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      ImmunologyFeedbackInterleukinsAllergy and Immunology
Asthma is a common problem with a prevalence rate increasing every year. However, not all asthmatic patients receive appropriate treatment, partly due to the disease entity or patients' compliance, and partly due to physicians' knowledge... more
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Recently, the Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution sponsored a one-day symposium entitled "Wild Immunology." The CIIE is a new Wellcome Trust-funded initiative with the remit to connect evolutionary biology and ecology with... more
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      Global HealthMultidisciplinaryMiceImmunity
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive disease in Caucasians. The dysfunction of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) causes the disease by disrupting epithelial salt and water transport.... more
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    • Allergy and Immunology
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      PhysiologyImmunologyInnate immunityMedicine
This study concerns a woman with a very specific phobia of free-flying wasps. Her underlying and disabling belief was that she was allergic to wasp venom and, if stung, would certainly die. A behavioural approach, such as systematic... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceWaspsImmunotherapy
Acute inflammation is accompanied by changes in the concentrations of acute phase proteins (APPs), While much is known about the cytokines involved in the initiation of inflammation, less is known about the mediators involved in its... more
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      ImmunologyCytokinesMiceCentral Nervous System
Objective: To compare the enzyme activity of different presentations of papain solution to validate in-house preparations. Methods: Two papain solutions were prepared, and the third presentation was a commercial solution. Tests were... more
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      EnzymesAllergy and ImmunologyAntigensPapain
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      ImmunologyFlow CytometryCell separationAllergens
OBJETIVO: Rever as publicações recentes mais relevantes sobre alergia medicamentosa e oferecer ao clínico subsídios para uma maior compreensão dessa problemática de grande relevância para a saúde pública. FONTES DOS DADOS: Busca de... more
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    • Allergy and Immunology
Allergic diseases represent a major health problem in Europe. They are increasing in prevalence, severity and costs. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA 2 LEN), a Sixth EU Framework Program for Research and Technological... more
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      ImmunologyAsthmaEuropean UnionInternational Cooperation
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      HistoryArtPolysaccharidesBiological Sciences
The Consortium for Blood Group Genes is a worldwide organization whose goal is to have a vehicle to interact, establish guidelines, operate a proficiency program, and provide education for laboratories involved in DNA and RNA testing for... more
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      Molecular PathologyProgram DevelopmentMolecular plant pathologyUnited States
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      AlgorithmsImmunologyEvidence Based MedicineGlobal Health
This historic review describes the people that were involved in studying some aspect of fish immunology and vaccination from as early as 1854. Between 1850 and 1940, most scientists were looking at fish from the angle of comparative... more
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      ZoologyImmune responseInnate immunityScientific Communication
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Reaksi hipersensitivitas tipe I merupakan reaksi alergi yang dipicu oleh aktivitas IgE. Hipersensitivitas tipe I dapat berupa reaksi anafilaktik sistemik atau reaksi lokal yang ditandai oleh inflamasi dan kerusakan... more
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      DentistryFood AllergyAllergyOral Medicine
Lesi Vesikobulosa merupakan lesi berisi cairan jernih dan berada pada lapisan epitel, ruptur serta menimbulkan ulserasi. Lesi vesikobulosa dalam rongga mulut memiliki gambaran klinis, sehingga dibutuhkan pemeriksaan penunjang dalam... more
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      DentistryOral MedicineDrug AllergyStevens Johnson Syndrome
and sharing with colleagues.
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      ImmunologyVaccinesInfection ControlInfection
Genome sequences from many organisms, including humans, have been completed, and high-throughput analyses have produced burgeoning volumes of 'omics' data. Bioinformatics is crucial for the management and analysis of such data and is... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyBiomedical Engineering
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      ImmunologyCellular ImmunologyEuropeUnited States
Paul Ehrlich (1854e1915) is nowadays considered a pioneer in a number of medical fields, and in the course of time his role in the establishment and development of disciplines such as histology, immunology, oncology and haematology has... more
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      HematologyImmunologyHistory of MedicineCommunicable Diseases
The Consortium for Blood Group Genes is a worldwide organization whose goal is to have a vehicle to interact, establish guidelines, operate a proficiency program, and provide education for laboratories involved in DNA and RNA testing for... more
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      Program DevelopmentMolecular plant pathologyUnited StatesSocieties
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyBiomedical Engineering
Allergy describes a constellation of clinical diseases that affect up to 30% of the world's population. It is characterized by production of allergen specific IgE which bind to mast cells and initiate a cascade of molecular and cellular... more
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      ImmunologyImmune responsePreventionParasite
Disulfide bond isomerisation and the assembly of MHC class I-peptide complexes. Dick TP, Bangia N, Peaper DR, Cresswell P: Immunity 2002, 16:87-98. Significance: Newly synthesised MHC class I molecules assemble within the endoplasmic... more
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      HistoryImmunologyLinguisticsCellular Immunology
Ocular allergy includes several clinically different conditions that can be considered as hypersensitivity disorders of the ocular surface. The classification of these conditions is complex, and their epidemiology has not been adequately... more
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      OphthalmologyAllergy (Biomedicine)History of Ophthalmology and Visual ScienceAllergy
The next 'golden age' in vaccinology will be ushered in by the new science of vaccinomics. In turn, this will inform and allow the development of personalized vaccines, based on our increasing understanding of immune response phenotype:... more
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      VaccinesSingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)HLAVaccination
We celebrate the centenary of the Nobel award to Elie Metchnikoff in 2008, shared with Paul Ehrlich, as respective pioneers of cellular and humoral immunology. Metchnikoff is rightly famous for his recognition of the biological... more
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      ImmunologyInnate immunityNobel PrizeAllergy and Immunology
These formalized expert guidelines were written by the French Society of Emergency Medicine (SFMU), in partnership with the French Allergology Society (SFA) and the French Speaking Group in Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency (GFRUP).... more
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      Emergency MedicinePediatricsEmergency ManagementBest practices guidelines
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      ImmunologyAsthmaAllergyUnited States
As Nature Reviews Immunology reaches its 10 th anniversary, we've asked the authors of one of the top-cited articles of each year to look back on the state of research at the time their Review was published, to consider why the article... more
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      ImmunologyCytokinesMacrophagesDendritic Cells
IgE to alpha-gal poses a significant threat to public health. While eating meat may seem innocuous to most, if IgE to alpha-gal is present in a human at the time of consumption it can cause urticaria to delayed-onset anaphylaxis resulting... more
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      Environmental EpidemiologyFood AllergyImmunoglobulin EIGE
J. Bousquet1, N. Khaltaev2, AA Cruz3, J. Denburg4, WJ Fokkens5, A. Togias6, T. Zuberbier7, CE Baena-Cagnani8, GW Canonica9, C. van Weel10, I. Agache11, N. Aït-Khaled12, C. Bachert13, MS Blaiss14, S. Bonini15, L.-P. Boulet16, P.-J.... more
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      AlgorithmsImmunologyEvidence Based MedicineGlobal Health
COMMENTARY • may 2003 • volume 4 no 5 • nature immunology 425 Historical insight: Immunology's founding fathers argued fiercely about whether Metchnikoff 's phagocytes or Ehrlich's antibodies were the most... more
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      ImmunologyPhagocytosisAllergy and Immunology
In 2009, the Global Asthma and Allergy European Network (GA 2 LEN) proposed a pan-European standardized allergen battery for clinical practice and research [1]. While Parietaria species sensitization is an unquestionable cause of seasonal... more
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Allergic diseases represent a major health problem in Europe. They are increasing in prevalence, severity and costs. GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network), an FP6 Network of Excellence, was created in 2005 as a vehicle to... more
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      ImmunologyAsthmaEuropean UnionInternational Cooperation
La alergia se define como una reacción inflamatoria sintomática de hipersensibilidad inmediata a un antígeno medio ambiental normalmente inocuo . Este proceso es mediado por anticuerpos de tipo Inmunoglobulina E (IgE) dirigidos contra un... more
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      Allergy (Biomedicine)Allergy and ImmunologyClinical Allergy and Immunologymolecular allergy
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      TechnologyVaccinesForecastingDendritic Cells
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      AlgorithmsEpidemiologyImmunologyEvidence Based Medicine
The hematopoietic and the immune systems in all their com-ponents are characterized by a multifrequency time structure with prominent rhythms in cell proliferation and cell function in the circadian, infradian, and circannual frequency... more
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      HematologyForecastingAdolescentDisease susceptibility
Ocular allergy (OA) includes a group of common and less frequent hypersensitivity disorders frequently misdiagnosed and not properly managed. The diagnosis of OA is usually based on clinical history and signs and symptoms, with the... more
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      Allergy (Biomedicine)Ocular SurfaceContact allergyAllergy
Introduction: PubMed is the most important of the non-specialized databases on biomedical literature. International and quickly updated is elaborated by the American Government and contains only information about papers published in... more
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      Information SystemsImmunologyNatural Language ProcessingLibrary Automation
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      AlgorithmsImmunologyComputational BiologyChronic illness
Despite numerous attempts over many years to develop an HIV vaccine based on classical strategies, none has convincingly succeeded to date. A number of approaches are being pursued in the field, including building upon possible efficacy... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyT lymphocytesB Lymphocytes
Contemporary immunology has established its fundamental theory as a biological expression of personal identity, wherein the "immune self" is defended by the immune system. Protection of this agent putatively requires a cognitive capacity... more
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      PsychologyCognitionMedicineImmune system
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      LiteratureDramaEnglandMedical History
Background: The Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) workshop proposes a classification of allergic rhinitis severity. It does not take into account impairment in quality of life and treatment should be adapted accordingly.... more
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      ImmunologyGovernmentExpert testimonyForecasting
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