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BACKGROUND: Allergy to Hymenoptera venom has a low prevalence in the general population, but in beekeepers could be as high as 42%. The exposure to bee sting confers an occupational allergic risk to beekeepers, causing them sensitization... more
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      AllergyAllergy and anaphylaxisStinging Insect Allergy
BACKGROUND: Honeybee stings can cause toxic and allergic reactions that may lead to severe symptoms, and sometimes to death. Mexico is the third worldës honey country exporter and sixth producer. Due to the arrival of Africanized bees... more
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      AllergyAllergy and anaphylaxisStinging Insect Allergy
Allergen specific immunotherapy is the only disease-modifying treatment for allergic rhinoconjuctivitis and asthma. We present a rare clinical case of metrorrhagia as the major manifestation of anaphylaxis induced by subcutaneous... more
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    • Allergy and anaphylaxis
People with allergies know how important it is to stay away from allergens to which they are sensitive. But what if those substances are in your food and you don't know it? The “natural flavor” loophole in ingredient labeling means that... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyFood Science
Ce este șocul anafilactic? Pentru unii oameni cu alergii severe, atunci când sunt expuși la ceva la care sunt alergici, pot experimenta o reacție care poate pune viața în pericol, numită anafilaxie. Drept urmare, sistemul lor imunitar... more
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      Allergy and anaphylaxisAnaphylaxieAnaphylactic ShockAnaphylactic Reactions
Anaphylaxis is a challenging condition for any austere environment. It is unpredictable, has sudden onset and a high fatality rate, and is responsive only to epinephrine, a prescription medication. The Wilderness Medical Society has... more
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      Wilderness (Environment)Pharmaceutical TechnologyWilderness Risk ManagementWilderness therapy
L’anaphylaxie est une réaction d’hypersensibilité (ou allergique) systémique, généralisée, sévère, pouvant engager le pronostic vital. Elle survient après un délai de quelques minutes à quelques heures suivant l’exposition à un facteur... more
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      Emergency MedicineEmergency ManagementMedicineFirst Aid
Ces recommandations formalisées d’experts ont été élaborées par la Société française de médecine d’urgence, avec la collaboration de la Société française d’allergologie, le Groupe francophone de réanimation et urgences pédiatriques, et le... more
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      Emergency MedicinePediatricsEmergency ManagementMedicine
Background: Challenge tests for food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) carry some risk and have a high rate of false negatives. Our aim was to explore the usefulness of an in vitro immunodepletion assay and an allergen... more
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      Food SafetyExercise PhysiologyFood AllergyExercise Science
These formalized expert guidelines were written by the French Society of Emergency Medicine (SFMU), in partnership with the French Allergology Society (SFA) and the French Speaking Group in Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency (GFRUP).... more
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      Emergency MedicinePediatricsEmergency ManagementBest practices guidelines
Background: Anaphylaxis is an acute and life-threatening immune reaction associated with abnormal hypersensitivity to a substance. It usually involves at least two systems (such as the skin, respiratory, circulatory or gastrointestinal... more
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    • Allergy and anaphylaxis
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently authorized the two messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 for emergency use against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing the COVID-19... more
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      VaccinesAllergy and anaphylaxismRNANanocarriers of Drugs
Purpose of review Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) is a form of anaphylaxis that occurs associated with exercise, in which symptoms develop by the combination of food ingestion and physical activity. We aimed to review... more
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      Exercise PhysiologySports & Exercise PychologyExercise ScienceExercise
Studies with murine models demonstrate 2 pathways of systemic anaphylaxis: one mediated by IgE, FceRI, mast cells, histamine, and platelet-activating factor (PAF), and the other mediated by IgG, FcgRIII, macrophages, and PAF. The former... more
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    • Allergy and anaphylaxis
Although severe anaphylatic reactions are rare, allergic or immediate hypersensitivity reactions to natural rubber latex (NRL) have been reported in children with increasing frequency in the last few years. Indubitably, every-day rubber... more
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      Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)PediatricsPediatric PsychologyLaTeX
Stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK) belongs to the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family and plays an important role in many biological contexts. JNK is deeply involved in several serious human... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyMast CellsAllergy (Biomedicine)
Exercise-induced hypersensitivity syndromes in recreational and competitive athletes: a PRACTALL consensus report (what the general practitioner should know about sports and allergy) Exercise-induced (EI) hypersensitivity disorders are... more
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      Exercise PhysiologySports ManagementAsthmaExercise Science
The actual incidence of anaphylaxis is unknown. Periodical study of the anaphylaxis in different countries will raise the awareness to improve further the prevention and care. To investigate anaphylaxis among inpatients in the previous... more
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      EpidemiologyAnaphylaxisIncidenceAllergy and anaphylaxis
Background: Sensitization to food antigen can occur through cutaneous exposure. Objective: We sought to test the hypothesis that epicutaneous sensitization with food antigen predisposes to IgE-mediated anaphylaxis on oral allergen... more
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      Mast CellsFood AllergyAllergyAtopic Eczema
OBJECTIVES: Food allergy is an increasing burden worldwide and is a common problem within paediatric populations, affecting 5%-8% of children. Anaphylaxis caused by food proteins is a potentially life-threatening condition and all... more
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      Survey ResearchSurveyAnaphylaxisAllergy and anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a rapid, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction. Until recently, it was mainly attributed to histamine released by mast cells activated by allergen crosslinking (XL) of Fc«RI-bound allergen-specific IgE. However, recent... more
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      ImmunologyMast CellsImmunology of the GutSignal Transduction
Food-induced anaphylaxis is triggered by specific IgE antibodies. Paradoxically, some subjects with significant IgE levels can ingest allergenic foods without incident. Similarly, subjects completing oral immunotherapy (OIT) tolerate food... more
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      ImmunologyFoodMast CellsAdolescent
Introduction: the antibacterial effect of penicillin has been recognized for more than 60 years, but the drug is still being used incorrectly. Bacterial infections with clear indications for the use of penicillin, such as congenital... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyPublic HealthInfectious Diseases
The Hymenoptera constitute an insect order in which they are included wasps (superfamily Vespideae), bees (superfamily) Apoideae) and ants (superfamily Formicidae). Hymenoptera stings can become a serious allergic reaction, fast... more
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      ImmunologyImmunotherapyAllergy and anaphylaxisHypersensitive Response
Food-induced anaphylaxis is triggered by specific IgE antibodies. Paradoxically, some subjects with significant IgE levels can ingest allergenic foods without incident. Similarly, subjects completing oral immunotherapy (OIT) tolerate food... more
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      Food AllergyAnaphylaxisImmunoglobulin EAllergy and anaphylaxis
A atividade antimicrobiana da penicilina foi descoberta por Alexander Fleming, em 1928, quando observou que o fungo Penicillium produzia uma substância responsável pelo efeito bactericida em uma cultura de Staphylococcus spp. 1. A... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyPublic HealthInfectious Diseases
Food allergy is an increasing burden worldwide and is a common problem within paediatric populations, affecting 5%-8% of children. Anaphylaxis caused by food proteins is a potentially life-threatening condition and all healthcare... more
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      Survey ResearchMultivariate AnalysisRussiaSurvey
Allergic reactions related to insect bites usually cause major medical problems. Although many different types of insects in environment are able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting, hymenoptera stings comes to mind first because of the... more
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      Emergency MedicineForensic ScienceForensic MedicineEmergency Management
Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: We sought to establish the composition of the gut microbiota in experimental... more
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      Food AllergyGut MicrobiotaGut MicrobiomeAllergy
Crosslinking of receptor-bound Immunoglobulin E (IgE) triggers immediate hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis. Blocking the interaction of IgE with its high-affinity receptor, FceRI, on mast cells and basophils is an... more
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      Mast CellsFood AllergyAnaphylaxisAllergy and anaphylaxis
Despite careful contributions, food allergic children have a significant risk of anaphylactic episodes. Especially at risk are children not accompanied by parents or caregivers in public places, or restaurants, or not provided with... more
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      PediatricsPediatric PsychologyNeonatal NursingNeonatology
Anaphylaxis is a challenging condition for any austere environment. It is unpredictable, has sudden onset and a high fatality rate, and is responsive only to epinephrine, a prescription medication. The Wilderness Medical Society has... more
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      Wilderness (Environment)Pharmaceutical TechnologyWilderness Risk ManagementWilderness therapy
Background-Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. Objective-We sought to establish the composition of the gut microbiota in... more
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      ImmunologyFoodDisease susceptibilityFood Microbiology
Background-Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. Objective-We sought to establish the composition of the gut microbiota in... more
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      ImmunologyFoodDisease susceptibilityFood Microbiology
Thymoglobulin is an anti-thymocyte globulin derived from rabbits immunized with human T lymphocytes. Since its introduction in the U.S. in 1999, it has become the common therapy used for prophylaxis and treatment of acute rejection in... more
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    • Allergy and anaphylaxis
BACKGROUND: Large-scale studies of drug provocation testing (DPT) or rapid drug desensitization (RDD) for hypersensitivity to antineoplastics and biologicals are scarce and limited to a few institutions. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to review... more
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      ChemotherapyRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementDrug AllergyPhenotyping
We describe an important number of confirmed hypersensitivity reactions to leucovorin during a one-year period. Leucovorin can be included in FOLFOX/FOLFIRI regimes and be a hidden allergen (making doctors falsely think the reaction was... more
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      CancerQuality ImprovementFolic acidRisk Assessment & Risk Management
This document is the result of a consensus on the mechanisms of exercise-induced anaphylaxis (EIAn), an unpredictable and potentially fatal syndrome. A multidisciplinary panel of experts including exercise physiologists, allergists, lung... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyFood AllergyAllergyExercise Science
Anaphylaxis is a rapid, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction. Until recently, it was mainly attributed to histamine released by mast cells activated by allergen crosslinking (XL) of Fc«RI-bound allergen-specific IgE. However, recent... more
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      ImmunologyMast CellsImmunology of the GutSignal Transduction
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      ImmunologyMast CellsFood AllergyAntibodies
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are known for triggering immediate hypersensitivity reactions such as food anaphylaxis. In this study, we tested whether they might additionally function to amplify nascent antibody and T helper 2 (Th2)... more
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      ImmunologyMast CellsInnate immunityFood Allergy