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RESUMO O texto aborda as ações educativas oferecidas por uma Organização Transnacional do Terceiro Setor, com comitês locais, no Brasil, e aborda a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de uma nova relação com o saber, no sentido de... more
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      AiesecInterculturalidadeTerceiro SetorAções educativas
Apesar de disponibilizarmos algumas centenas de dinâmicas de grupo fizemos uma seleção com 5 atividades de motivação que podem ser aplicadas em empresas, com professores, na sala de aula, em encontros de jovens ou em qualquer ocasião que... more
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      AiesecDinámicas De GrupoBrincadeiras Motivacionais
The next paper shows the successful case of an strategic management model based in competences, used by the organization AIESEC to be implemented in small and medium enterprises located in Guadalajara’s metropolitan zone, all this, with... more
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      Strategic ManagementCompetence ManagementPyMEsAiesec
The exchange is a practice increasingly sought, especially concerning the opportunity to experience new experiences, learn a new language, get to know other cultures, and expand the curriculum, since this type of experience has a great... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural ExchangeTourismAiesec
El siguiente artículo muestra el caso exitoso de modelo de gestión estratégica basado en competencias utilizado por la organización Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) para ser... more
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      Gestión Por CompetenciasPyMEsAiesecGestión Estratégica
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      Non-formal EducationHigher EducationAiesec
The next paper shows the successful case of a strategic management model based in competences, used by the organization Association Internationale des Étudiants en Scinces Économiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) to be implemented in small... more
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    • Aiesec
The exchange is a practice increasingly sought, especially concerning the opportunity to experience new experiences, learn a new language, get to know other cultures, and expand the curriculum, since this type of experience has a great... more
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This paper discussed about the involvement of a Non-Governmental Organization which has successfully empower the youth in a developing country, that is Indonesia.
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      Social Development in developing countriesDeveloping CountriesPositive Youth DevelopmentLeadership Development
P r e s i d e n t P r e s i d e n t V P I n c o m i n g G l o b a l Y o u t h A m b a s s a d o r P r o g r a m m e V P I n c o m i n g G l o b a l Y o u t h A m b a s s a d o r P r o g r a m m e
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    • Aiesec
RESUMO O texto aborda as ações educativas oferecidas por uma Organização Transnacional do Terceiro Setor, com sede na Europa (Centro) e comitês locais, no Brasil (periferia), e a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de uma nova relação... more
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      AiesecInterculturalidadeTerceiro SetorAções educativas
Based on four-months fieldwork (Jun-Aug 2014, Mar-May 2015), this dissertation explores how individuals are transformed into neoliberal "docile bodies". It examines the working lives of transnational temporary employees (22-27 years old),... more
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      TransnationalismNeoliberalismAiesecSelf Transcendence
Apresentação online na International scientific conference "Tourism and the global crises" na University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Economics, Tourism Department na cidade de Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
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If we don't change the world, then who will? Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural experience for youth who want to gain personal development and leave an impact on the world. I worked as a Global Volunteer for 6 weeks at ITES Jacopo... more
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    • Aiesec
Resumo A comunicação tem o propósito de trazer pontos de convergência entre as concepções de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon e as considerações resultantes de uma pesquisa de mestrado sobre as ações educativas oferecidas por uma Organização... more
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      AiesecEducação Não FormalEducação Libertária
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      AiesecGeographic Information Systems (GIS)