α-Lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing nutrient endowed with pleiotropic actions and a safe biological profile selected to replace the unsaturated alkyl acid of capsaicin with the aim of obtaining lipoic amides potentially active as a TRPV1... more
A double-blind randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the safety and efficacy of α-lipoic acid(ALA) in liver transplantation. The grafts were randomized to receive ALA or placebo before the cold ischemia time. Furthermore,... more
Background: Recent evidence indicates that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle may be related to reduce mitochondrial number and oxidation capacity. However, it is not known whether increasing mitochondrial number and function improves... more
The aim of the study was to address the importance of mitochondrial function in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and also to identify effective agents for ameliorating insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. We examined the effect... more
Background: Recent evidence indicates that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle may be related to reduce mitochondrial number and oxidation capacity. However, it is not known whether increasing mitochondrial number and function improves... more
The aim of the study was to address the importance of mitochondrial function in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and also to identify effective agents for ameliorating insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. We examined the effect... more
Lung cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the world. However, the urgent demand of new drugs for the treatment of lung cancer and the rapidly rising costs of drug development support efforts to explore methodology addressing these... more
Nephroprotective effect of aqueous thyme extract was investigated in rabbits with acute renal injury induced by a single i.p. injection of cisplatin (6.5 mg/kg). Aqueous thyme extract treatment (500 mg/kg/day, orally) was applied for 7... more
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) encompasses a range of metabolic disorders marked by persistent high blood glucose levels. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), the more common form of the disease is characterized by insulin resistance and partial... more
This study was designed to evaluate the possible protective effect of pentoxifylline against doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rabbits. The animals groups were divided into a control group received 5 ml of normal saline... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Background Evidence shows the vital role of sleep in the modulation of cognitive functions. Sleep deprivation (SD) can disrupt learning and memory processes. SD also affects pain perception and locomotor activity. Furthermore, alpha... more
A simple and sensitive electrochemical method was developed for the determination of N‐Acetylcysteine (NAC) and Glutathione (GSH), on glassy carbon electrode. The results indicate that α‐lipoic acid (LipS2) is oxidized at the electrode,... more
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the toxic effects of sodium arsenite, As(III), in mice and the protective effect of 2 antioxidants, hesperidin and lipoic acid, against the observed As(III)-induced toxicity. In each... more
Primary biliary cirrhosis is an enigmatic autoimmune disease of women characterized by antimitochondrial antibodies and destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts. The etiology of PBC is unknown, but we present data herein that the disease... more
Lipoic acid plays a crucial role as antioxidant and metabolic component of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism of different cell types. Choline alphoscerate (a-glyceryl-phosphoryl-choline [aGPC]) is a semisynthetic derivative of... more
Background: One of the widely abused anabolic-androgenic steroids worldwide is nandrolone decanoate (ND). Objectives: This work aimed to study whether alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treatment could modulate ND-induced renal dysfunction.... more
OBJECTIVE: Neuropathic pain during pregnancy is a common condition due to the physical changes and compression around pregnancy and childbirth that make pregnant women more prone to develop several medical conditions such as carpal tunnel... more
Neuropathic pain is a frequent condition caused by a lesion or disease of the central or peripheral somatosensory nervous system. A frequent cause of peripheral neuropathic pain is diabetic neuropathy. Its complex pathophysiology is not... more
The influence of initial BW of the pullets and beak trimming on growth performance and BW uniformity was studied in Lohmann Brown pullets fed diets supplemented or not with Na-butyrate (Butirex C4; Novation 2002 S. L.) from hatching to 42... more
Objectives: The nuclear factor κB regulates the expression of genes involved in many processes that play a key role in the development and progression of cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the infl uence of the alpha lipoic acid... more
In recent years, special attention has been paid to the correlation between oxidation–reduction mechanisms and human health. The free radicals produced via physiological cellular biochemical processes are major contributors to oxidation... more
Background: Oxidative stress is a mediator of secondary injury to the spinal cord following trauma. Objective: To investigate the putative neuroprotective effect of a-lipoic acid (LA), a powerful antioxidant, in a rat model of spinal cord... more
The white skeletal muscle of very long‐chain acyl‐CoA‐dehydrogenase‐deficient (VLCAD−/−) mice undergoes metabolic modification to compensate for defective β‐oxidation in a progressive and time‐dependent manner by upregulating glucose... more
The aim of this study was to assess the skin penetration, stability, and antioxidant effects of a α-tocopherol-lipoic acid codrug. To enhance penetration, we evaluated three microemulsions varying in water content and composition of the... more
Quantum-chemical computations were used to investigate the structure-antioxidant parameter relationships of α-lipoic acid and its natural metabolites bisnorlipoic acid and tetranorlipoic acid in their oxidized and reduced forms. The... more
Background and aim of work: metabolic hepatosteatosis is a common serious prevalent condition in KSA. The current study investigated alpha lipoic acid (ALA) effects on hepatic lipid accumulation in severely fatty rats and secondarily on... more
Background and Objective: There is growing evidence that excess generation of highly reactive free radicals, largely due to hyperglycemia, causes oxidative stress, which followed by further exacerbating the development and progression of... more
To examine the effects of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) treatment over a period of 2 months on fasting blood glucose (FBG), insulin resistance (IR), and glutathione peroxidase (GH-Px) activity in type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients. This study took... more
Ethinyl estradiol (EO) is the most commonly used as a component of oral contraceptive and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) in women. However, its excessive and prolonged use may cause cytotoxicity, including cancer of many organs.... more
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli contains two lipoic acid residues per dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase chain, and these are known to engage in the part-reactions of the enzyme. The enzyme complex was treated with... more
The pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex was isolated from Escherichia coli grown in the presence of [35S]sulphate. The three component enzymes were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and the... more
Two lipoic acid residues on each dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) chain of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Escherichia coli were found to undergo oxidoreduction reactions with NAD+ catalysed by the lipoamide... more
Amino-acid sequences around two lipoic acid residues in the lipoate acetyltransferase component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli were investigated. A single amino acid sequence of 13 residues was found. A repeated... more
The catalytic roles of the two reductively acetylatable lipoic acid residues on each lipoate acetyltransferase chain of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli were investigated. Both lipoyl groups are reductively... more
α-Lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing nutrient endowed with pleiotropic actions and a safe biological profile selected to replace the unsaturated alkyl acid of capsaicin with the aim of obtaining lipoic amides potentially active as a TRPV1... more
Background: There is accumulating evidence that Juglans regia L. (GRL) leaf extract has hypoglycemic and antioxidative properties. The present study aimed to investigate the protective effects of GRL leaf extract against diabetic... more
Lipoic acid is powerful antioxidant which is used as a dietary supplement to treat a lot of disorders associated with the oxidative stress and was found to be useful in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The article deals... more
The present experiment was carried out to investigate the effectivness of -lipoic acid in allevating the toxicity of aluminium phosphide on biochemical parameters, free radicals and enzyme activities in plasma, liver and kidney of male... more
Free fatty acids (FFA), hyperglycemia, and inflammatory cytokines are major mediators of β-cell toxicity in type 2 diabetes mellitus, impairing mitochondrial metabolism. Glutaredoxin 5 (Glrx5) is a mitochondrial protein involved in the... more
S117 Results: TFN-:, alone did not induce apoptosis of hepatocytes below a dose of IOOOU/ml. However, as little as IOU/ml TFN-:, increased the rate of cisplatin induced apoptosis from 20.5% to 40. I % (p 0.005) after 48h. TFN-:, induced... more
Conflict of interest: MJF and ENO are coinventors on International Patent Application No. PCT/US19/39631 based on US Serial Nos. 62/690,718 and 62/830,850, filed in the name of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. MJF is a scientific... more
The aim of the present study was to analyze the involvement of oxidative stress and inflammation in the modulation of glucocorticoid production in the adrenal cortex of diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were treated with or without... more
Hemoglobin and iron overload is considered the major contributor to intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)-induced brain injury. Accumulation of iron in the brain leads to microglia activation, inflammation and cell loss. Current available... more
Background: Palladium a-lipoic acid (Pd-LA) complex has unique electronic and redox properties that appear to be the key to its physiological effectiveness. A proprietary liquid blend containing Pd-LA as the major component was... more
Objective(s): To investigate the effect of topical administration of alpha-lipoic acid into chitosan conduit on peripheral nerve regeneration using a rat sciatic nerve transection model. Materials and Methods: Forty five Wistar rats were... more
Objective: Oxidative stress is one of the major causes of methotrexate induced lung injury (MILI). Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), which occurs naturally in human food, has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. The aim of this study... more