Alzheimer Disease
Recent papers in Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology is estimated to develop many years before detectable cognitive decline. Fluid and imaging biomarkers may identify people in early symptomatic and even preclinical stages, possibly when potential... more
Autosomal-dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) or Presenilin (PSEN) genes. Studies from families with ADAD have been critical to support the amyloid cascade... more
Caring for Caregivers The Need: With the growth of the aged population, more adults with chronic illnesses and conditions require assistance in going about their daily living. More than 80 percent of this assistance is provided by... more
Bé né fice d'un programme cognitivo-comportemental et pluridisciplinaire de prise en charge de la maladie d'Alzheimer sur l'anxié té du conjoint : é tude française ELMMA Beneficial effect of a cognitive behavioral and multidisciplinary... more
for in vivo imaging of nicotinic receptor subtypes in Alzheimer brain. Acta Neurol Scand 2000: Supplement 176: 27±33. # Munksgaard 2000.
The global prevalence of dementia has been estimated to be as high as 24 million, and is predicted to double every 20 years until at least 2040. As the population worldwide continues to age, the number of individuals at risk will also... more
To investigate whether variations within normal ranges of thyroid functioning are related to cognitive and neuropsychiatric functioning in Alzheimer disease (AD). Mild alterations of thyroid hormone levels, even in the normal range, are... more
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is involved in several crucial cellular functions, e.g. protein folding and quality control, maintenance of Ca 2+ balance, and cholesterol synthesis. Many genetic and environmental insults can disturb the... more
This is a critical abstract of an economic evaluation that meets the criteria for inclusion on NHS EED. Each abstract contains a brief summary of the methods, the results and conclusions followed by a detailed critical assessment on the... more
The study evaluates the efficacy of a procedural memory stimulation programme in mild and mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). Twenty basic and instrumental activities of daily living have been selected, and divided into two groups,... more
In this review we summarize the epidemiological, cross-sectional, and interventional studies examining the association between physical activity and brain volume, function, and risk for Alzheimer's disease. The epidemiological literature... more
The apolipoprotein E ε4 (APOE ε4) allele is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer disease. Recently, depression has also become recognized as a risk factor for dementia. However, the possible effect of the APOE genotype on the association... more
Objectives-It has been shown that atrophy of medial temporal lobe structures such as the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex shown on MRI may distinguish patients with Alzheimer's disease from healthy controls. However, the diagnostic value... more
A large number of micropropagated Euphorbia millii shoots from temporary immersion bioreactor showed thick broad leaves that were translucent, wrinkled and/or curled and brittle, symptoms of hyperhydricity. The environment inside... more
Mutations in the beta-amyloid precursor protein gene (APP) have been found in familial early-onset Alzheímer’s disease (AD). DNA variants at several genes have been linked to the risk of developing the most common late-onset form of AD... more
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the major cause of dementia in the elderly. The biochemical changes that precede AD may be present up to 20 years before the clinical manifestation of the disease. The translational development of AD biomarkers... more
Despite being considered the archetypal non-genetic neurological disorder, genetic analysis of Parkinson's disease has shown that there are at least three genetic loci. Furthermore, these analyses have suggested that the phenotype of the... more
and preparation in relation to patients with deseases affecting the central nervous system. Those patients may undergo various forms of surgery unrelated to the central nervous system disease. We discuss the effect of physiologic and... more
with enhanced A immunoreactivity and birefringent Congo Red staining. Synthetic A bound ␣B-crystallin, an abundant cytosolic lens protein. A promoted lens protein aggregation that showed protofibrils, birefringent Congo Red staining,... more
Neuropsychological, neuropathological and neurochemical findings show different types of dementias. Few of them have been able to confirm a division into "subcortical" and "cortical" dementia, so this concept has to be questioned. The... more
Latrepirdine (Dimebon) is a pro-neurogenic, antihistaminic compound that has yielded mixed results in clinical trials of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, with a dramatically positive outcome in a Russian clinical trial that was... more
We have extensively analyzed the biochemical and histochemical profiles of the tau protein from the rTg4510 transgenic mouse model in which the animals uniquely develop forebrain tau pathologies similar to those found in human... more
Background: Alzhcimcr's disease (AD) is the most common cause of cognitive impairment in older patients and is expected to increase greatly in prevalence. Interventions that could delay disease onset would have a major public health... more
Growing evidence suggests that decreased brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis. Therefore, BDNF gene therapy is considered to be a promising therapeutic strategy for... more
We compared CSF and serum selenium levels, measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, in 27 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) (13 females, 14 males, mean Ϯ SD age 73.6 Ϯ 7.4 years) without major clinical signs of... more
In order to assess peripheral levels and activities of a broad spectrum of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), plasma levels of water-soluble... more
Previous studies have shown that in platelets of mild Alzheimer Disease (AD) patients there are alterations of specific APP forms, paralleled by alteration in expression level of both ADAM 10 and BACE when compared to control subjects.... more
This team takes the position that what is commonly referred to as nonfamilial Alzheimer's disease (AD) is predominantly due to genetic factors. There are many genetic factors that already have been clearly associated with AD. In... more
Keywords: hAChE hBuChE Dual AChE inhibitors 6-Chloro-pyridonepezils In vitro blood brain barrier Molecular modeling ADME Alzheimer's disease a b s t r a c t 6-Chloro-pyridonepezils are chloropyridineedonepezil hybrids designed by... more
Three groups of healthy younger adults, healthy older adults, and probable AD patients, performed an addition/number comparison task. They compared 128 couples of additions and numbers (e.g., 4 + 9 15) and had to identify the largest item... more
A case-control study of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was conducted to evaluate the roles of family history of dementing disease and AD, and medical conditions, particularly those related to the viral and immune hypotheses in AD, One hundred... more
Family, twin, and adoption studies have indicated that human intelligence quotient (IQ) has significant genetic components. We performed a low-density genome-wide association analysis with a family-based association test to identify... more
Individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) retain certain cognitive abilities over the course of the disease. In this article, we describe retained cognitive-linguistic abilities and the status of activities of daily living (ADLs) of... more
This pilot study of ethyl-eicosapentaenoate (ethyl-EPA) in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease aimed to estimate the magnitude of any change in measures of cognition during a 12-week treatment period. A simple linear design was used in... more
As Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex disease, we decided to estimate how previously reported genetic polymorphisms interact to increase the risk for the disease. Five candidate genes were chosen: apolipoprotein E (APOE),... more