his encouragement wholehearted. I would also like to thank my committee members Wayne Baker, Karyn Lacy, and Al Young. Their keen insights and... more
The Reformation, which means reformed or new order, is a religious movement within the Renaissance. This movement, which was named Protestantism because of the protest against the Catholic Church that the German priest Martin Luther... more
Blandine Chelini-Pont, professeure d'histoire contemporaine à Aix-Marseille Université, a rédigé le chapitre « De la liberté religieuse comme droit de l'homme à la religion comme composante diplomatique : comparaison états-unienne » dans... more
The Hyde Park Riots of 1878 in Sydney provide a case study of how the emerging Australian democracy sought to balance the right of free speech, which the colonists regarded as their birthright, and the right of sections of the community... more
Approximately half of Kanaka (Hawaiians) live beyond the islands of Hawai‘i but these off-island Kanaka are not always recognized as a significant part of the Lāhui (Hawaiian community), where discourses of identity often privilege... more
P ara muestra, un botón". Este refrán alude a que con un ejemplo tendríamos suficiente para deducir la totalidad de una situación o fenómeno; en otro sentido, el "botón" sintetizaría la esencia de la prenda. El significado del refrán es... more
compassion, and testimony while part three deals with reconciliation, jubilee, dialogue, and servant leadership. In the concluding part, the seasonal practices of thanksgiving, advent, Christmas, Epiphany, and Easter are examined. It... more
This paper examines the Septuagint (LXX) and the Masoretic Text (MT) as two primary textual witnesses to the Old Testament, exploring their historical development, key differences, and theological implications. By analyzing significant... more
predominant form of religious organization in Western civilization has been the state church. In America nearly two hundred years ago, an alternative pattern began to emerge, characterized by freedom of conscience, constitutional... more
Abstract In 1869, in a recommendation of books of interest to the spiritualist public, Allan Kardec wrote that the “moral philosophy” of the American pastor William Ellery Channing was “the purest Spiritism”. This article starts from this... more
For the cultural and philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of ’public ideal of socio-cultural space’, the study highlights the principle of dialectical unity of the philosophical dichotomy ‘’sacred - profane‘’, applies the methods... more
Cet essai a pour objectif de demontrer, a partir d’exemples tires de l’œuvre de W. Cather, N. Hawthorne, H. D. Thoreau et W. Faulkner, le bien-fonde du rapprochement entre culture americaine et culture mediterraneenne ; la recurrence... more
Civic Protestants
Chicago's Protestants
19th Century Chicago
Clinton Stockwell
Chicago's Protestants
19th Century Chicago
Clinton Stockwell
History of Chicago
Protestantism in Early Chicago
PhD Dissertation
Clinton Stockwell
University of Illinois at Chicago
Protestantism in Early Chicago
PhD Dissertation
Clinton Stockwell
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the "Deutsche Nationalbibliografie"; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at... more
Díaz, C. (2024). Sobre la persona gramatical en lenguas indígenas de Colombia entre los siglos XX y XXI. Lingüística, 40, e207(1-22)
In this research, I will focus on the spreading of the American Protestant religion during the late colonial period. Specifically, this research will deal with the American propaganda of Manifest Destiny and how this resulted in the... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht das historische und gegenwär tige Potential der Black Church als besondere, dem strukturellen Rassismus durchweg ausgesetzte religiöse Institution, den politischen Anliegen der afroamerikanischen Be... more
Sacrifice in Hebrews In classical reformed theology, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is closely connected with the death of Christ and understood as satisfaction by penal substitution. For Owen, apart from the death of Christ, his... more
У дослідженні здійснено спробу семіотичного аналізу соціокультурних знаків у сучасній Україні, виявлення їх трансформацій, з'ясування культуротвірної функції соціокультурних знаків, встановлення їх ролі у розумінні сутності процесів,... more
Nowadays, many young people know more about the cartoon characters Calvin and Hobbes than John Calvin of Geneva fame. Ironically, the cartoon Calvin was intentionally based on the original John Calvin. In 1529, John Calvin expressed... more
The work is a collection of essays focused on translation as an act of worship for the glory of Jesus Christ.
La politica ha decaido en los ultimos años. Gente mediocre en puestos de honor sin meritos ni etica. Influye en el crtistianismo?
O lider religioso utiliza a voz para ministrar os cultos, mas nem sempre praticam habitos vocais saudaveis. Eles costumam a gritar para chamar a atencao dos fieis, usam elevacao da altura vocal, exprimem as suas emocoes por meio de choros... more
In Protestant Relics in Early America, Jamie L. Brummitt upends long-held assumptions about religion and material culture in the early United States. Brummitt chronicles how American Protestants cultivated a lively relic culture centered... more
This article traces the history of the material study of American Protestantism from the 1980s to today. In the 1980s, a few scholars of American religions started to incorporate material culture studies into their work. They examined... more
Originalism is just fundamentalism—at least according to many of its opponents. Yet, despite abundant research into the roots of originalism, no historian has studied the theological views of the one early originalist writer... more
Despite the growing flight of Americans from religious institutions, these are still the largest voluntary organizations in the United States and they remain significant forces in American politics. As leaders of these organizations,... more
Εισήγηση στο Συνέδριο του Άρτου Ζωής το 2017 στα 500 χρόνια από την έναρξη της Μεταρρύθμισης του Λούθηρου, σχετικά με την Ελληνική Ευαγγελική Εκκλησία
religion et des inégalités, se demande dans une recherche rigoureuse et fourmillante de données comment les plus importantes confessions religieuses américaines affrontèrent de 1926 à 1965 la question du contrôle des naissances. À travers... more
En 1894, Pierre Loti entreprend un voyage en Terre Sainte. À son retour, il publie une série de trois volumes intitulés Le Désert, Jérusalem et La Galilée. Quoique présentée comme un récit de voyage, cette trilogie est également la... more
Prilozi povijesti hrvatske psihologije prvo je referentno djelo s povijesnim pregledom hrvatske psihologije. Poglavlja donose pregršt vrijednih informacija o psiholozima i njihovim aktivnostima koje su omogućile da se psihologija u... more
In this dissertation we problematize the phenomenon of Pentecostalization of "historical Protestantism", based on a case study of a Church in the subfield of the congregationals. Analyzing factors internal and external to the evangelical... more
What approach should Christians take to modern politics? What are their obligations in contemporary public life? Which Christian values should be endorsed in a modern democracy, and which political instruments are permitted while doing... more
The book shows why Japanese imperialism in Korea began in 1876 instead of 1910 and demonstrates that it was from its very origins, an illegal enterprise.
od vitalne važnosti za ostvarenje ciljeva ratnim djelovanjem. To, dakako, ne umanjuje njezinu plemenitu namjeru. Dapače, svakidašnja (vanjska) politika vapi za jednim takvim djelom.
Мета статті-проаналізувати символічний зміст пластичних засобів вираження та визначити семантичний аспект танцювальних образів в первісному танці. Методологія дослідження базується на засадах комплексного підходу та застосуванні... more
El propósito de este artículo es plasmar hechos históricos respecto de la persecución que vivieron los primeros misioneros protestantes enviados a Chile por la organización religiosa estadounidense The Christian & Missionary Alliance. Los... more
Sažetak: Autorice u radu daju povijesnu dimenziju "self-help" literature s kvalitativnom analizom dominantnih knjiga nastalih na američkom prostoru. Na temelju takve analize identificiraju se razvojne etape ovog tipa literature, a njih... more
Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
The heuristic starting point for this paper is a critical approach to the enterprise of modern historiography per se, based on the understanding of it as inherently bound by teleological epistemology. While “Korean nationalism” is the... more
L’enquete sur la laicite dans la justice, dont les resultats sont presentes dans ce rapport, confirme que les acteurs de la justice sont conduits a prendre en compte le fait religieux dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, et qu’ils se... more
У статті досліджується екосеміотика (термін запропонований Вілфрідом Нотом)міждисциплінарна галузь, що має на меті: 1) поглибити розуміння особливостей взаємодії між людиною і довкіллям, культурою і природою на основі застосування... more