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Laser welding will be an important welding process for different applications in aerospace , aircraft , automotive, electronics and other industries, due to its capabilities like minimum heat affected zone, welding of various... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLaser WeldingAluminium AlloysMagnesium Alloys
Robotic technologies are being employed increasingly in the treatment of lower limb disabilities. Individuals suffering from stroke and other neurological disorders often experience inadequate dorsiflexion during swing phase of the gait... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman RightsProductivityOrthotics
The deformation behavior of aluminum single crystals subjected to compression along the [100] and [110] directions is numerically examined in terms of crystal plasticity. A constitutive model taking into account slip geometry in... more
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      Aluminium AlloysCrystal PlasticitySingle CrystalStrain localization
A dislocation density-based crystalline plasticity formulation, specialized finite-element techniques, and rational crystallographic orientation relations were used to predict and characterize the failure modes associated with the high... more
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      Computational MechanicsAluminium AlloysCrystal PlasticityDynamic behaviour of materials
Friction stir welding (FSW) is the fastest evolving joining technology and the principal prospective technique for implementing integral fuselage structure in aircraft manufacturing. The viability of FS welds is dependent upon mechanical... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingAluminium AlloysFriction Stir WeldingAluminium Based Composite Material
The brake system is an important part of an automobile. It plays a vital role in helping the driver to reduce the speed of an automobile or to stop the automobile. Initially, when automobiles were first introduced, they were equipped with... more
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      Materials ScienceTitaniumBrake SystemAluminium Alloys
"A target of Fe-40 at.-%Al intermetallic alloy with ordered B2 structure was subjected to laser melting processing by a high energy XeCI excimer pulse (wavelength 308 nm, pulse length 120 ns) in low pressure air. The total thickness of... more
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      Surface ScienceLaser-Matter interactionsSurface TexturingAluminium Alloys
New materials and production technologies demand improved non-destructive techniques for inspection and defect evaluation, especially when critical safety applications are involved. In this paper two Non-destructive Testing (NDT)... more
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      EngineeringMaterials CharacterisationFriction WeldingAluminium Alloys
Micromechanical models used to predict mechanical and fracture properties of brittle metallic foams are validated experimentally for closed-cell aluminium foam (AlSi12Mg0.6) prepared by powder metallurgy route. Compression, tensile,... more
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      Digital Image CorrelationAluminium AlloysMicromechanical ModelCellular Materials
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      Thermal EngineeringMaterials ScienceThermodynamicsMetallurgy
The viscoelastic response of commercial Al–Zn–Mg and Al–Cu–Mg alloys was measured with a dynamic-mechanical analyzer (DMA) as a function of the temperature (from 30 to 425°C) and the loading frequency (from 0.01 to 150 Hz). The... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMicrostructureViscoelasticity
The paper provides an overview of tribological properties of nanocomposites with aluminium matrix. Nanocomposites represent a new generation of composite materials with better properties than conventional composite materials. The paper... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCarbon NanotubesComposite MaterialsCarbon Nanotube
Composites of graphene platelets and powdered aluminum were made using ball milling, hot isostatic pressing and extrusion. The mechanical properties and microstructure were studied using hardness and tensile tests, as well as electron... more
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      Physical ChemistryGrapheneNanocompositesAluminium Alloys
In the paper were shown the test results of tribological characteristics of hybrid composites with alloy base A356 reinforced by SiC and graphite. Hybrid composites are obtained by compo casting procedure. Tribological tests are realized... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceComposite Materials and StructuresComposites
Aluminum-Silicon thin film (85 at. % of Al and 15 at. % of Si) was deposited on 304 stainless steel substrate by PVD evaporation process and compared with piston skirt samples of Al-Si eutectic alloy (silicon composition varied from 11.7%... more
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      TitaniumTribologyThin FilmsAluminium Alloys
As part of a current project on through process modelling (TPM) of welded aluminium structures, experimental studies have been carried out on butt-welded specimens of aluminium alloy AA6060 and AA7046. Two tempers; T4 and T6 prior to... more
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      Structural EngineeringMetallurgyMaterials Science and EngineeringAluminium Alloys
The effect of a commercial hard anodizing on the fatigue property of 2014 Al alloy which has been solution heat treated and age hardened prior to the hard anodizing of approximately 10 lm in thickness have been investigated. The results... more
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      FatigueAluminium Alloys
Fatigue plays a significant role in the crack growth of the fuselage skin structures. In addition, the fuselage may suffer also from the corrosion damage, and the wear defects. The proper maintenance and scheduled test intervals can avoid... more
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      DesignFractureAircraft DesignFracture Mechanics
The fatigue resistance of an aluminium alloy used for casting engine blocks was studied. The tests were carried out with specimens machined from the bulkheads of V8 engine blocks cast by the low pressure process. The samples were obtained... more
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      MicrostructurePorosityAluminium AlloysAluminium
Aluminium was a vital raw material during the Second World War, as it was used in numerous assets that were fundamental to the new military strategy of aerial warfare. The United Kingdom’s war machine depended heavily on it for the... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEnvironmental HistoryRecycling
An introduction to 3D print in metal sector with SLM and DMLS techniques
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      Biomedical EngineeringTitanium3D printingRapid Prototyping
The growing demand for chromium coated aluminium components especially for the automotive industry is due to their favourable physical properties (density, strength to weight ratio etc.). However, their frequent use under harsh... more
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      Materials ScienceAluminium AlloysElectroless Nickel
In this study, a study on welding aluminum weldings with techniques such as TIG welding, MIG welding, Friction Stir welding, Laser Beam welding is compiled. Problems such as porosity, weld seam cracks and unstable arc that may occur as a... more
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      Welding and JoiningLaser WeldingAluminumAluminium Alloys
In this study, EN AW 6082 Al alloy was used as expermental material due to producing in car suspension systems. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy in aging and extreme aging conditions were compared with extrusion... more
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      Aluminium AlloysIsıl İşlem
In present study, the tribological behavior of hybrid composites with A356 aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with 10 wt.% of SiC and 5 wt.% of graphite was investigated using the Taguchi method. The composites were produced by the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
Friction-stir welding (FSW)is a novel green solid state joining process particularly used to join high strength aerospace aluminum alloys which are otherwise difficult to weld by conventional fusion welding. Unlike other solid state... more
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      Friction WeldingAluminium AlloysFriction Stir WeldingFsw
Based on the theory of Damage Mechanics, the damage of material is considered as an internal state variable. It describes the deterioration of material upon loading. If it is locally defined, then, the damage of a material point is... more
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      Nonlocal damage plasticityCrack propagationAluminium AlloysSolder Joint
utilização do alumínio na construção naval é de grande importância em virtude de seu reduzido peso e suas características mecânicas. Estudos já realizados na modificação dos elementos da liga 5052, mostram que o Si quando combinado com o... more
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      Non-ferrous metalsAluminium Alloys
Libro en español 3ra edición (1998)
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      EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringAluminium AlloysAtomic Structure
Recrystallization has an important effect in the production of aluminium alloys. The control of microstructure and texture during recrystallization have major economic importance. Since recrystallization consists of formation of new... more
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    • Aluminium Alloys
In order to meet the demand for lighter and more fuel efficient vehicles, a significant attempt is currently being focused toward the substitution of aluminum for steel in the car body structure. It generates vital challenge with respect... more
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      Welding TechnologyAluminium AlloysWelding MetallurgyZinc Coated Steel
In this era of mass manufacturing MRR (material removal rate) is of prime concern even in manufacturing using CNC machines. The main objective of today's modern manufacturing industries is to produce low cost and high quality product in... more
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      Aluminium AlloysCNC MachiningMRR-Material Removal Rate, EDM-Electric Discharge, Taguchi design in MINITAB
The effect of zinc and tin addition to pure aluminum was investigated in 3 wt.% NaCl solution. The corrosion behavior of the elaborated samples (Al, Al–Zn and Al–Zn–Sn) was studied by open circuit potential, Tafel plot and electrochemical... more
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      Corrosion ScienceCorrosionSacrificial anodeCorrosion Protection
Robotic technologies are being employed increasingly in the treatment of lower limb disabilities. Individuals suffering from stroke and other neurological disorders often experience inadequate dorsiflexion during swing phase of the gait... more
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      Human RightsProductivityLiterature ReviewAluminium Alloys
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      Materials ScienceMetallurgyMaterials Science and EngineeringMetal Casting
Casting solidification is actually the transformation of liquid phase to solid phase with the liberation of latent heat of fusion. During this metallurgical process, it induces casting defects like shrinkage, porosity and hot tears. To... more
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      Materials EngineeringRoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMaterials Science
The partial and integral enthalpies of mixing in liquid Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys were determined by high-temperature isoperibolic calorimetry at 1750±5 and 1590±5, respectively. The thermodynamic properties of Al-Si melts were also studied... more
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      ThermodynamicsSiliconAluminium Alloys
aqueous reaction to form the hydrated fluorides which are subsequently dehydrated at elevated temperatures in an atmosphere of HF gas. Extensive studies were made of the conditions for the preparation of high-purity ZrF4, and pilot plant... more
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    • Aluminium Alloys
Tangki BBM: Dimensi Tera tangki adalah merupakan jumlah nilai batas hitungan cairan yang ditentukan berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dari Badan Metrologi. Untuk mendapatkan nilai kapasitas tangki bbm, Metrologi menggunakan beberapa alat bantu... more
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      Aluminium AlloysUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
The paper deals with the considerations related to the basic properties and application of primarily aluminum alloys and composite materials for different purposes with the focus on the automotive industry. Through the description of the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
The consumption of takeaway food is increasing worldwide. Single-use containers used for takeaway food represent a significant source of waste and environmental impacts due to their low recyclability. Consequently, it is important to... more
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      Food SciencePackagingGlobal WarmingContainers
MIG, the welding process which can be applied for many kind of materials, was used on 6XXX series of aluminum to perform a joining to be able to investigate hardships and trials of MIG welding on aluminum type of metal when it’s used... more
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      Welding TechnologyWelding EngineeringWelding and JoiningFriction Welding
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    • Aluminium Alloys
This is a study on grain-scale micromechanics of polycrystal surfaces during plastic straining. We use Al–Mg–Si sheets (alloy AA6022) as model material. The work aims at understanding the relationship between microstrain heterogeneity and... more
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      MicrostructureFinite Element MethodsElectron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)Sheet Metal Forming
Welding is a widely used process in industry because welding techniques have some striking features which are included in this project. In other way of saying, welding techniques will be so important in human life in the future because of... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceFinite Element MethodsComputational Modelling
PT Inalum (Persero) merupakan pabrik yang menghasilkan aluminium satu -satunya di Indonesia. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa aluminium ingot dengan berat masing -masing 50 pon (22,7 kg). Selain aluminium ingot, PT. Inalum saat ini sedang... more
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      ManufacturingCrackMetal CastingAluminium Alloys
There are several facets of aluminum when it comes to sustainability. While it helps to save fuel due to its low density, producing it from ores is very energy-intensive. Recycling it shifts the balance towards higher sustainability,... more
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      ThermodynamicsRecyclingMetallurgyHeat treatment of metals and alloys
The paper describes the aluminum alloy, with special emphasis on those alloys that are used in the aviation industry. It covers the following aspects of aluminum alloys: • engineering properties of aluminum alloys for the aircraft... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAluminium Alloys