On John von Neumann’s work on biology, and on open-ended models of biological evolution, life as evolving software, and the evolution of mutating software. Twenty-minute summary of metabiology 2.0 at... more
Texts available on the Web have been generated by human minds. We observe that simple patterns are over-represented: abcdef is more frequent than arfbxg and 1000 appears more often than 1282. We suggest that word frequency patterns can be... more
Inferring algorithmic structure in data is essential for discovering causal generative models. In this research, we present a quantum computing framework using the circuit model, for estimating algorithmic information metrics. The... more
Inferring algorithmic structure in data is essential for discovering causal generative models. In this research, we present a quantum computing framework using the circuit model, for estimating algorithmic information metrics. The... more
Given a reference computer, Kolmogorov complexity is a well defined function on all binary strings. In the standard approach, however, only the asymptotic properties of such functions are considered because they do not depend on the... more
MaxEnt inference algorithm and information theory are relevant for the time evolution of macroscopic systems considered as problem of incomplete information. Two different MaxEnt approaches are introduced in this work, both applied to... more
MaxEnt inference algorithm and information theory are relevant for the time evolution of macroscopic systems considered as problem of incomplete information. Two different MaxEnt approaches are introduced in this work, both applied to... more
First, allow me to interject that the idea that I am about to describe seems more extensive than the hyper-reals of non-standard analysis and is not to be confused with them. The hyper-reals, in my understanding (and I haven't yet... more
Generalmente alla scienza si chiede di spiegare la natura, ed in effetti la Fisica classica ci forniva un quadro di certezze che seppure incompleto risultava abbastanza coerente ed intuibile; gli studi dell'ultimo secolo e le recenti... more
Physics concepts have often been borrowed and independently developed by other fields of science. In this perspective, a significant example is that of the entropy in information theory. The aim of this paper is to provide a short and... more
Consider a joint quantum state of a system and its environment. A measurement on the environment induces a decomposition of the system state. Using algorithmic information theory, we define the preparation information of a pure or mixed... more
For additional information and updates on this book, visit w w w .am s.org/bookpages/surv-220 ibrary o f C on gress C a ta lo g in g -in -P u b lic a tio n D a ta Names: Shen, A. (Alexander), 1958-| Uspenskiï, V. A.
We consider the notion of information distance between two objects x and y introduced by Bennett, Gács, Li, Vitanyi, and Zurek [1] as the minimal length of a program that computes x from y as well as computing y from x, and study... more
This paper offers some new results on randomness with respect to classes of measures, along with a didactical exposition of their context based on results that appeared elsewhere. We start with the reformulation of the Martin-Löf... more
The dissertation – The diagrammatics of post-truth in the light of Deleuze and Guattari's transcendental materialism. Semiotics, technology and automatic rationality – presents a hypothesis that post-truth should not be conceived merely... more
Palabras clave. Teoría algorítmica de la información, teoría de la computabilidad, complejidad de largo de programa, complejidad de Kolmogorov, números normales, números absolutamente normales, aleatoriedad, número Omega de Chaitin,... more
Sarebbe bello se fosse vero…invece si scoprì più tardi che il Futuro era imprevedibile, finché non diventava Presente come dimostrato dalla Meccanica Quantistica. Dio poteva solo proporre ma era la Probabilità, un’energia potenziale... more
Very large databases are a major opportunity for science and data analytics is a remarkable new eld of investigation in computer science. The eectiveness of these tools is used to support a philosophy against the scientic method as... more
We show how complexity theory can be introduced in machine learning to help bring together apparently disparate areas of current research. We show that this new approach requires less training data and is more generalizable as it shows... more
**Abstract: Truth as Process** In this paper, we explore the Halting Problem through a novel lens, examining its implications and deconstructing its perceived paradoxes. The Halting Problem posits the impossibility of creating an... more
Kolmogorov complexity is a theory based on the premise that the complexity of a binary string can be measured by its compressibility; that is, a string’s complexity is the length of the shortest program that produces that string. We... more
In a genetic algorithm, fluctuations of the entropy of a genome over time are interpreted as fluctuations of the information that the genome's organism is storing about its environment, being this reflected in more complex organisms. The... more
This paper proposes a new musical notation with Lindenmayer grammars, and describes the use of grammar evolution for the automatic generation of music expressed in this notation, with the normalized compression distance as the fitness... more
In this paper, we revisit a central concept in Kolmogorov complexity in which one would equate program-size complexity with information content. Despite the fact that Kolmogorov complexity has been widely accepted as an objective measure... more
In this paper, we revisit a central concept in Kolmogorov complexity in which one would equate program-size complexity with information content. Despite the fact that Kolmogorov complexity has been widely accepted as an objective measure... more
We give explanations on the differences between a number of representations that have been proposed in the literature to measure the structural complexity of an object. In particular, we propose the notion of process complexity, the... more
The artistic community is increasingly relying on automatic computational analysis for authentication and classification of artistic paintings. In this paper, we identify hidden patterns and relationships present in artistic paintings by... more
Coin tossing is traditionally viewed as a random event with equal probabilities for heads and tails. However, research suggests that under controlled conditions, the outcome can be predicted with high accuracy. This research proposal... more
Natural selection explains how life has evolved over millions of years from more primitive forms. The speed at which this happens, however, has sometimes defied formal explanations when based on random (uniformly distributed) mutations.... more
We show how to determine the k-th bit of Chaitin's algorithmically random real number Ω by solving k instances of the halting problem. From this we then reduce the problem of determining the k-th bit of Ω to determining whether a certain... more
We present a new method for expressing Chaitin's random real, Ω, through Diophantine equations. Where Chaitin's method causes a particular quantity to express the bits of Ω by fluctuating between finite and infinite values, in our method... more
Kolmogorov's very first paper on algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov, Problemy peredachi infotmatsii 1(1) (1965), 3) was entitled "Three approaches to the definition of the quantity of information". These three approaches were... more
In an unpublished manuscript Turing anticipated by nearly thirty years the basic ideas behind the theory of algorithmic randomness, using a computationally constrained version of ‘measure theory’ to answer a question posed by Émile Borel... more
We show the existence of a high r.e. degree bounding only joins of minimal pairs and of a high 2 nonbounding r.e. degree.
We prove that for any computably enumerable (c.e.) degree c, if it is cappable in the computably enumerable degrees, then there is a d.c.e. degree d such that c ∪ d = 0 and c ∩ d = 0. Consequently, a computably enumerable degree is... more
The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The... more
Recent machine learning and AI advances disrupt scientific practice, technological innovation, product development, and society. As a rule, success in classification, pattern recognition, and gaming occurs whenever there are clear... more
forms of Kolmogoroff’s complexity, Chaitin and G_del’s theorems are stated. They are used to analyze numerous methodological issues: Kant’s Third antinomy, Parkinson’s law of committee, cooperative creative activity, multilanguage... more
This paper establishes for the first time the predictive performance of speed priors and their computational complexity. A speed prior is essentially a probability distribution that puts low probability on strings that are not efficiently... more
We show how to determine the-th bit of Chaitin's algorithmically random real number by solving instances of the halting problem. From this we then reduce the problem of determining the-th bit of to determining whether a certain... more
The Universe is the ultimate information system. The capacity to communicate is built into every object, from electrons to cells to stars. But information is not possible without order. Order imposes a limit on the speed of information.... more
I propose a simple representation language for undirected graphs that can be encoded as a bitstring, and equivalence is a topological equivalence. I also present an algorithm for computing the complexity of an arbitrary undirected network.
Abstract-We improve a well-known asymptotic bound on the number of monotonic selection rules for covering of an arbitrary randomness test by frequency tests. More precisely, we prove that, for any set S (arbitrary test) of binary... more
We describe the generation of sequences of random bits from the parity of photon counts produced by polarization measurements on a polarization-entangled state. The resulting sequences are bias free, pass the applicable tests in the NIST... more
Talk given in Benguerir, Morocco updating previous talks on Metabiology..
The artistic community is increasingly relying on automatic computational analysis for authentication and classification of artistic paintings. In this paper, we identify hidden patterns and relationships present in artistic paintings by... more
We formalise the undecidability of solvability of Diophantine equations, i.e. polynomial equations over natural numbers, in Coq's constructive type theory. To do so, we give the first full mechanisation of the... more