Amazonian Rainforest
Recent papers in Amazonian Rainforest
This research on natural medicine producing SMES in the Amazon used an approach based on Schumpeter's ideas, done mainly by researchers from the Economics Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal University of... more
È ben conosciuto il Rio delle Amazzoni, imponente fiume che la attraversa la grande foresta pluviale del continente sudamericano e che ad essa dà il nome. Ma di grande interesse risulta anche il suo bacino imbrifero, formato da oltre... more
This work aims to evaluate the TerraClass mapping for the year 2014, in the municipality of Paragominas, State of Pará. The validation was made by comparing the mapping with the observations found in the field. Images of the Satétile... more
DISSERTATION AS PART OD MSC HOLISTIC SCIENCE - SCHUMACHER COLLEGE - PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY - BY KARINA MIOTTO It is time to feel emotionally connected to the Amazon rainforest, to learn how to appreciate it not only because of her... more
João Meirelles Filho, criador do Instituto Peabiru, voltado para os processos de fortalecimento da organização social e da valorização da sociobiodiversidade, reuniu contribuições das principais organizações não governamentais do Pará,... more
Early in life, French anthropologist Emilie Barrucand, 38, found out why she’d come into the world. Inspired by her grandmother, who dedicated herself to caring for needy children, young delinquents, and the elderly, she realized that... more
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo determinar la composición y diversidad de la flora arbórea de un área de bosque montano, de manera que proporcione información base para la gestión de la Concesión para la Conservación Puyu... more
"A catastrophic draught event was reported across much of the north of South America during August - December 2005. This resulted in extensive and irreversible damage in parts of the Amazon river network. The 2005 Amazon draught followed... more
Resumen: En este artículo se presenta un estado de la cuestión de la arqueología amazónica. Este cam-po de investigación relativamente nuevo intenta comprender una zona enorme que abarca el bosque húmedo tropical y el rio más grandes del... more
The cover picture was taken in 2005 in a tourism site some miles away from Manaus, Brazil. The little boy belongs to a riverbank village. He was on the spoltlight because of holding a small cayman and sometimes a domesticated mammoth as... more
This paper investigates the role of community participation in the development of ecotourism in Ecuador from social, political and conservation perspectives. Ecuador is a living laboratory of ecotourism and community development issues... more
Fearnside, P.M. (ed.) 2020. Destruição e Conservação da Floresta Amazônica, Vol. 1. Editora do INPA, Manaus. 368 p. (no prelo).
Entre 1927 y 1982 tres grandes emprendimientos de tipo forestal y agropecuario fueron desarrollados en la Amazonia por importantes empresarios estadunidenses. Se trata de los proyectos de Henry Ford y Daniel Ludwig en el Brasil y de... more
This volume brings together archaeologists working in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia to construct a new prehistory of the Upper Amazon, outlining cultural developments from the late third millennium B.C. to the Inca Empire of the sixteenth... more
This document presents basic information on the geography, biology, and history of the Los Amigos watershed in southeastern Peru. It is intended as a background for research in and around the Los Amigos field stations. I have tried to... more
Repeat blocks, microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) can produce good co-dominant molecular markers for genetic diversity analysis and the determination of self-pollination rates in progenies originating from open pollination... more
The Secoya nation (Siekopai) of the Ecuadorian Upper Amazon, in its request for recognition of indigenous territories in a protected area, has submitted to the Republic of Ecuador's conservation regime arguments based on an administrative... more
Resumen: El presente trabajo constituye un diagnóstico aproximado sobre el riesgo de inundación de la ciudad de Iquitos. La finalidad del estudio fue identificar las áreas que presentan riesgos de inundación, en referencia al registro... more
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 Em 1927, o escritor brasileiro Mário de Andrade empreendeu uma viagem à Amazônia que iria registrar em relatos diversos, com o objetivo de publicá-los posteriormente. A partir deste material, iniciou... more
An hitherto unknow species of Dichaea Lindley was found in the Brazilian Amazon forest. Dichaea fusca Valsko, Holland & Krahl is similar to Dichaea rendlei Gleason, but differs in its vegetative and floral morphology, particularly in the... more
The study was carried out in two forest fragments located at East-Amazonian, in the town of Paragominas, State of Pará, Brazil (located at latitude 3o24’S to 3o38’S, longitude 47o12’W to 47o40’W), in October 2007 and March 2008. The main... more
A floresta amazônica é essencial para manter a nossa qualidade de vida e a regulação do clima da América do Sul. O ponto é comprovado e enfatizado pelo pesquisador Antonio Nobre, do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) e do... more
The Amazon is renowned to hold an unprecedented, yet poorlyknown or unexplored plant diversity. This study aimed to report new collections on five rare or littleknown and phylogenetically enigmatic trees, Aguiaria excelsa (Malvaceae,... more
The Amazon region has intense clouds coverage and the use of radar images becomes an option for land use and land cover mapping to better characterize the deforestation areas already mapped by PRODES Project. This work analyses the... more
Thearticle aims to propose a project that could save and protect the Amazon rainforest. This goal would be obtained through the protection of the edges of the rainforest. The project focuses on the problem of the civil exploitation and on... more
El 2019 un grupo de investigadores de Colombia, Perú y Estados Unidos, liderados por el Field Museum, llevaron a cabo un inventario rápido biológico y social en la zona de los ríos Putumayo (cuenca baja), Yaguas y Cotuhé. Donde el equipo... more
Après avoir publié Os Sertões (1902), Euclides da Cunha (1866-1909) a dirigé en 1904 la Commission Mixte de Reconnaissance du Haut Purus pour le gouvernement brésilien. L'écrivain avait l'intention d'écrire un livre sur l'Amazonie et son... more
Vegetation is one of the most important characteristics of the environment because it supports animal life. Any interfering with the vegetation produces direct effects on the fauna through the increase, decrease, or alternation of two key... more
A manifestação do complexo processo de midiatização potencializou-se nas últimas décadas. Nesse cenário, os campos sociais se apropriaram de mecanismos discursivos do campo midiático, o que possibilitou a emergência de um espaço para a... more
Uma informação divulgada em abril deste ano tem grandes chances de chamar muita atenção da comunidade científica, de ambientalistas e órgãos públicos. Os geólogos Milton Matta, Francisco Matos de Abreu, o engenheiro civil André Montenegro... more
Ancient built landscapes including roads, earthworks, and patches of fertile anthrosols have been documented in several areas of the South American lowlands representing landscape capital that is often utilized by succeeding generations.... more
Abstract: This article analyzes human orientations related to current environmental issues and proposes positive creative responses, in dialogue especially with Martin Buber, Nick Black Elk, Pope Francis, and Lynn White Jr. It illustrates... more
Chiribiquete National Natural Park is the largest national park in Colombia and the largest tropical rainforest national park in the world. It was established on 21 September 1989 and has been expanded twice, first in August 2013 and then... more
RESUMEN EJECUTIVO: Después de una primera etapa donde prevalecieron relatos conservadores en cuanto a la capacidad de sustentación del medio amazónico, desde finales de los años ochenta y sobre todo desde los noventa en adelante se dan... more
Anth 3990: Symbolic Ecologies of the Amazon in this debate, largely through the recent works of renowned scholars such as Philippe Descola and William Balée.
This paper is one of five submitted by Conectas Human Rights (Conectas), OECD Watch, and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to the OECD assessing the extent to which Brazil’s laws, policies and practices in these areas... more
The objective of this study was accomplishes a knowledge survey of the Apiaká indigenous on the mammals of natural occurrence in their territory, who is located in the Mato Grosso State, Southern Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. As method for... more
Fieldwork that focused on archaeology of the landscape was carried out during a total of 4 ½ months between June 2006 and November 2007. Fieldwork was carried out at 3 sites in the study area of the Trombetas project, directed by Vera... more