Alfred the Great and the Alfredian Circle
Recent papers in Alfred the Great and the Alfredian Circle
The verb /forgytan/ is used reflexively six times in the extant Old English corpus, and all six instances are found in King Alfred’s translation of Gregory the Great’s /Regula pastoralis/. As the translation adopts from its Latin source... more
Resumo: Como um dos períodos mais ricos em termos de produção de documentos, o reinado de Alfredo, o Grande (871 – 899) se destaca em diversos âmbitos. Estando em um contexto de reformas, o reinado de Alfredo ressignifica as produções... more
This article considers the reputation and career of Alfred the Great, supposed first king of England, alongside the activities of the Viking Great Army in the ninth century. It examines Viking camps, military responses to the Vikings and... more
This biography of Alfred the Great, king of the West Saxons (871-899), combines a sensitive reading of the primary sources with a careful evaluation of the most recent scholarly research on the history and archaeology of ninth-century... more
"This biography of Alfred the Great, king of the West Saxons (871-899), combines a sensitive reading of the primary sources with a careful evaluation of the most recent scholarly research on the history and archaeology of... more
This article argues that the Old English Orosius, a work traditionally viewed as a product of the educational reforms of King Alfred of Wessex (r. 871–899), can be constructively read in relation to developments in Anglo-Saxon political... more
In ninth-and tenth-century England, the ethnonyms Goths and Geatas and the patronymic Gaut became more important than they had ever been to Anglo-Saxon intellectuals. The sudden popularity of these words has been remarked upon by... more
Historian and broadcaster Michael Wood reveals how Alfred the Great's forgotten grandson became the first king of all England and won a hugely significant war to secure his fledgling realm in a fascinating interview.
The first French translation of Asser's 'Life of King Alfred', with Stevenson's Latin text facing. The volume also contains : - an introduction to the text and its history, with a discussion of issues concerning the work's authorship... more
This study reconstructs the Alfredian network as consisting of twelve actors. This network is termed a coalition, within which a cluster of Mercian actors is further hypothesised. Historical sources and charter evidence suggest that... more
"In the end of 9th century, the actions taken by King Alfred the Great were decisive for the survival of the Anglo-Saxon England against the Vikings. His cultural revival would change the Anglo-Saxon society, reinforcing the defenses of... more
RESUMO: Nas fontes literárias do período da Inglaterra anglo-saxônica, assim como em outras so-ciedades europeias da época, é comum a presença de personagens masculinas (ficcionais ou históricas) desempenhando papeis heroicos, sendo... more
In 1899, a widely shared desire to fix Alfred’s birth-date without consulting Asser led Plummer to conjure up a mirage: “It seems to have been overlooked that the date is fixed by the genealogical Preface to MS. A of the Chron., a... more
La cour du roi anglo-saxon Alfred le Grand (871-899) est décrite dans les sources émanant de l’entourage royal (en particulier dans l’Histoire du roi Alfred de l’évêque Asser, écrite du vivant du roi) comme un lieu d’harmonie, un pôle... more
"Now that we are learning to hear Asser’s voice not through the ears of the Victorians, but with our own ears, with no reason at all to fear the voice of an intelligent and sophisticated hagiographer, we will at last be hearing a voice... more
Imitating redaction criticism as practiced by Biblical scholars I offer here a close reading of ‘the anecdote of Alfred’s learning to read for Judith’s gift’ as a pericope, with particular attention to how Asser’s Latin prose condenses... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The Anglo-Saxon literary sources can be considered among the most important sources from the western Early Middle Ages. There can be found different sorts of subjects and themes, in prose as well in verse. Among some of these types there... more
Durante o final do século IX, as ações tomadas pelo rei Alfred o Grande foram decisivas para a sobrevivência da Inglaterra anglo-saxônica contra os ataques dos vikings. Seu resgate cultural iria mudar a sociedade anglo-saxônica,... more
The paper examines the early years of King Alfred's reign, from the perspective of his relationship to the viking armies. I argue that there was a kind of "coopetition" between them: a form of cooperation + competition which made him... more
For fan fiction based on the TV serial drama The Last Kingdom (2014-), some fan fiction authors use fragments of the translations of the Psalms by King Alfred of Wessex (849-899) to firmly ground their stories in the historical... more
With the advent of digitization and growing abundance of graphic and image processing tools, use cases for clipping using circular windows have grown considerably. This paper presents an efficient clipping algorithm for line segments... more
"I’m going to tell an 8th C story about what happened when bilingualism met literacy, when Boniface met Gregory. And then I’m going to chart the plot of the story in the form of an abstract diagram. This schematic approach may help... more
В докладе анализируется география первого путешествия норвежца Оттара/Охтхере (Ohthere), рассказ о котором был записан при дворе Альфреда Великого в конце IX в., и делается вывод, что Охтхере скорее всего побывал в Архангельском краю, а... more
Abstract from recently completed dissertation at The Catholic University of America, published and available via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Also available Open Acces via CUA's Institutional Repository:... more
Dentro do estudo da Inglaterra anglo-saxônica (seculos V -XI), sem sombra de dúvidas, uma das figuras de grande destaque é Alfred o Grande, rei de Wessex (c.871-899). Sua importância para a história inglesa é vital para compreensão de... more
The evidence that Asser thought Alfred was born in 849 is too slender to bear the weight that has been hung from it. The systematic dating of events from AD 849, the birthdate of Alfred preserved in the Cotton MS. version of Asser’s Vita... more
A short analysis of the Anglo-Saxon vernacular poem "The Husband's Message", seen in the context of other "talking poems" such as some of the prologues and epilogues of so-called Alfredian translations.
Historians have been baffled by the way Asser interlaces allusions to Einhard, echoes of his own words, and hagiographic clichés. Reading the Vita Alfredi as literature advances the current paradigm shift in our attitudes towards Asser,... more
Resumo: Uma ausência significativa se faz notar na maior parte das obras sobre historiografia medieval, a Vita Alfredi Regis Angul Saxonum, de autoria do monge galês Asser, que narra a vida e os feitos do rei Alfred o Grande, considerado... more
co-edited with Paul E. Szarmach Eleven major scholars of the Anglo-Saxon period consider Alfred the Great, his cultural milieu, and his achievements. With revised or revived views of the Alfredian revival, the contributors help set the... more
co-edited with Paul E. Szarmach Eleven major scholars of the Anglo-Saxon period consider Alfred the Great, his cultural milieu, and his achievements. With revised or revived views of the Alfredian revival, the contributors help set the... more
Building upon several years' research and several changes of opinion in that time (beginning with the essay linked below), this paper set out to do a number of things. First and foremost, to make a case for understanding 'Hebbeshamm'... more
Within this paper I use the case study of Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 5574, fols. 1-39, a book containing five hagiographical narratives, as a means of considering the nature and extent of the consumption of Latin hagiography in... more