Recent papers in Alexithymia
Background: The extent of using the Internet has a huge impact on different aspects of life, and cognitive, emotional and environmental factors have an effect on Internet dependency, and in the case of extreme dependency, it can create a... more
Little research has been conducted on the contribution of environmental factors to the development of alexithymic tendencies. Ninety-two university students were surveyed to determine if features of the childhood family environment could... more
A SAMPLE CHAPTER, Chapter 6, from A General Theory of Emotions and Social Life (London and New York: Routledge, 2013) . Secondary emotions, continued: The eight tertiary dyads -- Resourcefulness and shock, morbidness and resignation,... more
lexithymia generally refers to difficulties in identifying and de- scribing emotions. In this paper, two studies explored whether the emotion defi- cits observed in alexithymia may be related to the use of emotion regulation strategies.... more
Objective: Considering the negative impact of infertility on the level of adjustment and stress in women, the present study aimed to examine the role of sexual self-esteem and alexithymia in predicting marital stress and adjustment of... more
The association between alexithymia and alcohol consumption has been well documented. However, little research has investigated the mechanisms behind the association. In the present study, the relationship between alexithymia, drinking... more
The Twenty-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was developed by Bagby et al.(1994a) and is a revised version of the earlier 26-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS; Taylor,Ryan, & Bagby, 1985). The TAS-20 has demonstrated good internal... more
Alexithymia is a personality trait characterised by difficulty identifying and describing subjective emotional feelings, a restricted imagination, and an externally oriented style of thinking. Individuals with high levels of this trait... more
RIASSUNTO: Obiettivo: Questo studio si è proposto di indagare gli effetti della disregolazione affettiva e dei processi dissociativi sulle esperienze traumatiche al fine di verificare un modello psicopatologico a matrice relazionale... more
The criterion validity of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale [TAS) was assessed by administering the scale to 46 patients referred to a behavioral medicine outpatient clinic. Clinical ratings derived from observed interviews served as the... more
Despite increasing empirical and theoretical work on empathy, particularly on the content of empathic representations, there is a relative lack of consensus regarding the information processing necessary for empathy to occur. Here we... more
Alexithymia is a construct which denotes thought characterized by pragmatic content, an inability to recognize and verbally express emotion, a difficulty in distinguishing between feelings and bodily sensations, and a limitation in... more
La Alexitimia es un problema que es más frecuente de lo que se suele pensar, y que afecta a las personas dificultando la convivencia. Desde hace unos años se está haciendo un esfuerzo por parte de los psicólogos por divulgar la... more
Objective: The aim of this research was to study the association between dissociation, alexithymia, adult attachment, and Internet addiction. Methods: A group of 335 students aged between 18 and 21 years (151 boys, 184 girls) were... more
This paper is the seventh report on a single experimental study of alexithymia in corpus callosotomy patients and precision-matched normal controls. This comparison is based on the hypothesis that, insofar as affective verbal expression... more
In this paper, I compare the three main theories that are debated in the literature of empathy and mind-reading. I review evidence and debates to suggest that simulation theory has explanatory advantages when considering psychopathologies... more
Ce mémoire a 2 objectifs, l'un tente de mettre en évidence l'apport de la psychomotricité dans une transdisciplinarité au sein d'un service hospitalier d'addictologie où des patients alcoolo-dépendants suivent une cure de sevrage de 3... more
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
Notre travail de thèse porte sur l’analyse des rapports entre le normal et le pathologique à la lumière d’un trouble du comportement alimentaire : l’anorexie mentale. Nous cherchons conjointement à élaborer un modèle d’intelligibilité de... more
Our research focuses on analysing the relationship between normality and pathology in light of an eating disorder: anorexia nervosa. Our aim is twofold: achieving a better understanding of anorexia nervosa, whilst also assessing how this... more
Objective: Some researchers have questioned the stability of the three-factor structure of the 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) or the reliability of one or more factors of the scale. The aim of this study was to assess the... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda aleksitimi, duygusal zekâ ve sosyal anksiyete arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2018 yılında Siirt İli Eruh İlçesinde öğrenimine devam eden 9-11 yaşları arasındaki 305 öğrenci... more
Using family communication patterns theory, the current study proposed a mediating structural model between family communication patterns, alexithymia, and communicative responses to jealousy. Using a college student sample, the results... more
RIASSUNTO: Obiettivo: Questo studio si è proposto di indagare gli effetti della disregolazione affettiva e dei processi dissociativi sulle esperienze traumatiche al fine di verificare un modello psicopatologico a matrice relazionale... more
Alexithymia is a trait comprising people's ability to focus attention on and accurately appraise their own emotions. Its assessment is of clinical interest because people who have difficulty processing their negative and positive emotions... more
During the past decade, the alexithymia construct has undergone theoretical refinements and empirical testings and has evolved into a potential new paradigm for understanding the influence of emotions and personality on physical illness... more
The present study aimed at the comparison of the prevalence of Alexithymia among patients with substance use disorder and normal people. To achieve the goal‚ 85 patients were selected among clients referring to addiction treatment centers... more
A second version of this essay, published in the "Encyclopedia of Creativity," 2nd edition, Volume I, pp. 588-594, edited by Mark A. Runco and Steven R. Pritzker. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. SUMMARY: In this entry, I place the study of... more