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The diffusion of AFV’s is comparatively high in Sri Lanka, even though the uncertainties and negative consequences of owning them are perceived to be high. This contradicts the theory of perceived risk which postulates that when customers... more
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      PLS Path ModelingRisk ManagementPerceived RiskHybrid Electric Vehicles
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      EnergyElectric VehiclesRenewable EnergiesHybrid Electric Vehicles
In this study, the use of energy carriers based on renewable energy sources in battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs)... more
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      EnergyElectric VehiclesRenewable EnergiesHybrid Electric Vehicles
Planning the transition period for the adoption of alternative fuel-technology powertrains is a challenging task that requires sophisticated analysis tools. In this study, a system dynamic approach was applied to analyze the... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicyTransportationRenewable Energies
Hydrogen vehicles (H2V), including H2 internal combustion engine, fuel cell and fuel cell plug-in hybrid, could greatly reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector. The U.S. Department of... more
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      EngineeringEnergyHydrogen EnergyGreenhouse Gas
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      BusinessEnergyEnergy SystemsElectric Vehicles
In this study, we present a new formulation of the generalized flow-refueling location model that takes vehicle range and trips between origin-destination pairs into account. The new formulation, based on covering the arcs that comprise... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAlternative Fuel Vehicle Andd Powertran
Planning the transition period for the adoption of alternative fuel-technology powertrains is a challenging task that requires sophisticated analysis tools. In this study, a system dynamic approach was applied to analyze the... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicyTransportationRenewable Energies
Abstract: The transport sector is facing serious challenges in meeting long-term sustainability criteria. Radical changes in the design of vehicles to attain competitive vehicles with substantially better environmental performance will... more
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      EnergyElectric VehiclesRenewable EnergiesHybrid Electric Vehicles
In this work an Electronic Control Unit for the management of a CFR engine will be described. The engine, which is used both for fuel octane rating (both in terms of RON and MON) and for research purpose, is equipped with a double... more
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      Fuels in Spark Ignition EnginesAlternative fuels for I.C. EnginesIC Engine and alternative fuelsAlternative Fuel Vehicle Andd Powertran
Abstract: The transport sector is facing serious challenges in meeting long-term sustainability criteria. Radical changes in the design of vehicles to attain competitive vehicles with substantially better environmental performance will... more
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      EnergyElectric VehiclesRenewable EnergiesHybrid Electric Vehicles
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      Business EthicsEnvironmental ScienceAquatic EcologyCorporate Social Responsibility