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Madhya Pradesh (MP) has made considerable growth in its agriculture sector and has emerged to be the largest producer of foodgrains. The state needs to investigate, whether this substantial growth of agriculture production was stable and... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsInstabilityMaizeCash Flow projections
The 3D printers when they appeared were used only by large industries, due to its very high cost. However, new and more affordable models are emerging, providing an increase in the acquisition and use for different applications of such... more
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      3D printingImpresoras 3DAgriculture TechnologyProductive Process
Management of domestic wastewater has a direct impact on the environmental health of urban dwellers and the general physical condition of an urban settlement. This paper analyses domestic wastewater management in Mlolongo and Ruiru towns... more
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    • Agriculture Technology
Ecofriendly vermicomposting technology is used for utilizing the locally available agrowastes. Three different combinations of locally abundant agrowastes-banana waste (BW), mixed farm waste (MFW) and cow dung (CD) were fed to two... more
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      VermicompostingAgriculture TechnologyAgrowaste processing
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      BiologyAgriculture Technology
Technology is application of knowledge which ultimately changes the society. This paper reviews technology’s impact on social transformation in villages of Jhelum. It assumed that technological use have transformed the traditional... more
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      SociologyAnthropologySocial FormationAgriculture Technology
Brexit will require the UK to adopt a new UK agricultural policy. This change has been publicised as a positive outcome of Brexit with the potential to improve the environment whilst also supporting a technological revolution of the... more
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      Climate ChangeConservationSustainable agricultureAgricultural Policy
Ths paper describes the preparatory design and construction work for a of real-time autonomous mobile robot aimed at navigating in real farms with no operator intervention. The agricultural environment being targeted consists of an... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringRoboticsAutomotive Systems EngineeringArtificial Intelligence
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      AgronomyPrecision AgricultureAgricultural EconomicsAgriculture
Worldwide, pisciculture has significantly grown over the past half-century to around 52.2 million tonnes in 2008 into US$98.5 billion. Kenya’s agriculture sector is the largest foreign exchange earner taking10 percent annual economic... more
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      PiscicultureAgriculture Technology
This study proposes an advanced solution for monitoring the weather conditions and adapting new farming techniques for the overall growth of the economy. It has been found that 30% of our country's GDP comes from farming which proves that... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyAgriculturePrecision Farming
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    • Agriculture Technology
This study relates to the extent and effectiveness of modern agricultural technology for farming. Throughout history, technology has been shown to be quite beneficial in agricultural industries. Farmers may now farm crops in previously... more
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      AgricultureModern AgricultureAgriculture TechnologyTraditional Farming
The desire of every nation is to provide goods and services that can actually satisfy citizens and also be enough for export in other to acquire foreign exchange. Due to scarce resources and diversity in human behavior, proper... more
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      Information SystemsComputer EngineeringManagement Information SystemAgriculture Technology
The poverty levels in Eritrea are alarming. In the light of the escalating nature of poverty, there is an urgent need for a poverty alleviation initiative to reduce miseries of the majority of the poor. An attempt is made in this paper to... more
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      PovertyMicrofinanceEritreaAgriculture Extension
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      AgrochemicalsRiesgosEstudios Sociales De La Ciencia Y La TecnologíaAgriculture Technology
Technology is application of knowledge which ultimately changes the society. This paper reviews technology's impact on social transformation in villages of Jhelum. It assumed that technological use have transformed the traditional... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyDevelopment StudiesRural Development
The 3D printers when they appeared were used only by large industries, due to its very high cost. However, new and more affordable models are emerging, providing an increase in the acquisition and use for different applications of such... more
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      3-D printingAgriculture TechnologyEnciclopédia BiosferaProductive Process
This experiment was conducted in tomato field at Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU, Chitwan, Nepal) between October 2016 and May 2017 to evaluate effect of net house on invasive insect species of tomato moth, Tuta absoluta... more
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      Integrated Pest ManagementAgriculture Technology
La innovación es un factor de supervivencia que los agricultores rurales deben imponer en sus prácticas, pues esto les permite competir activamente en el mercado; considerando que la innovación agrícola es un éxito desde un punto de vista... more
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      PerceptionPrecision AgricultureAgricultureAgricultural innovation
The desire of every nation is to provide goods and services that can actually satisfy citizens and also be enough for export in other to acquire foreign exchange. Due to scarce resources and diversity in human behavior, proper... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer EngineeringManagement Information System
In modern agriculture, most of the field operations from sowing to harvesting are done mechanically by using heavy agriculture machines. However, the loads from these heavy machines may induce stresses exceeding soil strength causing soil... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil CompactionTechnology in AgricultureSoils Mechanics
The  challenge in rural areas is to scale up, networking possibilities are rare and the ecosystem to mentor is also missing. These issues are yaken up.
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      Rural DevelopmentAgricultureEntrepeneurship, Start-Ups, Technology TransferAgriculture Technology