Air Traffic Management
Recent papers in Air Traffic Management
We consider the problems of conflict detection and resolution in air traffic management (ATM) from the perspective of computational geometry and give algo-rithms for solving these problems efficiently. For con-flict resolution, we propose... more
Abstract Airlines explain the purchase of oversized aircraft by flexibility within flight operations despite potentially higher fuel consumption and operating costs. In this paper assessment and attributes of flexibility as a criterion is... more
Since the STS-114 mission in August of 2005, the FAA has partnered with NASA to protect aircraft flying in the National Airspace System from the potential hazards associated with a catastrophic failure of a reentering Space Shuttle... more
The last few years have brought unprecedented change to the air k~Ric management industry. Air transporf has benefited from sustained growth as a result of the favouruble economic climate, helped by the liberdisafion of aviation af... more
In the present article the author demonstrates the basic elements related to remote towers, such as the remote control, its developement, types and logic. The concept and content of remote sensing is being determined and also its relation... more
"Formal methods aim to apply mathematically-based techniques to the development of computer-based systems, especially at the specification level, but also down to the implementation level. This aids early detection and avoidance of errors... more
On Friday 15 March 2013, Clean Sky organized two workshops on Clean Sky 2. The morning session was dedicated to Academia and the afternoon session to Clusters. The purpose of these workshops was to discuss the present experience in Clean... more
Driven by anticipated increase in satellite deployments and corresponding increase on spacelaunch demand, numerous domestic and international government programs as well as several "start-up" private ventures have been formed to develop... more
The current review addresses emerging issues that arise from the creation of safe, beneficial, and trusted artificial intelligence–air traffic controller (AI-ATCO) systems for air traffic management (ATM). These issues concern trust... more
Space Traffic Management (STM) is being developed to deal mainly with the problems of satellite operations and space debris. Therefore, it is currently being examined separately from air traffic management (ATM). However, the advent of... more
Due to the inherent complexity of nowadays Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, standard methods looking at an event as a linear sequence of failures might become inappropriate. For this purpose, adopting a systemic perspective, the... more
The Contract of Objectives (CoO), which is based on Target Windows (TWs), constitutes a new concept of operations for Air Traffic Management. TWs are represented by 4-D windows to be respected during the flight execution. They are... more
Purpose: The aim of this article is to analyze the evolution of fuel consumption efficiency of the domestic flights in Brazil along the period 2000-2015 in order understand the overall efficiency of the aeronautical infrastructure in this... more
This paper describes the results of the FP6 project SWIM-SUIT (System Wide Information Management -Supported by Innovative Technologies) that currently integrates a number of existing ATM (Air Traffic Management) systems on top of a newly... more
„Gdy już posmakowałeś lotu, zawsze będziesz chodzić po ziemi z oczami utkwionymi w niebo, bo tam właśnie byłeś i tam zawsze będziesz pragnął powrócić” - te słowa Leonarda da Vinci towarzyszą autorom niniejszej publikacji przez cały czas .... more
Air Traffic Management (ATM) of the future allows for the possibility of free flight, in which aircraft choose their own optimal routes, altitudes, and velocities. The safe resolution of trajectory conflicts between aircraft is necessary... more
We present a model to describe the inbound air traffic over a congested hub and we show that this model gives a very accurate description of the traffic by comparing our theoretical distribution of the queue with the actual distribution... more
With the proliferation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in low-altitude airspace and a growing interest in new Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions, the Air Traffic Controller (ATCo)'s responsibility to ensure safety and efficiency of... more
This paper is a part of my summer internship program with the Airports Authority of India (AAI). The aim of this paper is to provide a detailed overview and analysis of working of the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System... more
Air controlled Traffic is a facility provided by controllers in ground who direct an aircraft in ground and in air. The main purpose of ATC is to avoid aircrafts from being collided and provide info to the pilot. In Brazil ATC is mainly... more
The aviation and aerospace industry has been one that has grown exponentially in terms of traffic and technology over the last six decades. With the onset of more aircraft, better flight instruments and systems, and intricate traffic... more
The paradigm change towards Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) has led to the deployment or planned deployment of many Air Traffic Management (ATM) decision support tools, across the US and Europe and improvements in airborne Flight... more
Ryzyko w ruchu lotniczym jest tradycyjnie utożsamiane z wypadkami lotniczymi, które przynoszą dużą liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych i wielkie straty finansowe. Powaga skutków jest przyczyną, dla której bezpieczeństwo jest kluczową wartością w... more
Air Traffic Controller is one of the world's most risky job. Air traffic controllers working in the TRNC attends the course with a period 1 year or more in DHMI, Turkey depending on the number of controllers. This article describes the... more
Team performance has been studied in many safety-critical organizations including aviation, nuclear power plant, offshore oil platforms and health organizations. This study looks into teamwork strategies that air traffic controllers... more
Air traffic is doubling every 15 years and aviation systems must modernize to address sustainability challenges. The need to balance capacity, efficiency, safety and environmental requirements is reflected by the several Air Traffic... more
Metoda wyznaczania pojemności rejonu lotniska dla różnych systemów organizacji ruchu lotniczego. rozprawa doktorska Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. Mirosława Dąbrowa-Bajon _____________________________________________________ Warszawa, 1997... more
In the civil aviation context, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are gaining an increasingly important role. Although the aviation business has relied on ICT for many decades, the continuing growth in passenger numbers,... more
The research presented in this paper focuses on the conceptual design of an innovative Air Traffic Management (ATM) system featuring automated 4-Dimensional Trajectory (4DT) Planning, Negotiation and Validation (4-PNV) functionalities to... more
Prior to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, aircraft operations in Russia relied primarily on air traffic control services provided by antiquated equipment developed and managed by both the Soviet military and the national airline,... more
Advances in aerospace Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are accelerating the introduction of automated decision making functionalities and the progressive transition to trusted autonomous operations both in civil and military applications.... more
Road design/Verkehrsplanung/Specifikimi teknik
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Innovative air traffic management concepts can be effectively evaluated using fast-time computer simulations, which require air traffic control models. This paper presents a literature survey of the state-of-the-art in air traffic... more
The technological developments in next generation avionics and air traffic management systems triggered through various regional and international research initiatives and modernization programs introduces greater interdependency and... more
Here is my final project work of junior year. Analyzing about The 1:6 rule, and final formulas
In the present article the author demonstrates the process of the formulation of remote tower as a concept and technology and interprets the general layout of the system. The advantageous attributes and added values are summarized and... more
The use of ICT in civil aviation has increased exponentially in the last years. Digitalisation and the technological tools and systems often connected to the internet constitute serious risks for aviation cyber security. The Government... more