Alternative Epistemologies

30 papers
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Alternative epistemologies refer to non-mainstream frameworks of knowledge production and validation that challenge traditional Western epistemological assumptions. They encompass diverse cultural, philosophical, and methodological perspectives, emphasizing the importance of context, experience, and subjective understanding in the construction of knowledge.
This article presents an introduction to this special issue of Intellectual History of the Islamicate World. We suggest that this collection of papers broadens the scope of Islamic philosophy by bringing new insights into diverse forms... more
A partir du problème philosophique posé par le rapport entre volonté et contrainte dans les théories des migrations et la philosophie de l’exclusion, cet article propose une synthèse problématisée du corpus de l’autonomie des migrations... more
Revisiter le lieu et le quotidien pour comprendre la nouvelle carte du Monde : reflexions d'un geographe sur l'acceleration contemporaine et la globalisation de l'espace.
Distribution électronique pour Collège international de Philosophie. Distribution électronique pour Collège international de Philosophie. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie,... more
L'articolo presenta una riflessione sulla relazione tra immagini e processo di rievocazione. In particolare, l'analisi della produzione artistica della post-memoria coloniale che interroga le lacune del passato portoghese in... more
La question des inscriptions est traversée par les politiques de l’universel : comment inscrire le particulier sans le constituer en valeur universelle ? Comment préserver l’ouverture au pluriel sans se perdre ni se dénaturer ?
La naturaleza sufre todo género de violencias al estar sujeta identitariamente a los prejuicios con que se han construido culturalmente las figuras de las mujeres y de lo femenino. El devenir socio-histórico muestra otras variables que... more
Via the evocation of a lived narrative related to witnessing Middle Eastern refugees’ attempts at entering into the European Union in September 2015, I draw connections between the political, ethical, spiritual and embodied, recognising... more
This paper will discuss a movie and a multimedia work based on the play Las brutas by Juan Radrigan, about the last days of three Colla shepherds, who lived isolated in the northern Chilean Andes. Western and urban projections about the... more
The talk focuses on political translation and on the politics of translation. In a broader sense, Iveković takes translation to be any negotiation and transformation from one scheme to another, from one subject-matter to another, from one... more
Hégémonie, populisme, émancipation Perspectives sur la philosophie d’Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014) Ernesto Laclau, disparu en 2014, est reconnu aujourd'hui comme l’un des noms les plus importants de la philosophie politique de la fin du XXe... more
This article develops the idea of a "territorial dimension of culture" (proposed by Raquel Rolnik) in the context of contemporary grassroots urbanism in São Paulo, in particular in the peripheries of the city. The central argument of the... more
This paper will discuss a movie and a multimedia work based on the play Las brutas by Juan Radrigán, about the last days of three Colla shepherds, who lived isolated in the northern Chilean Andes. Western and urban projections about the... more
1 - The object of discussion is the possibility of using the general theory of systems for a description/reconstruction of the cognitive process taking as our parameters of reference the holistic conception of experimental control and the... more
Serge Slama, professeur de droit public à l’ Université de Grenoble-­Alpes, membre du comité de rédaction de la Revue des droits de l’homme Aurélien Taché, député LREM de la Xe circonscription du Val d’Oise et auteur d’un rapport sur... more
ABSTRACT IN FRENCH, PAPER in ENGLISH: La révolution épistémologique mondiale venant du sud global et d’Afrique Venant d’une expérience politique et épistémologique décentrée par rapport à la modernité capitaliste occidentale dominante en... more
Via the evocation of a lived narrative related to witnessing Middle Eastern refugees' attempts at entering into the European Union in September 2015, I draw connections between the political, ethical, spiritual and embodied, recognising... more
Via the evocation of a lived narrative related to witnessing Middle Eastern refugees' attempts at entering into the European Union in September 2015, I draw connections between the political, ethical, spiritual and embodied, recognising... more
The ideas for this reader came out of a conference organized through the Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research (CGCER) at the University of Alberta in 2013. With the high expansion of global citizenship education... more
The ideas for this reader came out of a conference organized through the Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research (CGCER) at the University of Alberta in 2013. With the high expansion of global citizenship education... more
In the midst of wonder, human relations with the more-than-human are enlivened as limited self-conceptions die for more expansive ones to be born. At the least, we are momentarily freed from the isolation of disenchanted, mechanized... more
This paper on the epistemological revolution to come, between European and Indian or other "southern" epistemologies, is in French. The latest epistemological revolution, already launched, but which must still be rendered obvious and must... more
Paper in French: La nécessaire révolution des savoirs Who ? The subject/agent. This paper starts from the conceptual problematicity of the subject. It explores the methodological issues of approaching the various ways of thinking and... more
This paper is in French. It explores the politics of translation in the post-Cold War context, after the partition of Yugoslavia but also in partition in general, and in particular in the Bush junior era of the “war on terror” in Europe,... more
Translation is a form of resistance, but also "the original mother tongue of humankind". With a broad interpretation of the concept of translation, Rada Iveković looks at the principles, concepts and symbolic values of borders and... more
The author starts by describing her own relationship to language and translation, which is the result of her growing up between languages and among several. She proceeds to explain why she uses elements of “Indian” philosophies to... more
These are speculations - in French - on the horizons of liberty in the philosophies of the dispossession-of-self and those of the affirmation-of-the-subject/agent: the politics of freedom and political liberties ... Would the... more
Je ne crois pas à l’intraduisible entre deux langues, deux cultures. Pourtant la difficulté de la traduction, son insuffisance, est une évidence. Mais ne partage-t-elle pas l’insuffisance de la langue, de tout langage, et l’inadéquation... more
Every translation is imperfect and incomplete – but could the same thing not be said of every "original"? In other words, there always remains something untranslated. It is the price and the reserve of meaning and translation, which is... more
This is a review - in French - on the important book THE CRISIS OF GLOBAL MODERNITY: ASIAN TRADITIONS AND A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, with some thoughts by the author (Iveković) on "connected" and "circulating" history or histories. It reflects... more
In this brief piece in French i reviewed and commented some of the work (references in the text) that Ranabir Samaddar did on the theory and practice of dialogue in resolving political and social conflicts. Some years later (2017) the... more