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The aim of this article is to conceptualize and empirically examine the constructs that constitute the concept of Alumni Orientation (AO). Using a discovery-oriented approach, conducted by supplementing educational and marketing... more
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      Alumni CommunicationAlumni Relationsmarketing and Higher EducationAlumni
For some time employers have identified that one of the most sought after graduate attributes is the ability to function as an effective member of a team. In the creative and performing arts disciplines, which are often individually... more
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      Design educationEmployabilityHigher EducationEducational Research
Higher Education Administration with Social Media explored the challenges and benefits of using social media in higher education, with an emphasis on answering questions that may emerge in the implementation and continued engagement of... more
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      Higher EducationAlumni RelationsSocial MediaFacebook
This qualitative case study explored the LGBTQ+ allyship affiliations of 16 participants, and their motivations for giving within a higher education and state-funded institution setting. The study utilized a primary theoretical framework,... more
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      Queer StudiesNonprofit StudiesHigher EducationGay And Lesbian Studies
This study traced the general and employment data of graduate school alumni. It also assessed skills that the alumni acquired in their Master's Degree that are most useful in their jobs, the status of the graduate school program delivery... more
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      Graduate SchoolAlumniSkillsTracking Data
At present, there is a job-crisis and it's very hard to find jobs for fresher students. Even if the students are having good talent, they are not able to find the right job. Some students are employed, but not at the place where they... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsInformation Technology
JKUAT advances "elimu bora"; quality education. It is proud of its alumni. Graduation is not the end of learning. It is just a confirmation of a glimpse into the world of knowledge and thus we forge forth with the "power to read". As... more
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      Alumni CommunicationAlumni RelationsStudent and Alumni InvolvementGraduation
— The Student Alumni System provides the way in which alumni can stay connected with college which has been very important part of their memory. SAS does not connect only college with its alumni but also it connects current students of... more
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      AlumniContent Management SystemPortal
This report examines the pathways between higher education and paid forms of artistic creation. Career success for arts alumni can take on an assortment of forms, including the success associated with maintaining a desired career in the... more
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      Higher EducationCreative IndustriesAlumniCreative and Cultural Industries
This paper would make some crucial assumptions from the outset viz. • That the mission statements and activities of Alumni Associations in most Nigeria’s higher institutions lack the appropriate mechanism and strategies for effective... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictAlumni RelationsConflict Resolution
Ringkasan laporan yang telah dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun 2018. Laporan ini merangkumi aktiviti pelajar, pegawai dan pensyarah bagi semua program yang ada di Kolej Komuniti Jempol bersama industri. Laporan ini juga merangkumi aktiviti... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsKnowledge sharingStudentsReport
Anotace anglicky The paper is focused on evaluation of the study programme Security and Strategic studies from alumni point of view. Firstly, the employability of alumni, especially in security sector, is the key factor of the conducted... more
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      EmployabilityLabour MarketStrategic and Security StudiesAlumni
This article reexamines the role and influence of University of Michigan alumni (“Michigan Men”) in the Insular Government of the American-occupied Philippines during the Progressive Era. It contends that, due to the lack of an undisputed... more
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      American HistorySociologyGilded Age and Progressive EraTransnational and World History
This study was conducted to analyze the performance of the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) 2013 graduates of the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). It determined the academic achievement in three subject components such as... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationScience EducationAlumni Relations
This study aimed to determine the extent of satisfaction and adequacy of the knowledge and skills that graduates have obtained from PNU in connection to their current employment. The data were gathered through a validated survey... more
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      Program EvaluationCurriculumAlumniTracer Study
Anniversary issue of The Blueprint featuring: 1. 1971ers by Mukund Padmanabhan (Mac), erstwhile Editor of The Hindu, on his classmates at the Blue Mountains School in Ooty (including my recollection of him). 2. Masud the Musafir by B J... more
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      EducationAlternative EducationCreativityPoetry
The graduates’ careers are the most spectacular and visible outcome of excellent university education. This is also significant for the university performance assessment, when its graduates can easily find job on the labour market. The... more
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      Decision MakingJudgment and decision makingUnemploymentDecision And Game Theory
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    • Alumni
ESADE and ESADE Alumny history, from the beginning, explaining the ancestors of the institution in Barcelona from 13th century
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      Business AdministrationHistoryContemporary History of SpainSpain
This article reexamines the role and influence of University of Michigan alumni (“Michigan Men”) in the Insular Government of the American-occupied Philippines during the Progressive Era. It contends that, due to the lack of an undisputed... more
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      American HistoryGilded Age and Progressive EraTransnational and World HistoryTransnationalism
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      AlumniFilsafat Hukum
Higher education institutions in the United States of America hold prestigious positions in the international academic mobility context. Public diplomacy finds in education a strategic means to spread the language and culture of this... more
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      International RelationsPublic DiplomacyInternational EducationSoft Power
Keeping in mind the inevitable drift between alumni and institution, universities ought to ensure that the alumni are kept updated, so they can stay connected with and keep side by side on the advancement of the institution. Great... more
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      Higher EducationStudent and Alumni InvolvementAlumniBangalore
This paper aims to show how important it is for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to be involved in the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of alumni. The authors provide a model to show the value added to the product by CPD.... more
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      BusinessEducationReflective practice in educationStudents
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ABSTRAK Subjek Keusahawanan merupakan subjek yang telah diterapkan seawal pendidikan peringkat rendah di Malaysia. Menyedari kepentingan pendidikan keusahawanan untuk membekalkan pelajar dengan peluang dan potensi bagi memilih kerjaya... more
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Research has convincingly shown that leader-member exchange (LMX) is associated with a range of beneficial outcomes for employees within organizations. As employees increasingly pursue boundaryless careers that straddle multiple... more
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      LeadershipAlumni RelationsTransformational LeadershipEmployee Turnover
Research on alumni giving behaviour is a very regular feature in the West, which is not limited to the factors which encourage the alumni to give back to the alma mater but also focus on the ideal actions by the alma mater to improve or... more
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      IndiaBusiness and ManagementAlumniAlumni giving
The aim of this study is to integrate knowledge mapping technique by applying information flow analysis to facilitate the collaboration between the university and its alumni by developing a knowledge mapping-based system based on a... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementCollaborationKnowledge Mapping
This paper examines the effect of brand attachment and its antecedents on commitment, satisfaction, trust and brand equity in the context of Higher Education Institutions. The findings from an online survey with students and recent... more
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      MarketingHigher EducationBrandingMarketing of Higher Education
O Projeto Por onde anda você? Estudos transdisciplinares de egressos da UFMG foi contemplado no Edital do Instituto de Estudos Avançados Transdisciplinares da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais em 2019. O objetivo geral é investigar a... more
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      Alumni RelationsStudent and Alumni InvolvementAlumniAlumni Survey
While forensics is well known as an activity devoted to the pursuit of excellence in public speaking, debate and literary performance, forensics also represents a community of scholars committed to intellectual scholarship and insightful... more
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      ForensicsTeamsOral TraditionsAlumni Relations
This paper explores the phenomenon of Alumni at IDASA, a leading public interest organization promoting active citizenship and democracy in Africa. A number of Alumni models are surveyed and a value chain analysis conducted on these... more
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    • Alumni
Project Office, Leeds Beckett University's in-house staff and student led architectural practice launched an alumni ideas competition for the Sustainable Technologies and Landscape Research Centre (STaLRC). The winning entry established... more
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      ArchitecturePedagogyAlumniLive Projects
The study was conducted to identify the factors that influence the contribution of donation among the alumni members at one of the public university in Malaysia. The demographic factors, students experience factors and institution factors... more
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      UniversityAlumniIncome Generation
I documenti conservati presso l'Archivio Storico dell'Università di Pavia nel fascicolo relativo a Gianni Brera 1 vanno dal 1938, anno dell'iscrizione all'Ateneo pavese, al 1952, anno in cui risulta una sua «richiesta urgente» di un... more
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      Literary JournalismPhilologyHistoryCultural History
Un programa en power point presentando el Colegio y Seminario Cary
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    • Alumni
We examined the association between socio-structural intergroup characteristics (i.e., permeability of group boundaries, legitimacy of status difference between ingroup and outgroups, stability of status difference) and students'... more
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityAlumni RelationsSocial identity theory
The Tempus project “Developing and setting up measures for initiating, enhancing and sustaining Higher-Education-Society Cooperation” (INTERFACE) has been under implementation from 2010 until 2013. The most important project objectives... more
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      Lifelong LearningCareer DevelopmentAlumni
As principals become aware of comprehensive school counseling programs, they will be better prepared to ensure counselors facilitate students' learning, social emotional needs, and college and career readiness, rather than engage in... more
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      Educational LeadershipCollaborationStatistical AnalysisSocial Justice
Glasnik Udruge bivših studenata hrvatskih sveučilišta iz Njemačke-Almae Matris Croaticae Alumni (AMCA) ogledalo je te utjecajne hrvatske strukovne udruge koja promiče obrazovanje i uspjehe naših akademskih građana u međunarodnim projektima
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      Croatian HistoryAlumniKulturaCroatian Language and Literature
For some time employers have identified that one of the most sought after graduate attributes is the ability to function as an effective member of a team. In the creative and performing arts disciplines, which are often individually... more
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      Performing ArtsDesign educationEmployabilityHigher Education
Education is the basic response to challenges of the socio-economic status of a nation. The higher education, particularly, is tasked to develop human resources that will become a productive and relevantly employed member of the society.... more
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      Teacher EducationAlumniTracking graduateseducation graduates
At the end of a year full of Covid-fuelled change and upheaval, a team of Communication Design staff presented an inaugural symposium aimed at graduating students. The one-day event – “Design Futures” – assembled and presented a variety... more
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      Visual ArtsVisual Communication DesignAlumniDesign Futures
Izašao je novi, 30. po redu broj Glasnika Saveza društva bivših studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Link na Universitas Portal:
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    • Alumni
Purpose Most evaluations of quality improvement and patient safety (QI/PS) training programs provide inadequate data on their impact on alumni careers and QI/PS involvement. To address this gap, the authors investigated continued... more
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      Patient SafetyMedical EducationQuality ImprovementAlumni
Zusammenfassung: Während Internatsgymnasien in Deutschland im öffentlichen Diskurs wiederholt als Stätten von Elitebildung thematisiert werden, ist bislang kaum etwas über die tatsächliche internatsschulische Sozialisation und ihre... more
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      Educational ResearchSocializationBiographyAlumni
The development of the university or college that exist today provide clear evidence that the benefits of their education services not only enjoyed or felt by dealing directly with education services, but also enjoyed by all members of... more
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