Al Qaeda

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Al Qaeda is a militant Islamist organization founded in the late 1980s, known for its transnational terrorist activities and ideological commitment to jihad against perceived enemies of Islam, particularly Western nations. It seeks to establish a global Islamic caliphate and has been responsible for numerous high-profile attacks, including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
This article contributes to the literature on terrorist group decision-making by introducing a new procedure, Applied Decision Analysis, in an attempt to understand how leaders of terrorist organizations make decisions. We examine... more
En este trabajo nos proponemos una aproximacion a la atribucion de sentido, realizada por la revista norteamericana Time a los acontecimientos posteriores al 11 de septiembre de 2001. Plantemos el analisis desde la perspectiva de la... more
A group's resilience is often linked to its network structure. While decentralized network properties have been associated with resilience at the group-level, little is known about the individual-level factors that lead groups to adopt... more
A group's resilience is often linked to its network structure. While decentralized network properties have been associated with resilience at the group-level, little is known about the individual-level factors that lead groups to adopt... more
Türkiye'de İslamcılık 1980'lerden itibaren büyük bir atak yaparken en ciddi ve hararetli tartışmaların döndüğü mecraların başında İslamcı dergiler geliyordu. Bu dönemde birbiri ardına yayın hayatına atılan dergilerin en başta... more
The Yemen conflict has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, leaving millions in urgent need of aid. However, humanitarian assistance has increasingly been exploited—obstructed, diverted, or misused by warring factions for... more
The Algerian Hirak is a popular non-violent protest movement pursuing systemic change in Algeria that has pressured the Algerian government for political transition since 16 February 2019. While the Hirak repudiates violent actors,... more
This study investigated measures taken by Muslim religious scholars to counter media representation of terrorism in Kenya. As country with diverse religious groups and unique terrorism experience, Kenya presents a unique context for the... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
"Carthago delenda est" ("Carthage must be destroyed") is traditionally believed to be the phrase that Cato the Elder used to conclude his speeches to the Senate in the years prior to the outbreak of the Third Punic War in 149 BCE.... more
A disputa hegemônica entre EUA e China, evento contemporâneo fulcral, nos infere a refletir sobre o futuro do ordenamento global. Tradicionais recursos de poder (político, econômico e militar), inexoravelmente, se farão presentes.... more
The thesis is titled “The Transformative effect of cyberspace on terrorism: The case of Islamic terrorism”. It analyses the phenomenon of cyberterrorism and whether information and communication technologies (ICTs) affect terrorism. The... more
Öz 2011 yılında Suriye'de patlak veren toplumsal olayların hem bölgesel hem de küresel etkileri oldu. 1970 yılından günümüze kadar ülkeyi kontrolü altında tutan Esad rejimi, toplumsal tabanda istediği kontrolü ve denetimi sağlamak için... more
This paper explores the phenomenon of military intervention in Niger Republic as a form of resistance to French influence and interference in the country's political and economic milieu. Over six decades after gaining formal independence,... more
L'époque à laquelle nous vivons est incroyable pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d'abord, elle est singulière parce que nous traversons dans nos vies personnelles, nos communautés et à l'échelle de l'humanité une transition qui se passe à une... more
espanolLas Filipinas son un archipielago en el que habitan mas de cien millones2 de personas, de las cuales un 5% son fieles de la religion musulmana. La poblacion que profesa la fe islamica se concentra en la denominada Region Autonoma... more
CEPS Policy Briefs present concise, policy-oriented analyses of topical issues in European affairs, with the aim of interjecting the views of CEPS researchers and associates into the policy-making process in a timely fashion. Unless... more
Islam is a monotheistic religion. Its adherents are called Muslims, and they make up approximately a quarter of the world's population. Muslims consider Islam the successor of earlier Abrahamic faiths such as Judaism and Christianity, and... more
THE plethora of studies of terrorist labour in Pakistan and elsewhere provide vague empirical assessments of links between education, poverty and other aspects of socio-economic status and popular support for terrorism.
WHEN 'terrorism' is used to refer to certain groups or their actions, it risks straying into the realm of subjectivity. The attacks of September 2001 and the terrorism associated with Al Qaeda have only added exponentially to the existing... more
It was projected that a militarily weakened Al Qaeda, under extreme duress from the barrage of counterterrorism measures from the West, would start to succumb, as evidence of which the increasing number of failed terrorist attempts were... more
IDEOLOGY may have been the forte of Al Qaeda ideologues promoting global jihad, but it has also combined with a military tactical doctrine to make it look more pragmatic to millions of ‘jihobbyists’ around the world. Since this becomes a... more
Several findings now find currency in social science, which
suggest that compared to the ordinary citizen, terrorists do
not exhibit unusually high rates of clinical
psychopathology, irrationality, or personality disorders.
This paper investigates the role of absolute language as a symbolic image, emphasizing its capacity to provoke psychological defenses and influence risk behaviors in jihadist contexts. Drawing on extensive ethnographic research conducted... more
İngilizce ve Fransızca’da “intelligence” sözcüğü ile ifade edilen; manası “akıl” ve “zekâ” olan istihbarat sözcüğünün günümüz Türkçesi’nde sözlük manası “haber almak”dır. İstihbarat; iç ve dış tehditlere karşı askeri, iktisadi ve politik... more
• Abstract. Extremism has been the most reverberating term of the last two centuries, stoking fear, and destruction in many places. It comes in a variable packaging masquarded behind beliefs such as social, ideological, historical and... more
RAND testimonies record testimony presented by RAND associates to federal, state, or local legislative committees; government-appointed commissions and panels; and private review and oversight bodies.
During 2011, Brian Michael Jenkins was asked to testify about the status of al Qaeda before Congress on several occasions and to brief members of Congress, NATO ambassadors and planners, federal judges, and senior intelligence and law... more
RAND testimonies record testimony presented by RAND associates to federal, state, or local legislative committees; government-appointed commissions and panels; and private review and oversight bodies.
Terrorists often resolve internal disputes the old-fashioned way: They kill each other. This was demonstrated on February 22, 2014, when members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are believed to have carried out the... more
My testimony will address two fundamental questions: 1. What is the threat posed by Western fighters who have joined jihadist fronts in Syria and Iraq? 2. How can the United States enhance its ability to identify and intercept returning... more
This paper uses social movement theory to examine the rise and development of Boko Haram and AQIM into radical groups. Boko Haram and AQIM were initially established as moderate and conservative Islamist groups in Nigeria and Algeria... more
This article analyses the high number of individuals who left Tunisia after the Arab Spring to join a jihadi organisation in Syria or in Iraq and it attempts to provide some explanations for this phenomenon. The analysis begins with an... more
In our study, first of all, the thoughts of the valuable sociologists of the 19th century on "change" and the phenomenon of "social change" and the fact that this phenomenon continues at a dizzying pace in the 21st century are explained,... more
En este trabajo, se realiza un análisis de algunos recursos discursivos que enmarcan la legitimación ideológica del yihadismo de al Qaeda. A través de textos de tres ideólogos fundamentales de diferentes etapas de al Qaeda (Abdullah... more
President Bush's May 2003 announcement aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln that "major combat operations" had ended in Iraq has been replayed endlessly. What is less well remembered is just what the president claimed the United States had... more
While reflecting on intelligence, I related strategic, tactical, and operational intelligence to fundamental physics and quantum physics. I proposed analogies: strategic intelligence resembles gravity, which influences large-scale... more
The origins of ISIS were traced to the Arab Spring that created instability in the Middle East. This instability was exacerbated by the American-led coalition's invasion of Iraq in 2003, prompted by the 9/11 attacks. The paper... more
A branch of the Al-Qaeda armed terrorist organisation, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was founded by Osama bin Laden to fight the Soviet Union during the Afghan War. This group persisted in opposing Islamic authorities who were... more
كتاب حبال من رمل قصة إخفاق أمريكا في الشرق الأوسط (Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle East)، تأليف مسؤول المخابرات الأمريكية السابق ولبر كرين ايفلاند (Wilbur Crane Eveland)، ترجمه إلى اللغة العربية سهيل زكار، صدرت طبعته... more
Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the Islamic schools known as madrasah havebeen of increasing interest to analysts and to officials involved in formulating U.S. foreign policytoward the Middle East, Central, and... more
Las revoluciones árabes pacíficas, a través de los vídeos e Internet, han logrado marginar a Al Qaeda como referencia en el uso de la imagen. Las imágenes y los símbolos de las revueltas pacíficas han invadido la imaginación árabe y su... more
The death of Osama bin Laden presents an important opportunity to reassess U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. Current U.S. thinking centers on two interests. The first is preventing al Qaeda and its Taliban allies from reestablishing a safe... more