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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPhonologyLanguage Variation and Change
A retrospective interview with István Vásáry in the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
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      Historical LinguisticsEurasian NomadsHistory of HungaryHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsEtymologyAltaic Linguistics
Ainu is Austric but includes words with Indo-European, Altaic, and Uralic parallels
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesAustronesian LanguagesOrnament (Archaeology)
This paper concentrates on those maxims of Manchu language which deal with education and learning, and shows the attitude of Manchu people towards these aspects. Therefore, the article is an attempt to show how the Manchus perceived... more
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      ChinaAltaic LinguisticsManchuEducation and Learning
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      Mongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsTurkic Speaking PeoplesOld Turkic
"The paper deals with current monetary beliefs and magic shamanic practices in post-Soviet Altai. In traditional shamanism, known to us from ethnographic studies of the 19th–20th centuries, a shaman who takes money is punished by the... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreAnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      EthnographyIslam in ChinaXinjiangAltaic Linguistics
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In the monograph for the fi rst time, based on the materials of the All-Russian Agricultural Census in 1917, ethnodemographic and ethnosocial development of the indigenous population of the Northern Altai foothills is analyzed. A... more
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      HistoryIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHistorical Demography
В предлагаемом издании представлен ценный материал по археологии и этнографии Казахского Алтая начиная с эпохи палеолита до этнографической современности, свидетельствующий о самобытной культуре, живших на этой территории народов. Книга... more
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      ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsTurkish and Middle East StudiesOld Turkic
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      Old TurkicAltaisticOld UigurAltaic Studies
На обширном этнографическом и лингвистическом материале в монографии реконструируется тюркская модель мира в ее пространственно-временном и вещном аспектах. Выявлен ряд космологических классификаторов с помощью которых описывалось... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreLaw and SocietyTraditional Ecological Knowledge
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      EthnographyEtnicitySibirian EthnographyAltaic Studies
The article reviews the semantics of names of the Buryat tribes buin and abazai, which are connected with Old-Uighur period of the Central Asian history. These ethnonyms are unique in the Central Asian region and found only among the... more
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      EthnographyMongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsOld Turkic Culture
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      Altaic LinguisticsAltayistikAltaic LanguagesAltaic Studies
Геродот, прозванный «отцом истории» оставил полулегендарные сведения о племенах, как тесно соприкасавшихся с северо-причерноморскими скифами, так и более отдаленными племенами. Известно, что многие данные были почерпнуты им... more
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      History of KazakhstanIron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
The present paper re-examines the possibility of creating a unified system for writing
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      Mongolian StudiesRomanizationAltaic StudiesMongolic Studies
Исследованные за последние 200 лет на Алтае раннесредневековые памятники специалисты обозначают, как правило, как «древнетюркские» или «тюркские», либо как памятники «алтае-телеских тюрок» или «алтае-орхонских тюрок», подразумевая под... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesIslam in China
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      Altaic LinguisticsAltaic StudiesTurkic & Altaic Studies
The connection between Sumerian, Tamil, Japanese, Basque, Hungarian and the Easter Island.
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
Монография завершает цикл исследований, посвященных основам мировоззренческой системы коренного населения Саяно-Алтая. Особое внимание в ней уделяется идеологическому обеспечению родовой организации, выделяются социальные роли,... more
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      Comparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Religion
Almost twenty years after the publication of this piece, it may be in order to insert a remark: For me, who is (albeit only due to the realities of the Latin alphabet only) listed as the main author of this paper (in fact I did little... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesJapanese Studies
The article deals with the relations of power and shamans in the USSR. On the example of the Altai shamans the author explores the phenomena of social meaning in different periods of the Soviet epoch. In the 1920s, the authorities had a... more
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      SemioticsReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
Доклад на  IV Международной научной конференции "Демонология как семиотическая система". Москва, РГГУ, 17 июня 2016 г.
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreSocial Anthropology
Although the unicorn is a mythological animal, it has prototypes in the world of real animals. These prototypes, which have historically varied from region to region, have also affected the names used for the unicorn in different cultural... more
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      Eurasian PrehistoryZoönymsAltaic StudiesMongolic Studies
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      Russian StudiesTurkic Speaking PeoplesOld TurkicRussia
There is an embarrassing error in the list of etymologies discussed. The Mongolian word said to be the equivalent of EAR is of course the word for NOSE, as correctly pointed out by S.A. Starostin in his rejoinder to this review.
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      PhilologyAsian StudiesJapanese StudiesAnthropology
La Lista Swadesh de voces vascas estables resistente a la donación lingüística y lo que revela su comparación con las restantes familias de lenguas del mundo. Aún hallamos en los libros de textos universitarios y en las enciclopedias más... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesAmerindian StudiesIberian Studies
The study of ancient Turkic antiquities in the Altai is of particular significance since this region is considered to have been the native land of the ancient Turks. According to genealogical legends, the Altai is connected to the early... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of CostumeEurasian Nomads
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      BuddhismHistory of ReligionBuddhist StudiesTibetan Buddhism
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      EtymologyOld TurkicTurkic languagesAltaic Studies
Türkçenin hangi dillerle akraba olabileceği meselesi bilim adamlarını uzun zamandır meşgul etmektedir. Bu süre içerisinde, Türkçenin hiçbir dille akrabalığı olmadığı görüşünden, bazı kızılderili dilleri, Sümerce, Etrüskçe, Hint-Avrupa... more
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      Altaic LinguisticsAltaisticAltayistikAltaic Studies
Genealogía de la Lengua ÍBERA Fono-morfotipología frecuencial de la lengua íbera, comparada con la euskérica y las principales familias de lenguas eurasiáticas1 sino-caucasianas y afrasiáticas2 Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano Sobre la... more
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      Iberian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesAltaic LinguisticsTurkish Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsMongolian StudiesMorphologyAltaic Linguistics
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
В настоящий том вошли ранее не публиковавшиеся статьи и полевые этнографические заметки по истории и культуре шорцев и других тюркоязычных народов Саяно-Алтая одного из крупнейших отечественных тюркологов XX века Надежды Петровны... more
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      History of AnthropologyAltaic LinguisticsAltaiAltai Mountains
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      Japanese StudiesThai StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesEurasian Nomads
Numerales ibéricos determinados por contexto favorable y sus posibles correlatos transeurasiáticos eusko-altaico-túrquicos.
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesAltaic LinguisticsOld TurkicPaleohispanic scripts & languages
Коллективная монография представляет результат исследования проблем национальной идентичности народов Горного Алтая на материале региональной топонимической системы. Для филологов, культурологов, антропологов, географов, краеведов, а... more
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      Cultural GeographyRussian StudiesNationalismNational Identity
This paper provides further evidence for the well-known fact that typology is meaningless for establishing genetic relationships. In fact, I demonstrate that Korean shares with various Paleosiberian languages more common typological... more
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      Korean StudiesComparative LinguisticsKorean linguisticsAltaic Linguistics
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      Mongolian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesAltaic LinguisticsTungusic languages
Монография представляет собой опыт исследования воп-росов исторической географии и этнической истории Внутренней Азии и Сибири на основе совокупности сведений письменных, этнографических, лингвистических и фольклорных материалов.... more
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      Historical GeographyInner Asian StudiesOnomasticsMongolian Studies
Данная работа представляет собой исследование живущей на северо-востоке КНР малоизученной монголоязычной народности. Основу книги составили полевые исследования автора, а также российские и зарубежные источники. В книге рассматриваются... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryRussian StudiesAnthropology
Los 40 términos más estables determinados por Holman et al. (2008) de la “Lista de Swadesh” original de 100 voces del vocabulario nuclear básico que (salvo unos pocos excepcionales casos) no son adoptadas por familias de lenguas... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsAltaic Linguistics
Altaic-related German words represent namely substrate, i. e. basic (not cultural) lexicon which might be inherited from ‘macro-Altaic’ (Y haplogroup C, longhouses) Linear Pottery culture. ‘Hamitic’ (non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic)-related... more
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      German StudiesGermanic linguisticsEnglish languageAncient Indo-European Languages
PhD Dissertation directed by Felipe Criado Boado, Marco García Quintela and A. César González García. Interdisciplinary research about the cultural heritage, the funerary landscape, the sacred geography and the cultural astronomy of Ikh... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyInner Asian Studies
Nota: Descargue el PDF para verlo en alta resolución. (Updated) Infografía resumen sobre el dado ibérico de Foz-Calanda. Los numerales ibéricos: ¿indoeuropeos, afrasiáticos, proto-vascos, urálicos o más bien transeurasiáticos/altaicos?
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      Iberian StudiesAltaic LinguisticsIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)