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RESUMO Utilizando como base os estudos de intermidialidade defendidos pelo Prof. Claus Cluver, da Universidade da Indiana (EUA), estudamos os conceitos introdutórios necessários para realizar a análise da adaptação da obra de Alan Moore e... more
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      Alan MooreAnimaçãoIntermidialidadeBatman: The Killing Joke
Richards Reynolds (1992) has described the superhero genre as a modern mythology. He discusses how the genre often reflects the socio-political ideologies of society, and offers Alan Moore’s comic series Watchmen (1986-1987) as a key text... more
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      Comic Book StudiesIdentity (Culture)PoliticsIdeology
Acercamiento al universo creativo de Alan Moore a través del análisis de sus obras The Courtyard y Neonomicon. / An approximation to Alan Moore's creative universe across the analysis of his works The Courtyard and Neonomicon.
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      H.P. LovecraftAlan Moore
Previously unpublished paper originally presented at the American Image/Text Conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, June, 2011. A narratological and semiotic study in context and intertext. This paper argues that, in addition to... more
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      American LiteratureCensorshipMoral PanicGothic Fiction and the horror film
"El amnios natal abarca numerosos aspectos de la obra de Moore, incluyendo su obsesión con las pautas históricas y geográficas. Se trata, esencialmente, de una autobiografía, profunda e introspectiva pero, a la vez, universal, que... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
Article published in the collective book "Alan Moore, tisser l'invisible" (edited by Julien Bétan), published in 2010 by Les Moutons électriques (collection "La Bibliothèque des miroirs"). I present the main elements developed by Alan... more
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      Creative WritingComics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
The Guy Fawkes mask has become a symbol of the internet group Anonymous. This paper seeks to understand why this happened. The Guy Fawkes Mask takes us back to a 17th Century Catholic renegade, a 1980s graphic novel, a millennial movie... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternet StudiesPopular CultureComics Studies
Schematische Skizze einer Musteranalyse von Comics am Beispiel von Alan Moores und David Lloyds »V for Vendetta« für Teilnehmer meiner Comic-Seminare. Der stichpunktartige Überblick soll in die Lage versetzen, selbstständig Ansatzpunkte... more
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      Comics StudiesGraphic NovelsComics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
In Alan Moore’s _Promethea,_ love is more than right relationship between two or more human beings—it is the universe reaching out compassionately and erotically to every living being within it. Drawing upon the monist threads of the... more
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      Queer TheologyComics StudiesPagan StudiesPagan Theology
The spring 2021 issue of the journal "Miranda", contains, in the section "Reviews" (edited by Candice Lemaire and Isabelle Keller-Privat), my review of two fascinating Alan Moore-focused books by Pádraig Ó Méalóid: "Poisoned Chalice: The... more
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      Comics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential ArtCopyright (Law)
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      Gothic LiteratureComics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
Argues that the Wachowskis are more interested in the question of free will than in reality vs. simulation.
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      Film StudiesTransgender StudiesJean BaudrillardAlbert Camus
s graphic dystopian novel V for Vendetta (compiled in 1990) depicts a totalitarian society in which the body politic and the human bodies that comprise it have been instrumentalized into tools for furthering the Norsefire Party's fascist... more
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      Alan MooreV for Vendetta
Analysis of trauma and time through Rorschach's character in Alan Moore's award-winning graphic novel Watchmen.
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      Comic Book StudiesComics/Sequential ArtGraphic NovelsLiterature and Trauma
Resumo: Alan Moore escreveu a Graphic Novel Lost Girls, publicada em 1991, com a artista e sua esposa Melinda Gebbie. Essa obra desenvolve a vida de três personagens da fantasia clássica dos séculos XIX e XX: Dorothy, de "O Mágico de Oz",... more
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      Estudos de Gênero (Gender Studies)Alan Moore
As dystopian novels, both V for Vendetta and 1984 remain situated within the frame of a post-apocalyptic world in which people are usually exploited by a self-proclaimed supremacist political party governing and controlling the masses in... more
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      George Orwell20th century (History)Dystopian Fiction20th Century British Literature
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      Comic Book StudiesComicsComics/Sequential ArtInterpretation
Although a fluid concept, 'psychogeography' retains consistent themes from its Lettrist and Situationist beginnings to its present-day British vogue. Despite this commonality, some of psychogeography's key elements are absent from From... more
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      ArtComics StudiesPsychogeographySituationism
What makes an anti-hero a true anti-hero? Why is a mask so important for the superhero? Do heroines still wear high heels? These are some of the questions I try to answer in this interview published on A2 kulturní čtrnáctideník.... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyComic Book StudiesComics
Although Alan Moore has criticized the occult appropriation of H.P. Lovecraft in interviews, this article contends that this is precisely what Moore has done in his graphic novel Providence (illustrated by Jacen Burrows). This article... more
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      Sigmund FreudTheosophyLiterature and PsychoanalysisCarl Gustav Jung
A look at comic-book culture in Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao with specific reference to Alan Moore's Watchmen
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      Postcolonial StudiesImmigrationComics StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Watchmen is a comic book series that contains a vast number of cultural references from a plethora of sources. This essay explores how these references and epigraphs affect the reader’s interpretation of the text, besides merely enriching... more
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      Comparative LiteratureComics and Graphic NovelsPercy Bysshe ShelleyAlan Moore
This colloquium paper is an attempt to reflect my thoughts on stories, and telling thereof using visual sequential art as the media. It also briefly discusses my understanding of the art form and its parallel evolution over time, in... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesIllustrationManga and Anime Studies
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      HeroismFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerKierkegaard
This chapter analyses the specific way in which Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill in their graphic novel series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen appropriate Victorian Gothic fiction into a highly elaborate metafictional crossover. Special... more
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      ComicsPost-ColonialismGraphic NovelsNeo-Victorian Literature
Published in The Luminary #6
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      John MiltonNeil GaimanGrant MorrisonAlan Moore
Graphic novels have sparked indignation and controversy among scholars and literary theorists. Various experts have stated that the medium lacks the intricacies and sophistication of the novel. These assumptions are the consequence of... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureLiteratureThe NovelAnarchism
Deconstructing the superhero genre, exposing its roots in proto-apocalypticism, eutopianism, travel narratives, detective noir, science fiction, and other traditions and genres, Moore revolutionized the comic book industry, creating a new... more
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      Alan MoorePlato's RepublicThe Watchmen
Dystopian literature is considered a branch of science fiction which writers use to portray a futuristic dark vision of the world, generally dominated by technology and a totalitarian ruling government that makes use of whatever means it... more
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      George OrwellPhilip K DickSocial Control On New TechnologiesSurveillance
The end of the twentieth century and the turn of the new millennium witnessed an unprecedented flood of traumatic narratives and testimonies of suffering in literature and the arts. Graphic novels, free at last from long decades of stern... more
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      English LiteratureComics StudiesComic Book StudiesTrauma Studies
Pre-publication pages for a chapter in _Teaching the Graphic Novel_ (MLA). Carter reflects on teaching Alan Moore's _Watchmen_ directly after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and how that event informed his pedagogy, the class's reading... more
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      British LiteratureComics StudiesTeaching CompositionPedagogy
Two of the most influential graphic novels of the twentieth century, Frank Miller’s _The Dark Knight Returns_ and Alan Moore’s _Watchmen_ (both published in 1986) played key roles in altering the public’s perception of “comic book”... more
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      Comics StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsSuperheroesAlan Moore
A década de 1980: O gênero Superhero experimenta a transformação mais significativa desde a criação do Superman em 1939. Começa uma nova era de super-heróis, na qual os personagens engraçados ficam mais escuros, violentos, brutais, mais e... more
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      Comics StudiesHeroesComicsComics and Graphic Novels
In most comics, the art and the text – the visual and the verbal channels – seem to be telling the same story. But, to be technical narratologically, it is actually the same fabula, not the same story which requires uniform perspective.... more
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      Comics StudiesHermeneuticsNarratologyHypertext theory
Prova finale di tesi triennale in Scienze per la Comunicazione Internazionale dell'Università di Catania. Il testo propone una prima parte incentrata sugli studi di traduzione a partire dagli anni '70, anni in cui i Translation Studies... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesComics StudiesComics and Graphic Novels
Introduzione Capitolo I: Cinema e fumetto: intermedialità e adattamento 1.1 Cinema e fumetto. Vite parallele 1.2 Una definizione di intermedialità 1.3 Adattamento e 'gerarchia' tra media 1.4 Da fumetto a film 1.5 Una vignetta è un... more
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      Literature and cinemaFilm AnalysisComics StudiesFilm Adaptation
A Jolanta Słobodzian Film Club presents "80s Again!" -- a collection of essays describing selected phenomena in culture and society of 1980s. +-+-+-++-+-+-+ TABLE OF CONTENTS / Part 1: In the orbit of politics / Robert Zybrant:... more
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      ComedyDystopian LiteratureLiteratureCyberpunk
Alan Moore's Promethea (1999 to 2005) is among the most explicitly " gnostic, " " esoteric, " and " occultist " comics strips ever published. Hailed as a virtuoso performance in the art of comics writing, its intellectual content and the... more
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      GnosticismComicsWestern Esotericism (History)Alan Moore
In order to shed light on the current worldwide success of Marvel's comic-book inspired Endgame and the overall rise of “heroes in tights” in cinematic as well as televised form for the last decade or so, one must consider a phenomenon... more
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      Popular CultureContemporary HistoryComics StudiesCinema
""UEA Thesis (2011) In this thesis I draw upon recent formulations of fantasy theory, from Rosemary Jackson’s psychoanalytic analysis to the socio-historical approaches of José Monleon and Mark Bould, and the poetics of fantasy... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesWorld Literatures
Unhappy is the land that needs an anti-hero: a land in crisis, without a clear moral, without truths. The anti-hero embodies competing values; on the one hand, he is born of a crisis, on the other exasperates it, leads it to the extreme... more
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      PhilosophyValuesComics StudiesComics
While the apocalyptic elements of the graphic novel Watchmen have previously been explored, the theodic elements of that text remain to be studied. This article does so by focusing on the figure of Dr. Manhattan, the almost all-powerful... more
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      TheodicyGraphic NovelsReligion and Popular CultureAlan Moore
A look into the world of comics, focusing on the tools of the genre and how the can be translated to, as well as justified as, works of literature. Allan Moore's Watchmen serves as the main novel subjected to literary analysis.
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      LiteratureMoral PhilosophyComics and Graphic NovelsSuperheroes
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      Post Modern LiteratureGnosticismJewish MysticismDeconstruction
In his essay The Myth of Superman, Umberto Eco claims that in superhero comics nothing really changes: this is one of the most characteristic aspects of the superhero who is a status quo defender. By the end of each story, everything is... more
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      Comics StudiesHeroesComicsGraphic Novels
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      Comics StudiesAyn RandObjectivism (Philosophy)Libertarianism
"Keywords: Polyphony, Film, Chronotope, Adaptation, Comics. Watchmen (Zack Snyder, 2009) has a tortuous multi-studio production history, but finally arrived on cinema screens in 2009. Adapting Moore and Gibbons‘ 1986-7 comic series,... more
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      Comics StudiesBakhtinComics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
This project identifies narrative intersections between first-generation Romantic literature and twentieth and twenty-first century graphic novels. Specifically, I comparatively read the nineteenth-century imaginative poesis with... more
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      MythologyRomanticismWilliam Butler YeatsHistory Of Emotions
Applied rigorously, philosophical conceptions of subversion call the very possibility of politically subversive Blockbuster cinema into question. For political theorist Johannes Agnoli, for example, subversion entails a critical... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsVisual StudiesMedia Studies
The term graphic novel has increasingly functioned as a catalyst for understanding comic books as an emergent literary genre. This article focuses on one specific element within this historical process: the claim, made by artists such as... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)English LiteratureCultural SociologyDigital Humanities