Al Qaeda

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Al Qaeda is a militant Islamist organization founded in the late 1980s, known for its transnational terrorist activities and ideological commitment to jihad against perceived enemies of Islam, particularly Western nations. It seeks to establish a global Islamic caliphate and has been responsible for numerous high-profile attacks, including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
The article is opened with definitions of terms utilized throughout the article. Terrorism is defined as the threat or employment of violence against noncombatant targets for political, religious, or ideological purposes by sub-national... more
This article analyses the representations of terrorism that arise out of the BBC’s coverage of the Wood Green ricin plot (2003), the first instance of al-Qaeda-related activity in the United Kingdom during the “war on terror”. Inspired by... more
This article examines the heritage destruction undertaken by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. To date, their iconoclasm has been mostly characterised either as acts of wanton barbarism devoid of religious or political... more
With the rise of global actors declaring statehood, the place branding competition has expanded beyond internationally recognized cities and nations. ISIS and al-Qaeda insist the establishment of the Caliphate defined both as a place and... more
Terrorism is designed to attract attention to the terrorist's cause and to spread fear and anxiety among wide circles of the targeted population. This paper provides information about the ways terrorists are using the Internet. The threat... more
To address if and how militant, non-state actors in the online environment react to on-the-ground military pressures facing their competitors, this study explores AQAP’s visual media campaign during the 2016–2017 military operations to... more
The Global Jihadist Movement (GJM) has a series of well-defined objectives, which constitute the central points of their ideology. In the realization of these goals, propaganda and public communication play a central role. This article... more
Danial Byman‟s latest book, Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Global Jihadist Movement: What everyone needs to know, comes at a crucial juncture in time when new terrorist outfits have been evolving out of the old ones. This piece of... more
The increasing rates of terrorism in Africa is a growing concern globally, and the realization of such dreadful circumstances demonstrates the need to disclose who is behind such terrible acts. Terrorists and extremist organizations have... more
This paper examines the relationship between al-Qaida in Iraq and Islamic State, asking what remains of AQI within the current incarnation of IS. The study is based on available information concerning the backgrounds and the roles of the... more
This briefing offers preliminary reflections and insights into global jihadi discourses on women’s role as militant activists. It references primary source writings and audiovisual materials produced by jihadi groups and ideologues. The... more
While known and feared as the most dangerous global jihadi group, since 2014 al-Qaida has only been involved in one attack in the West. In the same period, al-Qaida's renegade affiliate and current competitor, the Islamic State, has... more
AQ’s activities in Bangladesh have primarily been conducted through its South Asian affiliate, Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), which has adopted a propaganda centric approach to gain a foothold in the country. This article... more
With the release of Hollywood blockbuster ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ renewed attention has been paid to the Operation in which Osama bin Laden was killed, and questions have again begun circulating about the US programme of ‘targeted killings’... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL) is one of the most powerful jihadi groups in Libya and it might, in fact, represent a more significant long-term threat than IS' provinces in Libya. However, there are few recent studies of ASL, so exactly... more
The Legacy of Iraq critically reflects on the abject failure of the 2003 intervention to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism, its citizens free to live in peace and prosperity. It argues that mistakes... more
Jihadist narratives have evolved dramatically over the past five years, driven by momentous events in the Middle East and beyond; the death of bin Laden; the rise and ultimate failure of the Arab Spring; and most notably, the rise of the... more
The word 'madrasa' do generate a lot of curiosity and negative propaganda among scholars of international community. In most of the instances it is considered to be an institution of preaching hatred and violence. Moreover, the madrasas... more
In recent years, jihadist-inspired armed groups and individuals have planned and, in some cases, actually carried out terrorist attacks in the West using various types of firearms - some of them with severe consequences. After presenting... more
The conflict in Yemen has been labelled the 'worst humanitarian crisis in the world' by the EU and characterised by the UN as 'entirely man-made'. The UN has warned that Yemen, already one of the poorest countries in the Arab world prior... more
This article investigates Twitter data related to the kidnapping case of two German nationals in the southern region of the Philippines by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). It explores perceptions of the ASG, along with associated organizations... more
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
Al Qaeda and Jihadist Terrorism in the light of contest theory A theoretical note and empirical evidence over the period 2002-2007 Contact Author
The unprecendeted growth of terrorism had made the environment of international peace and security far more complex than in the era of World war and Cold war. By utlizing the features of globalization the terror organizations had gone... more
How do political and religious leaders and organizations delegitimize rival perspectives within their own religious tradition? What kind of frames do they use to undermine the arguments of others? Although there is a rich literature that... more
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie współczesnych narracji konspiracyjnych w kontekście społeczeństwa hiszpańskiego oraz tamtejszych środków masowego przekazu. Koncentruje się na sprzecznych teoriach spiskowych, jakie narosły wokół... more
A Guerra Global contra o Terror tem consumido uma grande quantidade de recursos estadunidenses desde 2001. Operando no Iraque e no Afeganistão há quase duas décadas, os EUA têm até agora falhado na elaboração de um plano para o término da... more
This paper analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on extremist and terrorist actors with a special focus on the “Islamic State” (IS), “Al Qaeda” (AQ), their affiliates, and other active groups. The first aspect is the religious and... more
The Salafi-jihadi movement shifted to prioritizing local over global objectives during the Arab Spring. Analysts wrongly understood this as a weakening of the groups. Groups have hidden their true nature by hiding their ties to global... more
A CIA which cannot do its real job and fabricates and churns sensational reports about killing non entities
November 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34031.46249
Project: How History Moves
Agha H Amin
—Syria’s complex internal conditions particularly since 2010 paved the way for civil war inside the country. Bashar al-Assad’s intricate schemes to subdue the impending ‘Arab Spring’ and remained to cling to power resulted in the deaths... more
Saleem Shahzads Misperceptions regarding non state actors in af pak Syed Saleem Shazads analysis of non state actors places non state actors on a higher pedestal than state actors. This scribes study of so called terrorism built over... more
The US strategy lacked that burning fire to beat the enemy. While US strategists rightly saw China as consolidating Pakistan as its western corridor to Gulf oil and mineral resources of West Asia their support to secessionists in... more
DEPOIS DE TER "PEREGRINADO" por vários países, Osama Bin Laden foi morto aos 54 anos no Paquistão. A sua morte de Bin Laden alimentou um certo sentido de justiça e de triunfalismo na luta contra o terrorismo e a Al-Qaeda. Afagou... more
The present work consists of a reflexive commentary on the book of Professor Juan Avilés from an eminently psychological perspective, focusing on those aspects most significant for said discipline, pointing out some salient elements to... more
On the morning of the 8th of April 2013, the world woke up to Abu Bakr Al- Baghdadi, the leader of what was called the Islamic State in Iraq or ISI, announcing the expansion of his group from Iraq into Syria. Al-Baghdadi also announced... more
In this exchange in International Security, I contest Barbara Walter's thesis that groups like ISIS benefit from being super extreme. I argue that extremism is counterproductive -- a point developed in far greater detail in my book, Rules... more
This report calls on data from the largest collection of interviews with foreign fighters and those closest to them. It combines data from open-ended interviews with 43 parents, siblings, and friends of 30 men and women who travelled to... more
For all the radical Islamists, the world is divided into two adobes, Darul Islam and Darul Harb, and their aim is to expand Darul Islam to the level where there is no place left for Darul Harb in the world. Only then would the jihad stop... more
Com'è sorto lo "Stato islamico" nell'Iraq e nella Siria devastati dalla guerra civile e perché il jihad armato è diventato un attore chiave del panorama internazionale? Qual è la forza di un messaggio che attrae migliaia di foreign... more
With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for... more
Most of the US public opinion generally remembers the 80s as a successful decade, characterized by a great economic recovery and the victory in the Cold War at the expense of the Soviet Union. Those years came after the uncertain 70s,... more
This Technical Memorandum discusses the nature and extent of the terrorist threat against the petroleum industry. It specifically focuses on al Qaeda’s efforts and stated intent to strike at energy infrastructure in the Middle East and in... more