Recent papers in Agronomie
The aim of this study was to evaluate the infestation of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B in 19 soybean cultivars in the Paragominas grain pole, 2017/18 crop year. The cultivars selected for planting are based on... more
The aim of this study was to determine the efficiency of different evaluation methods and indices for the prediction of the best parentals for the development of a synthetic variety of the faba bean. Our work compared topcross and... more
L'influence d'extraits phénoliques de jeunes feuilles de pêcher sur la survie et le gain pondéral des larves de Mj)ziis persicae a été évaluée en les incorporant à une nourriture artificielle. Les feuilles ont été prélevées sur 2 hybrides... more
On a déterminé les teneurs en Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb et Zn des vers de terreau, Eisenia fetida andrei, élevés dans un compost d'ordures ménagères âgé de 7 jours et dans un compost de référence (à base de terreau et de fèces de lapin). L'élevage a... more
butions s'efforcent de montrer l'apport spécifique de chaque discipline à l'analyse de l'innovation et des dynamiques de changement, en s'appuyant sur L1ne bibliographie sélectionnée et/ou ses propres pratiques ue recherche. Le seconde... more
Effects of salt stress in hydroponic media on clover plants inoculated with Rhizobium. The application of salt stress in hydroponic conditions on clover seedlings (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) inoculated with Rhizobium affected the... more
Descripción breve de la función que emplea cada abeja dentro de una colmena según su jerarquia
Interest is increasing in the development of methods to automatically and continuously detect crop stress, water use, growth and nutrition in greenhouse crops. Some of these techniques are now being tried in commercial greenhouses and... more
pour 2éme année lmd
— A simplified method for estimating the leaf area growth of field-grown maize from a reduced number of measurements A simplified method for leaf area estimation in corn is described. It is shown that during the first half of leaf... more
Choisir une voie et s'identifier à une lignée furent les préoccupations majeures qui ont marqué nos premiers pas dans la recherche. Parmi les questions que nous nous sommes posées, il en est une concernant le domaine de la littérature... more
Efek salinitas terhadap lahan pertanian, dianggap sebagai ancaman serius terhadap penyediaan pangan dunia saat ini dan akan datang. Lebih dari 7 % atau 77 juta ha dari total lahan di dunia (930 juta ha), dan lebih dari 20 % lahan... more
Avec plus d'un million d'habitants, la ville de Bukavu en RDC ne possède ni depotoir public ni organisme specialisé dans la gestion des dechets.
Tanaman Padi (Oriza Sativa) merupakan salah satu komoditi penghasil beras dan menjadi sumber utama pangan bagi bangsa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, hampir setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki sentra pertanian padi sebagai penyedia pangan,... more
— Le sorbitol est l'un des 17 alditols trouvés chez les plantes supérieures. Il est, avec le saccharose, un produit majeur de la photosynthèse chez plusieurs espèces de la famille des Rosaceae et des Plantaginaceae. L'accumulation... more
Biokontrol didefinisikan sebagai organisme alami, hasil rekayasa genetik, dan gen atau produk gen, yang digunakan untuk mengurangi efek penyakit pada organisme inang yang menguntungkan manusia, serta tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan (Monte... more
Lemahnya pengendalian terhadap sumber daya dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan pelaksanaan suatu proyek konstruksi. Ketidaksesuaian antara jadwal rencana dan realisasi di lapangan menimbulkan masalah pembengkakan biaya proyek. Salah satu... more
The long-term stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) in tropical and temperate regions is mediated by soil biota (e.g. fungi, bacteria, roots and earthworms), soil structure (e.g. aggregation) and their interactions. On average, soil... more
During the 1999/2000 agricultural seasons, an experiment was carried out on winter wheat fields in the semiarid Yaqui Valley (Northwest Mexico). This data set was used to calibrate the evolution of the leaf area index (LAI) simulated by... more
The level and type of resistance against leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) was determined in modern spring barley germplasm. In field trials all over Europe most accessions were in some locations and years significantly less infected than the... more
— Genetic mapping of disease resistance genes will help improve the efficiency of plant breeding and will lead to a better understanding of the molecular basis of resistance. It requires, however, both reliable pathological tests... more
This article assesses various movements and struggles touching on agriculture and the agrarian question at political and historiographical planes in post-revolutionary Tunisia. It reads the Tunisian uprising through the lens of an... more
Mycelial growth of two strains of the mushroom Lentinula edodes (IE-40 and IE-105) was evaluated on barley straw, corn cob, corn stover, rice bran, bracts of pineapple crown, coffee husk, sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane leaves. The last... more
The land degradation in Benin becomes a major concern for the durability of the production systems. For a better maize productivity in the North of the country, the experimentation was carried out during the production season 2012-2013,... more
At first sight, the agdal consists of banning grazing each year for a given period, allowing a resting period to the vegetation, the establishment of young seedlings and thus the continuity of the ecosystem and of the pastoral activity.... more
Eight cultivars of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) were tested for their tolerance to different levels of nickel (Ni) (0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 μM) in nutrient solution at pH 6.8. Seeds were germinated and grown in the presence of nickel under... more
Modelling the architecture of the root system is a recent approach, since almost all such models have appeared during the last 10 years. In a short review of these architectural models, we define several steps in their evolution, which... more
En Afrique sahélienne, le maïs a joué jusqu’à ces dernières années le rôle d’une culture de complément ou de soudure, à la différence des régions humides — comme le golfe de Guinée —, où il est devenu une nourriture de base. Cet article... more
— Ce travail a pour but de caractériser les paramètres descriptifs de la structure et de la cinétique de ramification des racines nodales primaires du maïs. Chaque fois que cela a été possible, les déterminations ont eu lieu au... more
Some free-living rhizobacteria are considered as potential biocontrol and plant growth-promoting agents. Successful application of beneficial bacteria as microbial inoculants requires their presence and activity at the appropriate level,... more
""Méconnu de notre histoire, l'abbé Maurice Proulx (1902-1988) est un des pionniers du septième art québécois. Prêtre, agronome, travailleur social et cinéaste autodidacte, il se lance dans l'aventure du cinéma dès le début des années... more
Information concerning the evaluation of apricot resistance to sharka (plum pox potyvirus) has in many cases been published in journals of limited circulation. In an attempt to assess the actual status of this resistance, a global review... more